Weather in parks in August


Active Member
Original Poster
:wave:Hello. In 2009 we are going to Orlando and WDW for 31 days in August. The last time we went it was Christmas. Could anybody tell me what the weather is like around this time and how much rain and how it affects how things operate in the parks.
Is the weather really hot and how long does it usually rain for?:wave:

PS only 609 days to go!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Hot, sticky and very crowded until the last week of August, then hot, sticky and not-quite-so-crowded!

That said, take lots of sun block and pace yourselves and you'll still have a great trip! :D

DS and I were there the last week of August and will probably be there that week for the next few years [school becoming too important to miss :(]. It is hot, but if you have a month, you'll be able to see and do everything when it's not the hottest time of day and take a swim or just a nap at your resort when the heat is oppressive.

We'll likely be there from the 22nd/23rd to the 29th/30th of August '09. Maybe we can arrange a meet when the time is closer. :D

EDIT: Forgot the rain... It usually rains almost daily that time of year, but only for a short period in the afternoon [of course it's also hurricane season, which can bring high winds and a lot of rain if it happens].

Peaches Magee

New Member
AMEN! It is sooooo hot then. But yes the very end of the month the crowds do lighten a bit with kids going back to school locally and all over as well.

Last time I went in August I was pregnant and miserable, but apparently everyone else informed me they had a blast... but it was kind of a blur to me. hehe. Light clothes and sunblock and lots of hydration... of and get one of those spray mist fan things... they saved us! Regardless, you are in Disney, you will have a blast!


Well-Known Member
August huh?

Well, there is probably 100% chance of rain, 100% chance of 90+ degree heat and oh yea, August is in the middle of Hurricane season.

Have fun. :wave:


Well-Known Member
We did August 1st - 22nd last year. We were pleasantly surprised by crowd levels, expecting chaos but it never happened. The first week was quiet (compared to Easter crowds) it was busier the second week and quietened down towards the end of the third week.

Weather - hot and with humidity but surprisingly not unbearable. Take plenty to drink, plenty of sunscreen and a hat. It does rain, but not daily as we expected. The parade at AK was cancelled one day as a thunder storm approached and we got drenched another day in EPCOT. Apart from that there were a few spots most afternoons. Oh yeah, there were hurricane warnings off to the NW :lookaroun for a couple of days but they never arrived


Well-Known Member
We've been going to WDW in August for years. The key in planning is to take the heat and late afternoon rain into account. We divide our days up into thirds - tour a park in the morning to early afternoon, go back to the hotel for most of the afternoon, and tour a park in the evening. This strategy, combined with sunscreen and readily-accessible water bottles, will help you get the most enjoyment out of an August vacation. One final tip: if you plan to tour the same park in the morning and evening of the same day, get FastPasses on your way out in the morning.

Happy planning! :wave:


New Member
See the movie 'Lawrence of Arabia' again.

Substitute trees and bushes for the sand but keep the sun and the heat.
Add 10,000 extras all jammed together on the set.

You now have WDW in August.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Extreme heat, then a thundershower, then more heat/oppressive humidity, then another thundershower, repeat.

You get the idea! :lol:


New Member
GenerationX is right-- parks early in the morning and in the evening. Go to a waterpark or DQ in the afternoon or take a nap/swim at your motel. The weather is hot all over the country but when you are at WDW you are out and about a lot more. We've been in August a couple of times and are going again from August 10-15 this year. You'd be surprised how much the crowds drop from each week to the next as schools begin. Enjoy your trip.




New Member
My family and I sometimes go in August. Sometimes you will hit a week where it's not that bad, but make sure you drink lots of water, bring sunscreen, and pace yourself. They usually call for thunderstorms or rain everyday in the afternoon. But most importantly, HAVE FUN! ºoº :)

The Mom

Premium Member
It's Florida. As everyone else has said, it's hot and humid; the daytime temperature from June - Sept does not normally go below 90-95. The nighttime temperature does not normally drop below 70. It is NOT like New England, New York State, Pennsylvania, etc where you may have scorchers in the 100s, but also cool days in the 70s, and where it can cool down significantly at night. It's not going to happen here!

Early mornings are cooler, but by noon it is unbearably hot outside. And humid! You really should plan on changing clothes twice a day, as you may be soaked with sweat by lunch.

It will most likely rain every day (but we've had below average rainfall the past few years, so it may not) but it just tends to make things steamy.

People who live here and work outdoors adapt to the heat somewhat, but even they will tell you that it's hot. :lol:


Well-Known Member
HOT... we went late August/Early September and survived though and we never left the parks to cool off, we were there opening to close. (Gluttons, I guess)Being from the south and being used to hot & humid temps helped though. Thunderstorms are almost daily but pass by quickly most of the time. Crowds also die down late August after school starts back.

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