I have to say May because that is when a few of us WDW people are looking to meet up anyhow!!! Maria, I completely agree with you as far as people not being reliable. I Am planning my vacation because this is one of the times of the year that I wanted to go. If I meet some people from WDW, awesome!!! If not, I am in Disneyworld, as planned, with my friends, having a good time!! We have tentatively choosen PO Riverside as the resort of choice andsomewhere between the 3rd and 4th weeks in May, I Am going to go down there and celebrate my Bday Mickey Style!!!! I am so excited about going!!! Anyone who wants to come and do this Meet & Greet in May, by all means, please come along!!!!!! I Am going to keep track of when the specials for that time of year for the resorts go on and I will post it so we can all follow along. I will also probably be making my ressies that day!!! I Am very coordinated!! Belle