Premium Member
I drive a small American car. The Pontiac Solstice is smaller and lighter than your Japanese car.
Not quite the same... the solstice is a specific purpose roadster. I sure hope that is smaller then a full coupe.. otherwise it wouldn't be much of a roadster

There are plenty of people making small cars from all countries, but the American consumer has always wanted large cars and until it changes on the demand side, don't expect the supply side to lead the way.
Yes, but my point wasn't about buy a big or little car.. its that it seems every style of car in the states is GROWING significantly. I don't mean SUV vs sedan.. I'm talking sedan vs sedan. They are getting bigger, bigger, bigger. Soon we'll have 400hp chevy malibu sedans that still only go 0-60 in >7 seconds and still handle like a bull in a china shop.
Let's put it this way. If I offered you 1% of the gross sales dollars of the Camaro or 1% of the gross sales the Lotus Exige, which would you take? And you can replace the Exige with any other car you want. I'm hoping for a smaller, lighter 350Z in 2009, and while I might buy one, I wouldn't for a moment assume it will outsell the Camaro.
I'm not really convinced its a winner. But we'll see what Billy Bob will pay I guess