I also think this would be a bad idea. Disney (according to Disney) provides entertainment for FAMILIES. All the places mentioned above fit with that. As others have stated, there is no logical reason (other than Money$$) for Disney to build more attractions that cater only to adult guests. To me, it's another slap in the face for people who think of Disney as wholesome, family entertainment.
I've been to Vegas. It's a great place - in fact, we're planning another trip there soon. I've also lived and worked, as well as visitied, WDW. I love it there, too. For entirely different reasons.
Not once, while in WDW, can I remember thinking "Man, this is great, but I wish I could be playing blackjack right now." Nor did I, while in Vegas, think "Boy, I sure wish they had some Disney characters doing meet 'n greets - that would make this place perfect."
And Yes, I realize that 1 hypothetical casino does not Sin City make. But what's next? MKT's :animwink: brothel? Those are legal in Nevada (though not in Las Vegas proper), and certainly they appeal to adults entirely. Or drive-thru Elvis Mickey Wedding Chapel? The Imagineers could certainly do some amazing things with both of those concepts. couldn't they? What about a strip club at PI? Children couldn't get into one, of course, so what harm could it do? Heck, Mickey's of Hollywood (at the Studios) may want to consider selling lingerie (a la Frederick's). Surely with more adult entertainment, the revenue Disney is looking for would materialize.
Please don't get me wrong. I'm fairly liberal, and I think there's a time and a place for all the things I mentioned. I'm not arguing the morals of adults enjoying any of these places. I'm just questioning if Walt Disney World is an appropriate place for it. (And I don't have any kids, in case anyone is wondering.)