WDW Surveys Guests: Gambling!


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
okay then, should it be casino, or money put into upgrades, rehabs, maintenance, and payroll.

But perhaps the revenue from the casino could go to upgrades, rehabs, and the like. I think that's why most communities welcome casinos because they believe their share of the revenue will go to improved services.


New Member
STGRhost said:
I also think this would be a bad idea. Disney (according to Disney) provides entertainment for FAMILIES. All the places mentioned above fit with that. As others have stated, there is no logical reason (other than Money$$) for Disney to build more attractions that cater only to adult guests. To me, it's another slap in the face for people who think of Disney as wholesome, family entertainment.
The reason disney builds more parks is only for money, I don't think they do it just because they love building parks. When ever a company makes any decision, making money has to be the first question answered, if it isn't projected to make money then it isn't moved forward.

There is a reason for developing a casino, yes it would be for older guest and not something you would take kids to do. However, if disney is trying to become a destination for all types of families, which includes family with kids and families with no kids or kids that are already grown up, then a casino would give additional entertainment to they older guest.


New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Well first off, I thought the Baby Boomer generation was going to be broke, penniless, with no health care, no social security, and with kids who couldn't afford to live on their own? What happened to all of that political rhetoric Speck? Pretty convenient for campaign rhetoric, just not for the sake of this argument eh?

And as for the backhanded comments about families, what is a family, and being excluded, blah, blah, blah, let me say this: For people who are supposed to be soooooo open-minded about ALL things, you people (and you know who you are), sure are good at taking one or two comments entirely out of context within the framework of debating issues.

First of all, to take the view that you don't know what constitutes a family is a COP OUT. Plain and simple. Now, secondly, neither I, nor anyone else here has tried to tell anyone how they should live their lives. NOT ONCE!!! Have some of us offered OUR views as to what WE believe constitutes family values, and good clean fun at a FAMILY PARK??? Yes, as a matter of fact, we have. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't someone once say that his parks were for families?!!!! I'm thinking he did. But what did he know right? He's only the most successful theme park owner, ummm, EVER!!!!!
(Yes, I know: he's passed on, hadn't owned the company in years, blah, blah, blah.) You all know exactly what I meant by that last comment, so don't even go there. The fact is that when some of you (again, you know who you are) say "what consititutes a family?" you are talking from a political view, and not from your heart. You say that because it supports your "other" political views, and has nothing to do, actually, with how it fits into the framework of this debate.

Thirdly, for those of you who somehow can't seem to find enought entertainment at WDW: YOU NEED HELP!!! If you can't find enough entertainment there, without the need of a casino, you have a problem. They have support groups for it, and I would suggest you sign up.

So, I am going to surmize by your comments about WDW "needing" a casino, for whatever the reason, is really you saying that there just isn't enough to do there. That somehow, 47 square miles of entertainment just doen't do it for you.

Wow, and I thought I was difficult to please.
I guess all the people that take days out of their Disney vacations to go to Universal, IOA, or Sea World needs help, since they would rather spend their day at another park rather then stay on Disney properity?

Also, the parks are for families. What does that have anything to do with a casino being on propertiy, no one said build the casino in MK. It is not as if they have the casino right next to Peter Pan, Dumbo, or the Tea Cups.

Gail Hayden

New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Well first off, I thought the Baby Boomer generation was going to be broke, penniless, with no health care, no social security, and with kids who couldn't afford to live on their own? What happened to all of that political rhetoric Speck? Pretty convenient for campaign rhetoric, just not for the sake of this argument eh?

And as for the backhanded comments about families, what is a family, and being excluded, blah, blah, blah, let me say this: For people who are supposed to be soooooo open-minded about ALL things, you people (and you know who you are), sure are good at taking one or two comments entirely out of context within the framework of debating issues.

First of all, to take the view that you don't know what constitutes a family is a COP OUT. Plain and simple. Now, secondly, neither I, nor anyone else here has tried to tell anyone how they should live their lives. NOT ONCE!!! Have some of us offered OUR views as to what WE believe constitutes family values, and good clean fun at a FAMILY PARK??? Yes, as a matter of fact, we have. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't someone once say that his parks were for families?!!!! I'm thinking he did. But what did he know right? He's only the most successful theme park owner, ummm, EVER!!!!!
(Yes, I know: he's passed on, hadn't owned the company in years, blah, blah, blah.) You all know exactly what I meant by that last comment, so don't even go there. The fact is that when some of you (again, you know who you are) say "what consititutes a family?" you are talking from a political view, and not from your heart. You say that because it supports your "other" political views, and has nothing to do, actually, with how it fits into the framework of this debate.

Thirdly, for those of you who somehow can't seem to find enought entertainment at WDW: YOU NEED HELP!!! If you can't find enough entertainment there, without the need of a casino, you have a problem. They have support groups for it, and I would suggest you sign up.

So, I am going to surmize by your comments about WDW "needing" a casino, for whatever the reason, is really you saying that there just isn't enough to do there. That somehow, 47 square miles of entertainment just doen't do it for you.

Wow, and I thought I was difficult to please.
I know what I think is a family, I have asked you what you define as a family.
To date you have not answered me.
I don't need a casino and I definitely do not need YOU telling me what I do or do not need.
There is very little adult only entertainment at WDW. I can only think of 3 places for adults only.
Not all of us think that tripping over children, families, and stroller all day long is fun and entertaining. Some of us actually like to be among adults only. Some of us have raised our families and love WDW.
Walt designed the park for children of all ages, the young at heart and families. I doubt you have missed some of the commercials that feature empty nesters being told it was a great place to visit.
I have taken nothing out of context, I have read and comprehended everything you have written.
I have disagreed with you, respectfully and it appears when you disagree you cannot find the courtesy to do the same.
Indeed, unfortunate.

Gail Hayden

New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Gail, it seems that you have a problem with labels. I'm not here to attack anyone or their beliefs. It's interesting that the only arguments made for having a casino are for entertainment when I'm bored. And I thought that Disney was already making lots of money. That's what they unions say!!! Right? They've got plenty of money. Billions in fact. Why do they need more right?
I have no problem with labels.
What Disney makes does not alleviate my boredom, or desire for some good clean full valued adult fun.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
* Scanners are up *


Pixie Duster

New Member
To those who have asked me about this -
I know you are curious, but I cannot answer any questions, and I know nothing about this. Please respect that I do not want to hurt the company, and I certainly do not want to lose my job.


Thanks, to those of you who enjoy a respectful debate - I appreciate hearing your views, even if they differ from mine, and I'm glad that not everyone here resorts to name calling...

I want to say, again, that I have no problem with casinos (or strip clubs, or most other legal forms of adult entertainment)(Hell, I'd BE a stripper, if I had the body for it! :lookaroun ) . I really, really LIKE Las Vegas. But I think it's a very different place from WDW, and for a good reason. I only question whether adding even more adults-only entertainment TO WDW is a good idea.

And, yes, Gail, I have seen those commercials. I don't think they actually imply that the guests-without-children will be enjoying a lot of time without kids around, though. I think they're just trying to remind the empty-nesters (and others) that you can have a good time at WDW even if you don't bring kids of your own.

I do have to admit, I bristle at being grouped with the people who complain about Gay Days. (Which I don't have any problems with). I realize I probably sound very NIMBY (Not In MY BackYard!). Unfortunately, I'm one of the Disney-philes that believes that the Company has strayed too far from its original ideals, and I think a casino (which, I think we all mostly agree, is mainly a decision based on money) just furthers the appearance that the pencil-pushers are running the place.

Gail Hayden

New Member
STGRhost said:
Thanks, to those of you who enjoy a respectful debate - I appreciate hearing your views, even if they differ from mine, and I'm glad that not everyone here resorts to name calling...

I want to say, again, that I have no problem with casinos (or strip clubs, or most other legal forms of adult entertainment)(Hell, I'd BE a stripper, if I had the body for it! :lookaroun ) . I really, really LIKE Las Vegas. But I think it's a very different place from WDW, and for a good reason. I only question whether adding even more adults-only entertainment TO WDW is a good idea.

And, yes, Gail, I have seen those commercials. I don't think they actually imply that the guests-without-children will be enjoying a lot of time without kids around, though. I think they're just trying to remind the empty-nesters (and others) that you can have a good time at WDW even if you don't bring kids of your own.

I do have to admit, I bristle at being grouped with the people who complain about Gay Days. (Which I don't have any problems with). I realize I probably sound very NIMBY (Not In MY BackYard!). Unfortunately, I'm one of the Disney-philes that believes that the Company has strayed too far from its original ideals, and I think a casino (which, I think we all mostly agree, is mainly a decision based on money) just furthers the appearance that the pencil-pushers are running the place.
I don't they the commercials mean to imply that there will not be children around, I think it implies that adults can have fun there with or without children.

I think a casino would be based on money also (just like every single park, sub park, resort and the rest of WDW) and on entertainment value for adults.

With a concept that it will be ever changing and never completed (paraphrased from WD) it is logical to believe that it would stray far from the original concept.

I don't think there is anything wrong with adding more adult only entertainment venues at WDW. There are only 3 that I can think of off the top of my head.

Of course the bean counters are essentially running the place, it is a fact of life that bean counters run all businesses, which, in RL is exactly what Disney is.

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