WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – My August 2011 Trip Report

WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – An August 2011 Trip Report

Welcome to my trip report! First, about the title. Reading the WDW boards lately one would think that Disney World was coming apart at the seams; Overrun by vicious gangs of Brazilian tour groups, Pop Warner boys and cheerleaders. Filled with broken down, outdated rides run by snarly cast members. The resorts infested by bedbugs, nasty housekeepers, and moldy shower curtains. The Restaurants serving up Dogfood burgers and steaks served with the leather hides still attached. The fireworks shows reduced to open fire pits and a few boxes of sparklers.

To be totally honest and sarcasm aside (kinda), I was really getting concerned about this trip. I had gone to great lengths and compromise ( see my Pre-trip report) to make this trip a reality. Now I was worried that once my family would see first hand the crumbling vestige that was once our favorite place on earth; this would seal this trip’s fate as our last one to the World. Well, I’m happy to say, with photos as proof – the rumors of Walt Disney World’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

First Day and intro to our family;

Our countdown was over. The paper chain in Toni’s room that started at day 178 was now down to day zero. It was 4 in the morning on August 6th and I woke up Toni and we tore up that last chain and started to get ready for our trip. By 4:30, Toni and her brother Sterg, were ready and waiting.


I have a good friend that happens to own a limo business, so we hired him to drive us to Philadelphia International. The limo came at 5:00am. This is my wife Val and my oldest child, Alexandra, getting spoiled in the limo.


Sterg and I on the other seat…


While Toni caught a few z’s.


Everything was going fine. We were making great time on the Turnpike until we were detoured off of it an exit too soon. Unfortunately, this was only the first of our several delays that morning.
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Active Member
The pic of your daughter on main street is priceless! Love the next picture of the confectionary where the guy in it posed for you!

So sad its coming to an end, I have thoroughly enjoyed your report.

I love that your family splits up and doesn't feel pressure to stay together all the time. We will be trying this for a long weekend in Dec....exept my hubby and eldest (in college) will be staying home while myself and my other two boys head to Disney. Hoping we can have just as much fun even though we are not all together in Disney as a family!


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After we safely delivered the rebel spy, we found ourselves on the planet Tatooine and walking the streets of Mos Eisley.


Alex really wanted to go on Backlot Tour. I agreed but we had to grudgingly drag the rest of the crew. Just before we arrived, they let a group through.
Val, Sterg and Toni didn't want to wait for the next round so they split off to go towards ToT. I stayed with Alex and convinced her to take a quick stroll down Street of America to do another first. The singing in the rain umbrella!


Alex was too embarrassed to try it out but she did a fine job of photographing her "dorky" father.


Rushing back to BLT we just made the next group!

I really have a problem with this attraction and how much its gone downhill - even from just 2 years ago. At the "water battle" scene they didn't ask for or use any volunteers. I was disappointed with that.

This would be immensely more entertaining if there were actual people in the scene' right?


Then we are led into the prop warehouse - the barn Miley Cyrus painted in her movie.


The warehouse is basically a ten minute walk through - especially when you don't have a guide pointing things out. Disney, however, must think it's a 40 minute walk through because we waited a good 20-30 minutes for the tram to arrive. Just what you want to do on a 95 degree, high humidity day. Pretty lame.

We approach the most entertaining part of the tour.


Catastrophe Canyon almost makes up for the rest of the tour's lameness.



They either need to fix the rest of the tour or maybe combine the water battle with catastrophe canyon as some kind of special effects attraction.
Just my 2 cents.

I did manage to get a picture of Darth Maul

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Alex and I then cut through PixarPlace.

Amazingly, with all the time we spent at DHS, we didn't do TSMM. :eek:

Catch ya next time Woody and friends.


Soldiers! Any sighting of a Monsters Inc. coaster?


Another favorite that we didn't do this trip. I had to get the pic of Walt though. A real American hero.


At the start of Sunset Boulevard we bumped into an old friend.

Look who it is! It's Six-pints from hoop-de-doo review. Hey, why are you dressed so different?


This guy really is funny! After enjoying his skit for about 10 minutes or so, Alex informed me of her hunger pains. I was hungry as well, but where should we go to eat? I turned around and what did I see? An opportunity for another "first" and to test the recommendations I read so much about.


Starring Rolls is so easy to miss. You can walk by it a hundred times and not know what it is - I know, because I have. It's also pretty small. We entered the air conditioned nook and drooled over the cupcake and dessert offerings. I asked about any lunch offerings and to my pleasant surprise they had a quick serve option. It came with a sandwich, chips, drink and your pick of a cupcake or other dessert.

I ordered a turkey and cheese sandwich on facacia bread and the famous red velvet cupcake.

This was my heavenly lunch.


Can I just say that this was my favorite quick service meal of the whole trip? - even when you consider we had to eat outside in the heat. The sandwich was delicious and the cupcake threw a taste buds party on my tongue. It was awesome! Thank you to everyone that clued me in to this treat. I think Miller Poppins' review was what really clinched it, so thanks!

Some more photos after lunch.


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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The pic of your daughter on main street is priceless! Love the next picture of the confectionary where the guy in it posed for you!

So sad its coming to an end, I have thoroughly enjoyed your report.

I love that your family splits up and doesn't feel pressure to stay together all the time. We will be trying this for a long weekend in Dec....exept my hubby and eldest (in college) will be staying home while myself and my other two boys head to Disney. Hoping we can have just as much fun even though we are not all together in Disney as a family!

Thanks! Yeah, I didn't even know he was there until I saw the picture. He did do a nice job of posing. :)

My wife is not the biggest Disney fan - but she will admit to having a good time this trip. I finally figured out to give everybody space to do what they want most of the time - Last trip I was too much of a commando and was forcing everyone to get up on time and submit to my plan of "getting everything done".

I hope you have a great trip in December and thanks for following along!

Love the IAE pics. Dd want's to try out for it.

That would be exciting. When we went, the place was packed and the crowd was really into it. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. I hope does it.


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I decided to spend some time people watching and taking photos while Alex went to meet up with the rest of the family at the RRRC/Tot corner.

People watching is something I enjoy but rarely seem to have the time to do. I placed myself on a bench and took a few minutes to observe my surroundings. It's very entertaining to watch people and families scurrying up and down the street - each with their own stories and plans. Disney is a place were you are surrounded by thousands of people but you mostly experience it within your own little "family bubble".

Balloons passing by...


Here I was, all alone in DHS. I really had nowhere to go. I didn't have to worry about running to a ride or catching a show or making it to a dinner reservation. No immediate responsibilities to watch or referee children. It was a relaxing and enjoyable 30 minutes to myself. It gave me time to reflect back on our wonderful trip filled with special times and funny moments. It also gave me an opportunity to take more pictures. :)




I love neon lights - even in the daytime.


My knowledge of photography vastly increased over that week. I don't know if it made me a better photographer, but I certainly learned through trial and error, how a camera works. A steep learning curve to be sure, but you have to start somewhere.

Val had left DHS for Epcot - hoping to buy a leather bracelet from a vendor in front of Canada ( I believe ). I was left waiting for the kids.
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The kids made it back from their thrill seeking mission.


This trip gave me the opportunity to spend some quality time with Toni and even Alex. I didn't spend much time alone with Sterg, which fed into his jealous "middle child" syndrome. He's also going through the awkward time right before "manhood" sets in. We have done much together since the trip and I've started to introduce him into the world of photography. We are also still talking about taking SCUBA lessons together.

On the way out Toni bumped into officer William Club...


I'm gonna miss this place.


A shop I've always wanted to explore but never have. At least I got a picture of it now.


Goodbye Studios. Until next time.



Waiting for the Friendship boat. Maybe Codie will be on this one.


Unfortunately, no Codie on our last trip back to the Beach Club.
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Well-Known Member
When we went on the Backlot Tour in May they were taking volunteers for the show... I wonder if they stopped doing that? :shrug:

Love the two pictures of the kids from the two different years. Sterg went from being shorter than Alex to being taller than her. Amazing what 2 years can do! It seems like such a long time, but that time really flys by!


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When we went on the Backlot Tour in May they were taking volunteers for the show... I wonder if they stopped doing that? :shrug:

Love the two pictures of the kids from the two different years. Sterg went from being shorter than Alex to being taller than her. Amazing what 2 years can do! It seems like such a long time, but that time really flys by!

I hope that my tour was the exception, but I think I read somebody else's post saying there were no volunteers for the water battle during their trip a few months ago.

Thanks - he won't be happy though, until he's taller than me. :)


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Our time left at WDW was ticking down. We went into the lobby, secured our carry on bags from bell services and waited in the lobby for our 5pm pick up.


Time to head outside and wait for the dreaded ME back to the airport. We'll be needing these.


Some quick pics while waiting.


This looks better on arrival day.


Toni doesn't want to leave ( neither do I ).

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I would be remiss not to mention our bus driver that took us to the airport.
He was great! Unfortunately I don't remember his name or have any pictures.
He was the most enthusiastic bus drive I've ever experienced.

Coming off the bus...

"Hello,hello, hello folks! Welcome to the Magical Express bus to take you to Orlando International Airport. Hello, hello, hello! This is the 5pm pick up to take you to the Orlando International Airport. Hello, hello, hello! Please have your tickets ready."

He was like this the entire trip.

When we got moving on the bus he gave an impressive performance holding a note and his breath.

"OK Folks! I hope you had a great time at Walt Disney World, the greatest place on earth. I am your driver ?????, I will be taking you to Orlando International Airport on Disney's Magicalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
llllll Express!"

I kid you not. He held that "allllll" for about 2 minutes. It was especially amazing coming from a bus driver. Everyone in the bus gave him a nice applause.

Finally we arrived. First drop was Terminal A.

"OK folks, first stop is Terminal A. Terminal A. Terminal A. Our first stop will be Terminal A. If you get off at Terminal A that is our next stop. Terminal A. Terminal A. Our next stop is Terminal A."

After Terminal A came Terminal B.

"Alright folks, our next and final stop is Terminal B. Terminal B. Terminal B. Our next stop folks in Terminal B. Here we are at Terminal B. Terminal B. I hope you had an enjoyable ride today on Disney Magicalllllll Express!"

He was awesome!

In the airport.


A quick meal at Fox Sports Bar.


And the sad faces.


See ya Orlando...


Before we knew it, we were in the air and then arriving in Philadelphia.

Our 2011 Trip to Walt Disney World was over. Thanks to all for following along and for your wonderful and encouraging comments. I feel they are as much part of my TR as what I wrote!
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Well-Known Member
Our 2011 Trip to Walt Disney World was over. Thanks to all for following along and for your wonderful and encouraging comments. I feel they as much part of my TR as what I wrote!

Thanks for the g-r-e-a-t- trip report! It puts all of us who were reading and enjoying your pix really there! :wave:


New Member

I'm so sad your TR is over!! It was super fun reading it! I'll miss you and your beautiful family. Now it's time for me to create new memories, I'm reading your last post while lying on WL my super confi bed!! Got here last thursday and I'm staying until next saturday!! Yaaay!!!


Well-Known Member
So sad the trip is over!!!! :cry: Waahhhhhhh!!!

Looks like you guys had an awesome time though! Great choice picking the BC. We're planning on heading over there for lunch our first day in November at Beaches N Cream. I hear the sundaes are amazing!!


New Member

Thank you for taking us along on your trip... The pictures were fantastic..I am going in May for our 40 th anniversary with my 3 kids and 4 grandchildren...Your report got me all pumped up.......


Active Member
Thank you for your very entertaining trip report! I always looked forward to your next installment and now it's over.

Your bus driver has the touch if he can make going to the airport after a Disney vacation a magical experience. He sounds like a bus driver we had on our first bus trip to Magic Kingdom. Boy did he get us in the mood! Do you think he moonlights as an auctioneer?


Well-Known Member
I'm sad too!! I loved reading it all!! Your family interactions (and your ability to recall them) just made the report.

I love it, and I hope you convince Val to go on another trip soon!! :)


Well-Known Member
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Our 2011 Trip to Walt Disney World was over. Thanks to all for following along and for your wonderful and encouraging comments. I feel they as much part of my TR as what I wrote!

Thanks for the g-r-e-a-t- trip report! It puts all of us who were reading and enjoying your pix really there! :wave:

Thanks and thanks for reading along! We really had a great trip and I can't wait to get back there.

I'm so sad your TR is over!! It was super fun reading it! I'll miss you and your beautiful family. Now it's time for me to create new memories, I'm reading your last post while lying on WL my super confi bed!! Got here last thursday and I'm staying until next saturday!! Yaaay!!!

Thanks so much! I hope you're having a great time and I would love to read your TR when you get back. :)

So sad the trip is over!!!! :cry: Waahhhhhhh!!!

Looks like you guys had an awesome time though! Great choice picking the BC. We're planning on heading over there for lunch our first day in November at Beaches N Cream. I hear the sundaes are amazing!!

It was sad.:( I just have to now start planning our next trip! We love the BC and the BCV. You will love B&C. Ice Cream is very good as is the food. Your trip is really coming up.

Thanks for following along and all your comments!

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