WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)


Well-Known Member

Sunset over Big Thunder. Don't worry, it's WDW this time!

-Yensid "2 DAYS AWAY!!!" tlaw1969


Well-Known Member

From our most recent trip, which, (plug warning) you can read about in my trip report (see sig. for link)! Sarah and I took over 2,000 pictures, so I should have a steady stream for a while.


Active Member
Wait till Cinderella sees this one. It almost looks as if he picked her up, but as a general rule, that is not allowed. Was she standing and he on his knees?

Actually, he had picked her up. We were the last ones there for breakfast and he was the last one to stop at our table. Maybe that's why he could bend the rules? :lookaroun However, on that trip, many of the characters picked her up - we certainly didn't mind. That was in 2002 and she was just turning 3.


Well-Known Member

Funny story:

A guest of about 13 years old came up to myself and another cast member and asked "who was that playing Peter Pan in the castle show?" Of course the cast member and I looked at each other and said we didn't understand the question. Peter Pan was in the show. "But who was playing Peter Pan?", they asked. And they again received the same answer and same dumbfounded looks. This went on for a bit till the person said: "OK, I understand." (meaning she knew we weren't telling her anything) Then she explained. "That looks just like Zac Ephron. I was wondering if Zac Ephron was playing Peter Pan today." OK, first I had to ask who Zac Epron was (Troy from High School Musical). Then I had to laugh. This girl thought that we have really famous actors come and jump into a show and portray our characters. She was giving Disney credit for more magic than was there, but not wanting to burst her bubble, I said "I have no idea what you are talking about" as if perhaps she was correct. Why not let her think she got to see Zac Ephron as Peter Pan. It made her trip that much more special.


Well-Known Member
Funny story:

A guest of about 13 years old came up to myself and another cast member and asked "who was that playing Peter Pan in the castle show?" Of course the cast member and I looked at each other and said we didn't understand the question. Peter Pan was in the show. "But who was playing Peter Pan?", they asked. And they again received the same answer and same dumbfounded looks. This went on for a bit till the person said: "OK, I understand." (meaning she knew we weren't telling her anything) Then she explained. "That looks just like Zac Ephron. I was wondering if Zac Ephron was playing Peter Pan today." OK, first I had to ask who Zac Epron was (Troy from High School Musical). Then I had to laugh. This girl thought that we have really famous actors come and jump into a show and portray our characters. She was giving Disney credit for more magic than was there, but not wanting to burst her bubble, I said "I have no idea what you are talking about" as if perhaps she was correct. Why not let her think she got to see Zac Ephron as Peter Pan. It made her trip that much more special.
:lol: That's good.


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