Well-Known Member
I think it's different... that adage is about buying quality and doing things right the first time. What I'm talking about here is above that.. it's not about "buying quality brake pads vs cheap ones".. it would be like 'why having a reliable car is important to my life'. The idea that transportation isn't just a necessity - but an thought that having reliable, on-demand transportation may actually advance me and my career.
Companies that look at IT as just a 'necessity' because everyone else has this stuff will never see it as a way to advance themselves. Contrast with a organization that looks at IT as a way to better their product/organization. The former will ultimately drive the IT org into being mediocre and a burden they look to minimize... while the latter will make decisions based on best impact on improving the company as a whole through IT.
Expense vs Investment. Don't get lost in the absolute $$s.. you can throw money away easy enough. The concept is about how you approach and think about the asset.
The problem as I see it, be it an essential department like IT or anything else that adds value to a company, is that the people making the decisions themselves have no idea what that particular value to the company is. People being put into management roles knowing nothing but a balance sheet has zero idea what IT (or any other department) brings to the table and how that can be leveraged to improve the company as a whole. Rather they just see it as an expense to be whittled down.