WDW Florida or Disneyland California

kirst_al UK

Original Poster
What do people think of DL CA compared to WDW FL?

We have never been but are hoping to go next year - if you could have one or the other which one would you choose and why?



Well-Known Member
I prefer Disney World only because there is so much more to do there. But my favorite reason is that I stay at the Beach Club resort and I love the fact that at night you could just stroll right over to the world showcase and walk through all the countries. Then at nighttime watch Illuminations. It is just beautiful.:) I go for two weeks and I cant tell you how many times I go to the World Showcase. It never bores me. There are all the shows to see. I cant wait till July!:sohappy:


The main plus of the DL Resort is that it has Disneyland, which I prefer to the Magic Kingdom. Disneyland is smaller, but there are actually more attractions, more attention to detail, and (I'm told) generally better upkeep.

But still, ultimately I prefer WDW to DLR. In addition to the Magic Kingdom, WDW also has Epcot, Animal Kingdom, the Studios, 2 water parks, a bigger DTD, a bunch of themed hotels which can be very fun to visit, and more dining options. Whereas in addition to Disneyland park, the DLR's only other park is the controversial California Adventure, many people agreeing this park could be much better than it actually is. The DL Resort has only 3 hotels, one of them being the Paradise Pier Hotel, probably the most under-themed of any Disney Hotel next to a Disney park.


New Member
The two places are very different experiences, so it's hard to say without knowing better what your goals are in a vacation. WDW is certainly more all-inclusive. Four theme parks, a couple dozen resort hotels, two water parks, even a cruise line just an hour away.

That said, when you start comparing apples to apples, Disneyland (except for the castle) almost always wins for me. Disneyland has more attractions, and they are usually done much better than the FL counterpart. Their maintenance is taken much more seriously. There's of course the history and nostalgia of DL. AND...there's California's practically perfect weather (generally 75F and sunny about 340 days a year). :cool:

But, generally about 3 days will do it, and then you'll need to look at other things to do in S. CA (which are numerous, and we'd be happy to offer suggestions!). You can certainly fill much more time at the Florida property.

Welsh Tink

New Member
We have been fortunate enough to have visited WDW several times in the past 10 years or so. We have always had great holidays, finding different things to do on every visit. Last year we thought we would try California for a change.
We went at the end of July ( their heatwave had just ended, thank goodness ) , and we were a bit concerned about general crowds.as it was high Summer. Due to jet-lag though, we were at the park for opening and did MK easily without any long waits. We stayed 3 days which gave us enough time to see everything without rushing around like madmen. The weather was beautiful, really warm sunny days, without any of that energy-sapping humidity.
We then spent the next three weeks travelling from San Francisco down to the tip of Mexico, and loved every minute of it. WDW is great for fun, relaxation, shopping - whatever you want your holiday to be, but we absolutely loved California. The weather was fantastic, the scenery so beautiful ( 17 mile drive at Carmel is stunning) , the wildlife (sea otters, whales, seals ), the beaches, shopping, sport , the old Missions - we could go on and on.
You could spend 2 weeks at WDW ,probably doing something different everyday, which you just cannot do at DL. But we were so glad we had the opportunity to see California, as it really is so beautiful ( except for LAX! ).
(BTW, we flew Air New Zealand from Heathrow, and cannot recommend them enough, and that includes premium economy with Virgin.)


Saw an interesting post on another board where someone counted all the theme park attractions at both. Although there are more total in Florida, the difference was much less than I would have thought. Don't have the list here, but the 4 Florida parks only have 10 more attractions total than the 2 parks in California.

As has been said, I'll take DL over the MK, but there's certainly more to do as a whole in Florida.

A bientot.


New Member
There is definately more to do at WDW, but I personally feel DL is much more of a magical place. The nostalgia and theming is so much more at DL than MK. I also like that both DL and DCA are right across from each other with Downtown Disney right there too, so you cna walk everywhere easily. I find that my trips to DL are more relaxing because at wDW there is almost too much to do and it takes too much time to get everywhere. DL is also less expensive because there are only 2 parks. You can stay at a nearby hotel and save money and eat at restaurants outside the parks too. There are many nice hotels and restaurants nearby. They aren't Disney, but I look at it as saving money to spend more on souvenirs.

With this being your first trip maybe you would like DL as it is smaller and easier to navigate. WDW was overwhelming the first time I went and my feet have never hurt so much. I had been going to DL numerous times before going to WDW. I love both resorts, but prefer DL because it is easier to get around, save money and not a huge week long vacation, but a great couple days. There is a ton to do around California too if you are looking to expand your vacation. Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Diego, San Francsico, etc. are all pretty close.


New Member
Saw an interesting post on another board where someone counted all the theme park attractions at both. Although there are more total in Florida, the difference was much less than I would have thought. Don't have the list here, but the 4 Florida parks only have 10 more attractions total than the 2 parks in California.

As has been said, I'll take DL over the MK, but there's certainly more to do as a whole in Florida.

A bientot.

Huh! Well who'da thunk? Plus, DLR is about to get Submarine Voyage with Nemo and Friends! :sohappy:


New Member
walt disney world is a resort destination built for the whole holiday experience with people coming from all corners of the world, theme parks hotels etc, whereas what ive been told disneyland is more of a american destination theme park of course there are international visitors, but not catered for as well as wdw where you could spend a two week vacation and still not see it all.
if iwas choosing a disney destination i would always go to wdw and visit the east coast, but if i was going to the usa west coast id visit dl! you know what i mean!?:hammer:


Active Member
Okay seeing as how I spent almost every weekend at DL from 02-04, I'll chime in. DL is a great place to visit if you only have a few days. WDW is a HUGE undertaking if you only have limited time. I feel you need at least a week. My wife and I found that DL was a teen hang out more than anything. Granted families go there every day from all over the world but if your in Anaheim or the area it seemed like it was a place to dump the kids for the night. I still loved it though. My advice is read everything you can and visit both. You can't go wrong like that.

Semper Fi


Active Member
Saw an interesting post on another board where someone counted all the theme park attractions at both. Although there are more total in Florida, the difference was much less than I would have thought. Don't have the list here, but the 4 Florida parks only have 10 more attractions total than the 2 parks in California.

Well, I know that Disneyland is certainly more condensed with attractions then WDW. But only 10 more total?

I wonder at what time period that person counted and what he or she considered an "attraction.":shrug: :)


New Member
Well, I know that Disneyland is certainly more condensed with attractions then WDW. But only 10 more total?

I wonder at what time period that person counted and what he or she considered an "attraction.":shrug: :)

I was somewhat skeptical of this claim, so I set out to see if it was correct. If the person who initially made this claim accounted for it in the same way that I did, then the claim is sort of correct.

What I did was made a list of all the WDW attractions that do not exist at DLR. Then I made a similar list of attractions at DLR that do not exist at WDW. Based on those lists (assuming I didn't forget any from either resort), then WDW had 10 more attractions. I have since misplaced the list, but if my memory serves, WDW had 31 attractions that DLR doesn't have, and DLR has 21 attractions that WDW doesn't have. Based on those numbers alone, one could argue that either resort would unquestionably be worthwhile to visit. After all, 31 attractions that would be completely new to you would be pretty impressive....but so would 21 for that matter. But here's where things start to look a lot less impressive for DLR...Most of the attractions that are unique to DLR are the basic carnival type rides at DCA. All of the "unique" attractions in A Bug's Land, for example, are the little kiddie rides that you could easily find at any traveling fair for that matter. The only difference is that they've added some Disney themeing to them. That makes them cute, sure, but hardly worth a trip across the country to experience them. Many of the other "unique" attractions were the ones in Paradise Pier which, once again, are mostly your basic off the shelf carnival rides.

In contrast, the vast majority of the unique attractions at WDW are actual, major attractions that are uniquely Disney. Most of those were the attractions that exist at Epcot and at Disney's Animal Kingdom. And....there's 10 more of those!!

So if that is one's deciding factor in determing which resort is superior, then WDW wins hands down. For me, it goes beyond simply counting the number of attractions. It is about the overall experience. Based on this, I would still say that WDW wins hands down. It is a totally immersive escape into a Disney created world. When you visit WDW, you truly feel as though you are on a vacation like no other. I just don't get that from a visit to Disneyland like I do at WDW. I personally grew up with Disneyland and I still live in California. But in the past 10 years, I've visited WDW probably 5 times for every 1 time I've visited DLR. The addition of DCA has done nothing to create an extra draw to DLR. Most of what you will find there already exists either at WDW or at non-Disney amusement parks.

That's not to say there aren't things at DLR that make it worth visiting. The Matterhorn is a great attraction! In my opinion, it's a much better experience than Expedition Everest, the attraction that many say it inspired. It is also far superior to WDW's Space Mountain, which has a very similar track and vehicle style, but it just seems to work better in this type of attraction. And speaking of Space Mountain, WDW's version is not even in the same league as DL's. When they built DL's version, they just got it right in the sense that it feels like much more of a sleek, speedy race through the stars. WDW's feel like....well, like the Matterhorn. The experience works great when it's supposed to be bobsled ride around a mountain. It doesn't work when it's supposed to be a ride through space.

Haunted Mansion and Pirates are also two attractions that are much better at Disneyland. And New Orleans Square, found only at DL, is the best themed land of any Disney park in my opinion.

And of course, there is Indiana Jones, which doesn't exist at WDW at all.

So which one is better? WDW by far! But is DLR still worth visiting whether or not you are a hardcore Disney fan? No question!


New Member
I dunno - I spend 3 days at a time at either resort. WDW just takes longer to get everywhere. I hate sitting idle (the flight to either location...let's just say you don't want to sit next to me), so for me DLR feels more relaxing. WDW has a better variety of stuff though.
Okay I assume your going to be flying in from the UK... You didn't mention whether you have kids that you will bring or not... that can influence the decision on where to go, if I was just going for adults I would go for WDW, if it were for kids I would go to DL. DL is less walk time and things are closer which work will for small kids. You would miss the Big castle and some things that appeal to little girls but then those things appeal less as they get older so its a matter of which age they are.

You also didn't mention the time of year. If you are going to be in the summer or early fall (huricane season), then I would go for DL just because the summers in Florida are horrible with the high humidity, and the huricane season always has the possibility of giving you days of thunderstorms even if the hurican is a hundred miles off shore.

Don't forget you'll have an additional 4 to 5 hours of plane time if you go to DL instead of WDW...

you might want to mention who your taking and ages if you want better informed opinions.

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