WDW Confirms a HUGE Rumor Proof right here...


Active Member
Original Poster
Okay so about 3 weeks ago I emailed WDW And asked them about the expansion of AK and if they would be building a new land soon. They wrote back to me with the following: (Please note I copied the entire email, but blocked out my personal info)

Walt Disney World Guest Mail <guest.mail@wdw.disneyonline.com>to
Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:43 AMsubject
Re: Request for General Information about Walt Disney World Resort (KMM34274284I15977L0KM)
hide details 10:43 AM (11 minutes ago)


Dear Ron,

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World Resort.

The Walt Disney World Resort is constantly working with our "Imagineers"
and evaluating new ideas for further enhancing our attractions and
entertainment offerings in the parks. At this time, we can confirm that they are currently in the process of developing a new "land" at Walt Disney's Animal Kingdom. We are sorry we can't provide more details other then to say this new area is scheduled to open in 2012.

We appreciate your understanding.

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact

Please include your full name, E-Mail address, and reservation number if
applicable on all correspondence.

Thank you!


Ronda Kendall

WDW Online Communications

PLEASE NOTE: All information is subject to change without notice and
should be confirmed just prior to your visit.

Original Message Follows:
I have heard that at Animal Kingdom they are supposed to build another
land. What will this land be? And when will it be opening?

Client Info:
Browser: Other
Browser version: 3.0.4
Platform: Other
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Okay so about 3 weeks ago I emailed WDW And asked them about the expansion of AK and if they would be building a new land soon. They wrote back to me with the following: (Please note I copied the entire email, but blocked out my personal info)

Walt Disney World Guest Mail <guest.mail@wdw.disneyonline.com>to
Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:43 AMsubject
Re: Request for General Information about Walt Disney World Resort (KMM34274284I15977L0KM)
hide details 10:43 AM (11 minutes ago)


Dear Ron,

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World Resort.

The Walt Disney World Resort is constantly working with our "Imagineers"
and evaluating new ideas for further enhancing our attractions and
entertainment offerings in the parks. At this time, we can confirm that they are currently in the process of developing a new "land" at Walt Disney's Animal Kingdom. We are sorry we can't provide more details other then to say this new area is scheduled to open in 2012.

We appreciate your understanding.

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact

Please include your full name, E-Mail address, and reservation number if
applicable on all correspondence.

Thank you!


Ronda Kendall

WDW Online Communications

PLEASE NOTE: All information is subject to change without notice and
should be confirmed just prior to your visit.

Original Message Follows:
I have heard that at Animal Kingdom they are supposed to build another
land. What will this land be? And when will it be opening?

Client Info:
Browser: Other
Browser version: 3.0.4
Platform: Other
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Real or fake...? Real I hope.



Well-Known Member
The Walt Disney World Resort is constantly working with our "Imagineers"
and evaluating new ideas for further enhancing our attractions and
entertainment offerings in the parks. At this time, we can confirm that they are currently in the process of developing a new "land" at Walt Disney's Animal Kingdom. We are sorry we can't provide more details other then to say this new area is scheduled to open in 2012.

Coupla things that make it iffy...

A) The email does not use correct corporate naming structure. It should be "Disney's Animal Kingdom Park" (with an (R) mark beside it).

B) "Other then" should be "other than"

C) There's no way in hell that Imagineering would "confirm" that they were building a new land like that. There would be rumors, etc, but any "confirmation" would come through the typical media channels (IE, a well-crafted media release, etc).

Somebody's playing with ya, I think. :)


Well-Known Member
Very surprising that they have a form email with THAT info...I've never really been BSed by resort communications (usually they provide LESS info than I would like--never heard of them revealing anything they weren't told to reveal). If this is a real email, it's very exciting.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, something may be in the works, but that email is kinda iffy like everyone said. But hey, here's to hoping!:shrug::animwink:
I call shenanigans on this one.

There's no way that a form email would say that, and then have spelling mistakes. Unless Disney hires computer illiterate people to respond to emails.

I just emailed disneyworld.com with the same general question, let's see what I get back.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Coupla things that make it iffy...

A) The email does not use correct corporate naming structure. It should be "Disney's Animal Kingdom Park" (with an (R) mark beside it).

B) "Other then" should be "other than"

C) There's no way in hell that Imagineering would "confirm" that they were building a new land like that. There would be rumors, etc, but any "confirmation" would come through the typical media channels (IE, a well-crafted media release, etc).

Somebody's playing with ya, I think. :)

Right...BUT if coulda been written by some random CM and not a form letter. I hope that's it. It would be nice to get some info on the ongoings of WDI.


Well-Known Member
Disney usually likes to keep things pretty close to the vest, which is why this email is a bit odd. I would like to believe it is true, but I am skeptical. Thanks for sharing anyways.


Well-Known Member
Coupla things that make it iffy...

A) The email does not use correct corporate naming structure. It should be "Disney's Animal Kingdom Park" (with an (R) mark beside it).

B) "Other then" should be "other than"

C) There's no way in hell that Imagineering would "confirm" that they were building a new land like that. There would be rumors, etc, but any "confirmation" would come through the typical media channels (IE, a well-crafted media release, etc).

Somebody's playing with ya, I think. :)
That is the first thing I noticed..I think it is fake..

While I do enjoy all these joke threads and I think they are funny..I do think that if they keep being posted that people who do not realize that they are jokes or satire or whatever will keep being confused.

While there are many "seasoned" posters here who know when others are joking around or trying to make light of different threads that are constantly putting Disney down there are many new posters who are coming here for true information and real honest reviews and are being mislead by all these "jokes"

That is just my opinion though..:shrug:


Active Member
Original Poster
I can assure all of you with 100% confidence that this not fake. I was just as shocked as all of you are while reading this email. I also did notice the grammar and spelling mistakes and thought it was odd they would have someone sending out emails who can't write properly.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Coupla things that make it iffy...

A) The email does not use correct corporate naming structure. It should be "Disney's Animal Kingdom Park" (with an (R) mark beside it).

B) "Other then" should be "other than"

C) There's no way in hell that Imagineering would "confirm" that they were building a new land like that. There would be rumors, etc, but any "confirmation" would come through the typical media channels (IE, a well-crafted media release, etc).

Somebody's playing with ya, I think. :)
Good catch jackie... :wave:

*nothing to see here... move along*


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I would like to see the e-mail header information.. IP address... routing... etc... everything sans your full e-mail addy of course. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Coupla things that make it iffy...

A) The email does not use correct corporate naming structure. It should be "Disney's Animal Kingdom Park" (with an (R) mark beside it).

B) "Other then" should be "other than"

C) There's no way in hell that Imagineering would "confirm" that they were building a new land like that. There would be rumors, etc, but any "confirmation" would come through the typical media channels (IE, a well-crafted media release, etc).

Somebody's playing with ya, I think. :)


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