WDW begins to prepare for Charlie, possible park closures for friday...


Well-Known Member
Living in IL I see my fair share of tornadoes and the damage they cause. I actually witnessed my first live tornado this year, and was the actual spotter for it too which saved many lives I'm sure. It was the coolest yet freakiest thing I have ever seen in my life. I still would love to witness a hurricane though...especially in WDW!


Premium Member
prberk said:
I have one question: what if the power goes out? Has it ever gone out throughout the resort before, say like during these storms.. Anyone ever experienced that? Just wondered. We had long-term devastating power outages in central Virginia last year after Hurricane Isabelle.

They have emergency generators to deliver power, and even portable generators to deliver power to critical areas, like road lighting.

You can see examples of when they set up for the potential year 2000 bug. http://www.wdwmagic.com/christmas_1999.htm

Based on how well they prepare and manage these situations, if there was one place I would want to be in some kind of severe weather or crisis, it would be WDW. Their planning really is phenominal. I recall that over the millenium bug time, they issued every single room at all of the resorts with an emergency flashlight in the event of power loss.


Premium Member
twistedmickey said:
Since the park is expected to be open from 8-2 or 3, will they be giving discounts on one-day passes? I am so ed about this hurricane. UGH!!!! :cry:
Since Disney cannot control the weather, I wouldnt expect to see discounts. Remember they are doing all of this for your safety.


Active Member
Hey prberk you probally dont have much to worry about the power grid at WDW. I believe just about all of there power grid is underground. Think about it have you seen a telephone pole on proptery like you do here in Va? I live in Hampton Va and know too well about isabel. My generator ran 7 days straight before power came back on. Luckily I keep about 25 gallons of fuel just for that reason and boy did it pay for itself that week. Anyhow I know there was a fire at a substation on proptery which left EPCOT in the dark for a entire day forcing it to close a few years back. Also when we were there in mid July we came back to our room one day to find the alarm clock blinking and my laptop battery almost dead but who knows what caused that.


Well-Known Member
As a former Floridian of 17 years, I have seen my shre of hurricaines and storms, having to vacate the Island whenever there was a threat....I am SO happy I dont have to do that anymore! I have seen the damage they can do, and it is no trivial matter...from Tropical storms to category 4. AND Most people are idiots. When I was working as a manager for Blockbuster, the most imporant thing for people was whether or not there would be late fees if they lost power...and if I knew if the liquor stores were open...and getting REALLY angry when we closed the store and turned people away...all the while they were telling people to stay off the roads :rolleyes:
I have ha my shre of Tornadoes too...growning up in Ohio, and transporting horses in the midle of one...NOT a friendly sight! Still haunts me to this day...Tornadoes are so unpredictable...at least with Hurricaines you know they are coming!


Active Member


I've lived some of the most damaging hurricanes in my life (Andrew skiped us back then). I am in the island of Puerto Rico and i have seen my share of storms (hurricanes, tropical storms, and so on). One of the most damaging is a combination of moving speed, rainfall and wind speed (just imagine something with several miles of rain and wind passing for 4 or 5 hours (sometimes even more). Trees falling here and there, some roofs tearing down, floods, powerlines out, sometimes hail. Then the eye, everithing is calm for some small amount of time and then all breaks loose, everything that has just passed, is all back except the wind that is now from the other side. It isn't a pretty sight. landslides, poles, trees, signs everywhere, bridges out...

In my humble opinion and that's what some resorts and hotels do, create activities in the convention centers of the hotel (that sometimes are more save) and have mini gulf tournaments, slumber parties, make stuff so the children can enjoy and pass the time because is sometimes the most scarry ever (the wind sound, the glass panes moving like their were to explode.) This are my experiences, hope in some way help to understand.


New Member
When is all this storm business supposed to taper off? We're supposed to leave on Tuesday, are we in the clear for traveling or is this going to hamper things a bit?


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
That's the storm that took out our sailboat. Unfortunately, our boat insurance company had just dropped all of its' Florida clients (thank you Andrew) and because I was on bedrest, I hadn't gotten a new policy yet. Not only did we lose our boat, we had to pay for damage to a neighbor's dock.

Sorry to hear about your boat. Hope you are feeling better!


Well-Known Member
pinkrose said:
Same here. My parent's house was hit by one a few years ago. Scott, do you remember the F-5 that hit outside of Birmingham several years ago. It flattened a whole subdivision and even sucked people out of their basements? :(
OMG, Elizabeth! I do remember that one! Pictures and videos were terrible. I hope that is something I never have to go through. Closest I have come is one that didn't touch down, but the winds uprooted a tree that hit our house and twisted out the tops of several other trees around our house.


General Grizz

New Member
The eye of a hurricane is calm. . . there is nothing in it. But the ridge which circles it is the strongest part.

Tornadoes are common on the outer bands, thus we're all under a Tornado watch here in Central Florida.

I'm out to the winter cave. Peace. :D


New Member
We live in a tornado path in Indiana. May-July is a wild ride for storms, especially this year. Luckly we finally bought a house with a basement that at least makes us feel better.

I remember in 2001 Tropical Storm Gabrielle coming two days after 9/11/2001. First day in the park we were rushed out because of 9/11 then one good day and two days of Tropical Storm Gabrielle, which was mostly heavy winds and buckets of rain. Remember finally getting tired of all the complaining and packing up the kid and husband to go to the parks. Best day for it. Everyone else was back in their rooms waiting for it to blow over.

Disney left messages both days staying the parks were open but they could close at anytime due to the weather conditions.

Don't want to do it again though!


twistedmickey said:
Since the park is expected to be open from 8-2 or 3, will they be giving discounts on one-day passes? I am so ed about this hurricane. UGH!!!! :cry:

When they closed early in 1999, we were able to get a free one day pass if you sent in the pass you used on that partial day with a form letter they gave you. But it wasn't an immediate gratification thing .. didn't get the replacement until well after I was back home. But we basically got the partial day for free --- and MK was practically deserted.


I wouldn't schedule my trip around a hurricane obviously, but if one happened to pop up during one of my trips I'd probably go anyway.

Eh, so it's a little windy and some rain, big deal. :hammer:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I heard in preperation for the storm... The Scorpions will be at PI tonight to sing there hit... "Rock You Like A Hurricane" :lol: :lookaroun

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