The problem here isn't 100% cost cutting despite it being major a corporate benefit of it all. Its about giving stupid, petulant, spoiled Americans exactly what they want exactly when they want it. As
@entangled said, certain guests try to police and sometimes even insult cast members because we live in a country of filled with entitled, disgusting, special snowflake, families who think things get done by themselves. Most of the complaints here about the Florida parks are because TDO has often structured its operations to appease the complaints of these sub-human pigs. Its their fault that rides like Space Mountain and Peter Pan's Flight go year after year without much needed updates. Its their fault that the characters rarley can roam free in the Florida parks anymore. It's their fault as to why just about any complaint you can muster up about any of the downgrades made to the resort exists. So while cost cutting may be an advantage of this stratagey, the reality is that Disney is ultimately trying to please a part of their demographic that should be banned from the parks for their obnoxiousness, while just about every other decent human being has to suffer through these unfortunate circumstances.