I have nothing really to add that hasn't been mentioned previously, but as a long-time fan of the graphic novel I'm actually pretty excited about this film. Looks like it might actually be able to live up to the source material (no small feat in my opinion).
Glad to see so many others are equally interested. I'll be watching this thread closely, as it looks like Servo has the 411 on news updates for the film.
You probably have heard, but allegedly Kevin Smith was impressed with the rough cut he was shown. Whether you think his opinion is worthwhile or not is another conversation, though.
Glad to see so many others are equally interested. I'll be watching this thread closely, as it looks like Servo has the 411 on news updates for the film.
You probably have heard, but allegedly Kevin Smith was impressed with the rough cut he was shown. Whether you think his opinion is worthwhile or not is another conversation, though.