Well, I do have to state this first. Obviously, the second version of the Imagination Pavilion, Journey into Your Imagination, was a pathetic shadow of the original attraction. The initial shock of going from the original, highly imaginative, creative, longer, whimsical ride to the simplistic, scaled back, Figment-less version made people claim it was the worst ride ever made.
But was it really worse than the current version? I say, no, it wasn't, it was better. The current version was nothing but a rush job response to all the complaints of removing Dreamfinder and Figment from the ride. However, the Figment in this version is not fun and endearing, he's just kind of annoying.
The previous ride was at least somewhat inspired and didn't come across as kid-centric.
My theory is that if the original version had never existed, people would prefer the previous version to the current version.
interesting theory of yours.
IF the *Original* never existed....would folks prefer the 2nd version to the current 3rd installment.
I have experienced all three in person many times, so will share my thoughts on that theory.
In my personal opinion, and based on knowledge of your typical Average Guest and their expectations, i would say no, they would enjoy the 3rd more.
Why -
Between the 2nd and 3rd versions only, the 2nd had little *eye candy* and sets to look at.
The lack of any character, or characters, that could be seen....and not just heard...also puts the 2nd version to a disadvantage with Guest Average.
Guests want to SEE things before them...when they ride this type of Attraction ( dark ride ).
Yes, the 2nd lacked such sets and visual elements because it*s concept was to *imagine* things in the dark through suggestive audio narration, which was the prime driver of the story.
Some would argue it was more a budget cop-out, and a grander visual effects presentation was original planned.
Debate aside.... that was the primary story goal of the 2nd version - Get riders *imagining* during the ride and show them ( fleetingly ) what they come up with.
The problem was because it lacked any real charm or memorable moments, Guests basically traveled through a set-less experience.
Guest Average came away from it rather underwhelmed, to put it mildly.
The 3rd version overlay would have been seen as a huge improvement, in my opinion, if they only ever knew the dark and empty appearing 2nd version.
The added sets, colorful lighting, music, and the visual representations of in-ride characters were all a plus when compared to the visually empty show rooms of the 2nd.
The 3rd version gave Guests *something to look at*.
Add into this the monitor screens -video elements, and again, Guest Average would find it much more visually stimulating a ride experience.
Figment being added into the 3rd version was also not necessarily because of * fan demand*.
It was primarily because the Merchandise department wanted him back in the Attraction so they could sell more plush, shirts, and the like.
During the 2nd versions brief operating, new Figment related merch was still being made and sold despite the character being removed from the Pavilion. The small shop was full of such items, which was odd since the character had been wiped clean from the EPCOT scene.
I saw the merch spread in person at that time...and bought several pieces despite my absolute disgust in the 2nd overlay.
The Merchandising department wanted to sell product to more then just *original fans*...as new Guests had no clue who this character was and were thus not buying.
The request was made to add Figment back into the Attraction in a larger role of the experience to help drive sales. The fact that *original fans* were outraged and demanded he return encouraged Disney to rethink his removal, but the main drive was to sell more Figment stuff.
Having said all that....i have to say i am not a fan of either the 2nd or 3rd version of the Imagination *ride*.
I re-read some of what i posted above and cannot believe i am actually saying positive things about the 3rd, current version! Compared to the 2nd version, it IS a improvement...but does not in ANY form compare to the utter brilliance of the one and only *Original*.
The Original, as i have said many times here on this Forum, is and was a absolute masterpiece of themed entertainment design.
From the overall concept, design execution, color palette, and uniquely staged show scenes, it was a true Classic in every sense of the word.
Add into that already stellar mix two interesting and charming characters, and a stunning musical score, and it is no surprise why this Attraction is one of the most sorely missed experiences at WDW.
It was visually exciting, emotionally empowering, and wonderfully inspiring.
A quality classification all it*s own.
No video can capture what the experience was actually like.
Only those who actually rode along in the Original...in person...will ever really fully understand the scope and spectacle it truly was.
Absolutely spectacular on SO many levels.
There will never be anything like it built again.