I thought the original (based on a youtube video) was obviously very well done and an instant classic that faded away.
I thought they MIGHT have been headed in the right direction with an imagination institute theme for the pavilion.
Honey, I Shrunk the Audience was honestly a very VERY well done show for the pavilion's theme. At least, for it's time. It wouldn't have hurt to maybe update it with a new professor or something after about mid-way through it's run.
The (V2) without figment, no. No no no. Horrible. You canNOT walk into Epcot without thinking Figment is in the imagination pavilion. He HAS to be there.
V3, I consider it to be.... Eh. I think the problem I have with the whole thing is that it's all screens. Screens, screens and screens. I mean, yea there's an upside-down motionless house, a black room with neon signs, a black room with footprint lights, a black sound room with one AA and a narrator in the background, a small room with figment cardboard cutouts, and a black room with a screen of the professor with the face of the moon.
The main ride of the pavilion was poorly done. I personally think the theming would have worked great with Epcot. See... What if instead of "Dr. Nigel Channing" and a bunch of screens, we had the character from The TimeKeeper. OR, maybe Dr. Nigel Channing should have been a AA robot professor similar to TimeKeeper. No screens. The study of the senses are a fine theming to the ride. Heck, if you kinda think about it, Dreamfinder looks like a professor. Maybe Dreamfinder could have been brought into the imagination institute theme in the image works area.
I like the imagination institute idea. I just don't like the way they handled the main part of the pavilion. The attraction did NOT need to be shortened, or filled with cheap TV screens. They should have taken it seriously rather than make something "new" as fast as they could.
Also, Imageworks... Why? Why would they need to close the top portion of the pavilion? It wouldn't even have to technically be the imageoworks! It could stay downstairs!
I'm going with my original idea for the upper level in stating that there should have been a restaurant in the upper level with the pyramid area being the lobby of the restaurant. That'd be beautiful. And dream finder and figment could walk around greeting guests at tables.
As I said. I like the imagination institute. While I also liked the original attraction as well. I just think they had a pretty good idea for Epcot, and just rushed through what could have been a greatly re-designed theming of the pavilion.