Walt Disney World "Monstrous Summer" Press Event April 25th & 26th


Well-Known Member
This sounds like the type of nothing event where the O-Town lifestylers fight for spots on the list and wonder why they aren't there ... free rooms, free admission, free parties, free booze, free swag ... come on down.
They should charge $1000 admission for a VIP package for fans to attend and make it free for "real" press only. By "real" I mean those media outlets who require a handler when going through the parks.

Then see how many lifestylers show up


Well-Known Member
I think it is referring to those people who are somehow tweeting from the parks every day.
Not me! If I lived in WDW, I still wouldn't be in the parks every day. That's some true love there!

Those people must get paid for it. I can't see anyone wanting to be there every day. After a while, it gets old. All the Disney fans are going to come at me with clubs now, lol. But the thrill really does wear off, peeps! It's still fun on occasion, but not every day or every week!


Well-Known Member
I think it is referring to those people who are somehow tweeting from the parks every day. how do you do that? Do your parents support you?

(Not wanting to spark any huge debates or anything, please don't refer to me as slime or anything like that after reading the following. I am just a person with a career path that allows me some flexibility.)

As someone who was *this close* to actually being one of these people for a living, I can tell you how I was planning on doing it. I am a blogger, not related to Disney, and I am a huge Disney fan as well, so this seemed like a natural fit. Plus, I have other income streams that would have allowed me to do this.

(Pre-cursor: This was actually going to be my plan, but I decided to hunt for full time jobs after grad school just for a short while to see what was out there. I found a full time job that was a really good match for me, so I ended up taking it instead.) I have a part time job working for a tech company from home, which I've had for the past year. I also used to work as an assistant to a marketing consultant, which I also do from home. If I added in one more stream of income (my plan was to get an easy job bartending/waiting tables somewhere in Orlando) I would have had enough income to support myself without having a full-time job, so I could have spent a lot of time in the parks. And since two of my jobs would have been work from home, I technically could do them anywhere there's wifi. Meaning I would have been on a bench in the Magic Kingdom, or riding TTA over and over again.

If you can find an income stream (or multiple) that you can get by remote, it's not that difficult to keep up a side opportunity as any kind of blogger and work hard enough at it to earn a profit (be that cash or swag.) I was about to be an "O-Town Lifestyle Blogger" and needed no help from my parents. (I put myself through grad school in one of the most expensive cities in the world, I can certain hustle hard enough to afford rent in Orlando an an AP.)


Well-Known Member
They might. I mean, if they plan on doing something Monsters Inc related in Soundstage 1, might as well announce it and get some attention before the movie comes out. Doing that would still allow Disney to have a big DHS Cars Land announcement at D23.
Wish! Wish! Wish! Oh wish please come true! I know some people don't want a "clone", but I guess if you're a Cars fan, and want something new at DHS, and enjoy a Test Track type ride, then it would be a welcome addition!:D


Well-Known Member
Dear lord man, you actually have me wondering if I should try and be a O-town lifestyler for a month just to check it out. The phrase cracks me up every time I see it.

The problem is there is only so much room on the Disney gravy train and that's why the Lifestylers are backstabbing parasites. They, not all but most, hate each other. Disney has pruned the ranks of who they'll have at most events of late. Something like this, though, REAL media won't have much interest in. There is NOTHING at WDW to pimp.


Well-Known Member
The problem is there is only so much room on the Disney gravy train and that's why the Lifestylers are backstabbing parasites. They, not all but most, hate each other. Disney has pruned the ranks of who they'll have at most events of late. Something like this, though, REAL media won't have much interest in. There is NOTHING at WDW to pimp.

I'm sure plenty of "real" media will attend if invited, but I wouldn't look for many to be turning stories. ;)


Well-Known Member
Too bad you won't be in Orlando.
You could've attended in person.

They used to be a whole lot more fun than they are now ... back when Disney ran them in a first class manner and you didn't largely get an audience of losers/hangers-on/wannabes and social media whores.

I'd rather attend the opening of SDL myself. And I can pretty much guarantee you that Disney won't be paying for one social media from the USA to travel to Shanghai!


Liker of Things
Premium Member
The problem is there is only so much room on the Disney gravy train and that's why the Lifestylers are backstabbing parasites. They, not all but most, hate each other. Disney has pruned the ranks of who they'll have at most events of late. Something like this, though, REAL media won't have much interest in. There is NOTHING at WDW to pimp.

I can backstab. I don't know if I could turn off the my personality for long enough to blow pixie dust up arses several times a day.


Well-Known Member
Not me! If I lived in WDW, I still wouldn't be in the parks every day. That's some true love there!

Those people must get paid for it. I can't see anyone wanting to be there every day. After a while, it gets old. All the Disney fans are going to come at me with clubs now, lol. But the thrill really does wear off, peeps! It's still fun on occasion, but not every day or every week!

Nah. It's not love. It's mental illness/addiction.

Any OCD behavior is.

No, your Lifestyle site really doesn't need to be the first one with Tangled toilets photos. It really doesn't need them at all!

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