Sorry I haven't posted my Marathon time yet. I just got
back to Ohio yesterday and I'm already regretting that I
did. It is 0 degrees with the windchill and its not looking
good for the rest of winter, but on the bright side, there is
only 356 days until we leave for the Goofy Challenge next year
and we are looking to join the vacation club so maybe we can
go to Florida twice during winter.
My marathon time was 3:55:35, which I was shooting for 3:55
or less but I ran faster than what I wanted for the half so 35 seconds
more really isn't that big of a deal. My legs were somewhat sore that day
and the day after, but the soreness went away by Tuesday morning. Races
that I'm looking at for the year are the Cleveland, Columbus, Akron and Toledo Half-Marathons, the Warriors Dash, and maybe the Tough Mudder.