Walls in HM Queue


Well-Known Member
Slow moving heads? Um, they still pop up. And the ones in the attic have been gone for a while now...and those screams were part of the effect.

Guests really haven't seen anything yet of NextGen. Space Mountain isn't really all that involved deeply in NextGen.

Yet people still want DL's NBC overlay to come to WDW.

The pet graveyard isn't part of the change.

Why are people so upset? Everytime a wall goes up people get up in arms around here? They tear it apart before they even get a chance for it to open. They call themselves "Disney Purists" but a true purist knows that Walt said the parks will always be changing.

With HM being my favorite attraction since I was a kid and having collected every bit of information and trying to get my hands on every bit of merchandise on it, I can tell you that the changes I've seen are only going to enhance the attraction even more. Please give it a chance to be built before you bash it.

I agree. This will be awesome and people need to chill.

And why is everyone assuming it will have a New Orleans theme?


Active Member
The only thing I don't like about the update is the bride. They should make the bride an animatronic instead of a projection, or at least give her some kind of dimension like Leota or the singing busts. It's like a movie screen in the shape of a body. I think the entire attic is enough for the bride, she doesn't need the tombstones as well :lookaroun

And everyone is upset because people are more attached to this attraction more than Space Mountain or many others. Those tombstones are a special little tribute to the people who made the attraction, so we are sad to see them go.

If someone buries their phone into their face, then let them, don't change something just to keep their attention, nothing will save them now.


Well-Known Member
I'm excited for this. We saw what they did last time: no tvs, projections, or video games. It was creative, interactive, and fun. Lets see how this goes.


Premium Member
The only thing I don't like about the update is the bride. They should make the bride an animatronic instead of a projection, or at least give her some kind of dimension like Leota or the singing busts. It's like a movie screen in the shape of a body. I think the entire attic is enough for the bride, she doesn't need the tombstones as well :lookaroun

And everyone is upset because people are more attached to this attraction more than Space Mountain or many others. Those tombstones are a special little tribute to the people who made the attraction, so we are sad to see them go.

If someone buries their phone into their face, then let them, don't change something just to keep their attention, nothing will save them now.

I agree about the bride, the previous bride was much more creepy!!


Active Member
Whatever they do with the Next-Gen on HM, it most likely will not detract from the classic graveyard queue area. The Space Mtn. interactive queue worked out. I think this will.


Active Member
Why are people so upset? Everytime a wall goes up people get up in arms around here? They tear it apart before they even get a chance for it to open. They call themselves "Disney Purists" but a true purist knows that Walt said the parks will always be changing.

It's not that we don't like change. It's that we have very little faith in the imagineers of today. Nearly everything they touch turns out for the worse. Since 2006 alone they've ruined Spaceship Earth, Pirates of the Caribbean, It's a Small World in Disneyland, and the TTA. The last generation of imagineers were content with creating new things, yet these guys are hellbent egotists that think they need their stamp on every classic attraction. Meanwhile stuff that actually needs updating (half of Epcot and Hollywood Studios) remains untouched.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand all of the complaints. The Imagineers are unlikely to ruin the Haunted Mansion. People thought the big refurbishment would ruin the ride but I think what they did was fantastic. I expect these updates will be similarly fantastic (and perhaps add to the creepiness of the queue experience--much like the tombstone installed now several years back did (with the moving eyes).


Well-Known Member
It's not that we don't like change. It's that we have very little faith in the imagineers of today. Nearly everything they touch turns out for the worse. Since 2006 alone they've ruined Spaceship Earth, Pirates of the Caribbean, It's a Small World in Disneyland, and the TTA. The last generation of imagineers were content with creating new things, yet these guys are hellbent egotists that think they need their stamp on every classic attraction. Meanwhile stuff that actually needs updating (half of Epcot and Hollywood Studios) remains untouched.

LOL! Really? I think this statement needs to be rethought. You have to keep in mind the Imagineers are sometimes REQUIRED to update rides with fresh ideas because of Disney...aka the addition of Jack Sparrow. But for every Small World there are 10 more rides and ideas that put the rest to shame (all of Animal Kingdom, Sorin' and the new Fantasyland concept to name a few). Have you even ridden The Haunted Mansion since the 2007 updates? PURE genius. It is now considered the best version of the ride by most fans. And who cares if our Queue isn't going to be 100% original anymore? It was really lacking compared to the others. It's time for the outside to match the inside. Not to mention, our queue will be interactive and so far the others will not be...which gives us our originality back. It's complaints like these that keep TDO from updating the parks. They use fanboy complaints to justify the cutbacks (but we can't do that! It will ruin the classic attractions that our fans love!). It's all the complaints that get us no updates and few new attractions. I'll be the first one to admit that I see Disney in Rose Colored Glasses, but I really feel attacking Imagineers is pretty poor in this situation. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
It's not that we don't like change. It's that we have very little faith in the imagineers of today. Nearly everything they touch turns out for the worse. Since 2006 alone they've ruined Spaceship Earth, Pirates of the Caribbean, It's a Small World in Disneyland, and the TTA. The last generation of imagineers were content with creating new things, yet these guys are hellbent egotists that think they need their stamp on every classic attraction. Meanwhile stuff that actually needs updating (half of Epcot and Hollywood Studios) remains untouched.

I have an issue with generalizing what the problems are with the recent things. SSE lacks an intriguing descent and a intellectually-stimulating script but has beautiful new scenes in the ascent. POTC at WDW has been screwed up since it was built (that darn Marc Davis:lookaroun), the movie additions were really a wash for me, just wish all the audio and figures had been upgraded like in DL. It's pretty much a given that, with the exception of the Lilo & Stitch figures, IASW at DL has actually been improved according to fans and the general public.

I'm optimistic about the queue enhancement at HM. I do have a few concerns, like how much the new queue will "stick out" and if there will still be some of the amusing tombstones. Like a reasonable fan, I'll wait till the thing opens to form a solid opinion. Chances are good that I will find positives and negatives about the new queue, that's human nature. If the queue is brought up to the post-refurb ride quality I'll be very pleased.:shrug:


Active Member
POTC at WDW has been screwed up since it was built (that darn Marc Davis:lookaroun), the movie additions were really a wash for me, just wish all the audio and figures had been upgraded like in DL.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the animatronics in POTC need work. I think the ones in SE are working better than the ones in POTC.


Why are people so upset? Everytime a wall goes up people get up in arms around here? They tear it apart before they even get a chance for it to open. They call themselves "Disney Purists" but a true purist knows that Walt said the parks will always be changing.

Oh come now raven... you're not new around here. You know how it works.... complain first, wait-and-see later (then of course completely ignore you ever complained once it turns out to be a success). Think Land makeover, American Idol, Spaceship Earth, Seas makeover, etc, etc etc... the list goes on and on.


Are they getting rid of the tombstones? If so, what are they going to do with them. I would buy one given the opportunity. (Or two, depending on the price.) :)


Well-Known Member
For those of you upset don't worry the budget will be slashed for this and other projects a 100 times before you see anything. What could go wrong :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Well it will be a mixture of the WDW and DL areas.

A mixture of Post-Colonial Hudson River Valley and Jazz Age New Orleans? Talk about eclectic. :lol:

But this would tell me this "NextGen" thing is headed to Disneyland as well, if they are folding in a New Orleans angle to it.


Well-Known Member
The queue will not extend down by the water (exept on very busy days). The area being redone is only where the current cemetary is. WDI does some great work and have some really amazing ideas and concepts. But when budgets are layed out some things have to go or be changed. It isn't WDI's fault so you can't blame them for cheap upgrades. If it were up to them you'd be paying tripple times the current ticket price in order for the projects to pay for themselves.



Hi I lurk here and post once every two or three years firstly Raven didn't say it would be New Orleans they don't have the intention of ruining the Haunted mansion and if there will be similaritie to Disneyland I may make the point Haunted Masion Disneyland Has vaults not gravestones. So I don't know if that has anything to do with this but firstly the gravestones are too close together to logically suggest that people are buried under them for it to be more realistic to theme they would have to be farther apart and you would have to give that space. Lastly the Hatbox ghost which has only been purposed for Disneyland is intrinsically Disneyland but I doubt that has anything to do with anything the vault how ever may. Raven you pick up from here.

Cheers Talk to you guys again in 3 years keep writing though I read it everyday.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Why are people so upset? Everytime a wall goes up people get up in arms around here? They tear it apart before they even get a chance for it to open. They call themselves "Disney Purists" but a true purist knows that Walt said the parks will always be changing.

With HM being my favorite attraction since I was a kid and having collected every bit of information and trying to get my hands on every bit of merchandise on it, I can tell you that the changes I've seen are only going to enhance the attraction even more. Please give it a chance to be built before you bash it.
I have to agree. Complaining about a change that we know next to nothing about makes about as much sense as yelling at a telephone pole for running out in front of your car.

While on the surface I am not thrilled with the prospect of the graveyard going away from what you posted it does not sound like it is going away merely changing. I will wait to see the finished product before I decide if it is a good, bad or neutral change.


I wonder if with the plumbing changes if water will be involved with the new effects? some kind of mister? a tombstone bust that spits water at you? a reverse waterfall?

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