Walls in HM Queue


Well-Known Member
There's a difference between a temporary change over and adding permanent story element that is out of place.:shrug:

I don't see anyone complaining about the HM refurb from a few years ago around here. Because it was so perfect to the theme of the ride.

I just can't see how adding New Orleans theming into 1600s/early 1700s New England fits...:shrug:

How about 1800's New England transitioning back into the 1700's on the Frontierland border.

Adding some of the effects from DL HM will not necessarily change the design of HM. The building facade will not change, just the queue area.

Give it time


Seems many are not reading the article referenced on the first page of the thread:

"Interactive queue elements and more enhancements now being added to the Haunted Mansion
Oct 05, 2010

Construction walls are now up in parts of the Haunted Mansion queue to allow work to begin on some significant upgrades to the queuing experience.

First up will be the addition of some interactive features, similar to those tested a few months ago at the Mansion. Secondly, the queue will be reworked to allow wheelchairs to pass through the regular queue. As part of the upgrades, the queue will be extended slightly into the graveyard area and near to the water

Sounds to me like all they're doing is removing the tombstones to make room for the wheelchair access. I'm fairly confident the originals will return in a new location when they're finished moving that wall to the left of the doors, and some new interactive thing like they tested previously will be added in. And as has been previously noted, any plumbing to be moved would most likely be rerouting the drains for the gutters.

My personal hope is that they redesign the Leota Tombstone. Great idea, but it bears absolutely no resemblence to Leota! Hopefully, they'll fix that. One of the not-so-perfect upgrades. Chatty Connie and those new vocals in the graveyard need to go also! And put Leota back on the table where she belongs! Changes are not always a good thing. Some work well, some not so much. Nothing we can do about it besides wait and see.


The Epcot Manifesto


I'm excited to see the new changes. It does sound like it is going to be down for a bit of time though, so I'm crossing my fingers (but not holding my breath) for my early December trip. I like the fact that WDW seems to be making little to large changes all over the place to try and enhance the experience.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so much negativity wrapped up in just a couple pages.

Attacks on Imagineers? Really? :confused:

Here is how I'm looking at this...

The tombstones are great. The references to old Imagineers, the funny sayings, something to look at before you're ushered into the mansion... Now it is being "enhanced" for NexGen. Raven has already confirmed that this does NOT include anything with screens. He has also said that as a HUGE HM fan, he is excited about this change. That right there should be enough to reassure everyone. Nothing has been said that the Imagineer references and funny sayings couldn't be reused in the new reimagined area, right? So just wait it out and you may be pleasantly surprised.

If I had any insider knowledge I would be very hesitant to post it here anymore with the harsh judgement that goes on anymore on things that aren't even complete. And I understand people's concern about things that change for the worse (AE to SGE, JII) but this isn't even a full ride. We can't change what gets built so just let the change happen and then we can all complain once it is finished. :p

Raven, are you able to say if this update will interact with guests, or will the guests have to interact with it first? For some reason I have this image of something like tombstone or ghost characters that speak to guests much like the Mask Room at AC.


Well-Known Member
Innocent until proven guilty.

As much as I love the old tombstones, and the imagineers they represent, I have faith that the current generation of imagineers will still include and pay tribute to them on one form or another. I think a lot of people around here need to take a deep breath and step down from the ledge.


Premium Member
Wow, so much negativity wrapped up in just a couple pages.

Attacks on Imagineers? Really? :confused:

Here is how I'm looking at this...

The tombstones are great. The references to old Imagineers, the funny sayings, something to look at before you're ushered into the mansion... Now it is being "enhanced" for NexGen. Raven has already confirmed that this does NOT include anything with screens. He has also said that as a HUGE HM fan, he is excited about this change. That right there should be enough to reassure everyone. Nothing has been said that the Imagineer references and funny sayings couldn't be reused in the new reimagined area, right? So just wait it out and you may be pleasantly surprised.

If I had any insider knowledge I would be very hesitant to post it here anymore with the harsh judgement that goes on anymore on things that aren't even complete. And I understand people's concern about things that change for the worse (AE to SGE, JII) but this isn't even a full ride. We can't change what gets built so just let the change happen and then we can all complain once it is finished. :p

Raven, are you able to say if this update will interact with guests, or will the guests have to interact with it first? For some reason I have this image of something like tombstone or ghost characters that speak to guests much like the Mask Room at AC.

It is going to be similar to what was tested previously. See http://www.wdwmagic.com/Attractions...-Gen-queue-testing-at-the-Haunted-Mansion.htm for info and photos.


Well-Known Member
Hi I lurk here and post once every two or three years firstly Raven didn't say it would be New Orleans they don't have the intention of ruining the Haunted mansion and if there will be similaritie to Disneyland I may make the point Haunted Masion Disneyland Has vaults not gravestones. So I don't know if that has anything to do with this but firstly the gravestones are too close together to logically suggest that people are buried under them for it to be more realistic to theme they would have to be farther apart and you would have to give that space. Lastly the Hatbox ghost which has only been purposed for Disneyland is intrinsically Disneyland but I doubt that has anything to do with anything the vault how ever may. Raven you pick up from here.

Cheers Talk to you guys again in 3 years keep writing though I read it everyday.

Haven't seen any clue of the HBG making his appearence in the new queue. But as rarely as you post here, you seem to sort out the details on your own. :animwink:

Raven, are you able to say if this update will interact with guests, or will the guests have to interact with it first? For some reason I have this image of something like tombstone or ghost characters that speak to guests much like the Mask Room at AC.

Well the whole idea of an interactive queue is to do just that...interact. And this area will be one of the first of it's kind (behind Pooh). Just don't expect a statue to stand up and deliver a speach. It's not HOP. This will be more like Leota's headstone type of interaction. Some will need to be prompted by the guests, others will just happen.

Sooner or later the answers will appear on this thread as to what exactly is being installed. Not by me but by people guessing here. As I read those posts I will be biting my tounge...a little. :zipit:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thanks to both Steve and Raven. :wave:

The more things I hear about the NexGen project the more intrigued I get. It really does sound like Disney is finally gearing up for something HUGE once this is all said and done. I hope I'm right, and I hope it's for the better.

Bring on the changes! :)


Well-Known Member
But thankfully much better looking than that simple test.

And this isn't the entire meaning of NextGen for those wondering. These interactive queues are only a small portion of that whole plan. The main part of the experience will come at a later time and will make a huge impact on everything.

RFID personalization?

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
My only request is if they are removing the old tombstones, they give the one about "Dear Departed Brother Dave" to keep in my home. That one has a running family joke attached to it that I would greatly miss.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure we are going to get similar graves as before. Just new and improved. That is just speculation on my part though. It will still be a grave with stones it's just they will interact specifically with you and your party as you are near and as you advance down the line. I am betting the markers may even say the same stuff as before. Just a hunch.

Zac Skellington

Well-Known Member
And this isn't the entire meaning of NextGen for those wondering. These interactive queues are only a small portion of that whole plan. The main part of the experience will come at a later time and will make a huge impact on everything.

Is the infrastructure for the rest of the experience (for HM) being installed now, or can we expect more walls coming in 2011? Will there be walls along the exit, after the entrance is complete? Thanks.


I Took this Picture about 6 days ago from Tom Sawyer's island, The pile of dirt is near the waters edge. Also while I was in line I noticed some ribbons tied around some of the trees and there were some small flags stuck in the ground behind the tombstones, I left WDW the day the walls went up so I'm sorry to say I missed getting photos of them.



Well-Known Member
I suppose I should give more credit to this new enhancement then I am but I still can't stop thinking in the back of my mind, why are they doing this? As far as I know, nothing like this is being done in Disneyland only here at WDW. Now some attractions I can see needing something the keep the smaller kids entertained, especially in long lines like Pooh or Peter Pan, but HM? I think the last time I've seen a line there was re-opening day a few years ago. If they wanted to enhance something, they should widen that tight squeeze in the loading area (or even better bring over HMH;)). I guess what's really bothering me about this is it's going to become another Space Mountain, where they need to post two wait times one of the actual wait and the other being how long it takes to push your way through all the people glued to the shiny new screens. But I guess it's good to have low expectation nowadays with TDO, that means when they do a good job they'll actually impress me.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a tree stump? Maybe they need to remove a few trees to implement everything they are doing?


EDIT- Nice detective work BTW, squeek. :)


Premium Member
I am pretty sure we are going to get similar graves as before. Just new and improved. That is just speculation on my part though. It will still be a grave with stones it's just they will interact specifically with you and your party as you are near and as you advance down the line. I am betting the markers may even say the same stuff as before. Just a hunch.

That's about right. It's going to be a plus, and most of the old tombstones will be back.

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