I don't know how many CM's that Disney is planning on using for the Gondola's, But, they have buses running to the resorts about every 20 minutes, very seldom is it the same bus or driver. There are at least 1000 drivers on the payroll. (That is a the number quoted to me when I was looking into applying for a driver position over 10 years ago.) Factor in the number of maintenance people required to keep that fleet running, the cost of fuel for 20 ton vehicles, the cost of changing the oil (about 25 gals. per bus), Tires? At least 6 per vehicle at $300. apiece. Constant daily requirements, touch up, probably daily washing. Cleaning crews to keep the interiors clean, brake replacement, the cost of parts replacement, the size of the garage/maintenance facility itself. And you can put a whole lot of CM's at those five stations on the Gondola line. A bus comes with a whole lot of expense that none of us even think about, but, trust me... it's there and it is enormous.