Visiting the Parks.....Plan or Wander?

Visiting the Parks....Plan or Wander

  • We just wander around the park.

    Votes: 43 55.8%
  • We definitely make a park plan.

    Votes: 34 44.2%

  • Total voters


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I am doing half and half.... I have planned alot ...and I am just going to wander a bit as well... I figure if I plan too much and try and make things absolutley perfect...I will be too upset if something goes wrong.... so...if something goes wrong....screw it... I'm on vacation :)

Big Pooh

New Member
We're going for 7 days in late Jan.:sohappy: :sohappy: I'll know what days I'm going to do what parks, but since it's off season, I won't have a detailed plan. The things we can't miss, I'll make sure we do, and hopefully it'll be slow enough that we can wander some too.

My plan for MK is pretty simple. Be there at opening, Hit SM, Buzz, HM, SplM, BTMRR, JC, and PoC, on the 1st pass through and then work my way back around hitting whatever we want.

At Epcot, in FW, it TT, SSE, JII, and HISTA are the must see's, and in WS, Maelstrom, AA, and UK are the must do's.

At MGM, I'll get a FP for RnRC and ride ToT or the other way around, and I have to do GMR, Muppets-3D Star Tours and Fantasmic!.

At AK,we'll hit Dinosaur, get a FP for ITTBAB, do the Safari, go back to ITTBAB, and then the next showing of FOTLK, at whatever time the next showing is. Kali is always the last ride of the day, since I don't want to walk around AK in wet skivvies.

If it's cold in Jan, we probably won't do Kali, but I would'nt miss SplM at MK for any reason, cold or not. I'll just have to have a cold butt.:D :lol: :p


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
As ive said I take my tightly wound sphincter and smile smugly as I walk past all the spontaneous dobbers Qing for a dinning places as i dine enjoy and ride as they still wait. Then I sponataneously buy some pop corn.

I learned the hard way last year, of the perils of not making PSs i couldnt get any during my two week stay for my chosen character meals and no that dosent include the castle. As for rides DO EM TILL IT HURTS.

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Hello Everyone,

I just could not pass up adding my post to this forum. My name is Pam and I am a Professional Planner. And no my sphinchter in not in a wad. LOL! I have to wait the specific amount of days out just like everyone else, and start calling at 7 a.m. I am also a SPONSER on the Forums. I have had many, many customers thank me for helping them with their plans. You can read their testimonials for yourself.

And yes, I mostly do them for first timers . Just please don't discourage first timers from hiring a planner.
Just like Talsonic, Generation X and Happy Snapper, they are happy to not be standing in long lines for rides and trying to get a table at a restaurant at the last minute and waiting (most of the time with hungry children) that is why they hire someone like me. Let me add this, unlike some Planners who decide every aspect of your trip by telling you where to go and what to do. I do not do that. My customers make EVERY decision. I will make suggestions, but it is ultimately their decision. They decide where they want to eat and what time. They decide which park they want to go to, what behind the scenes tours they want to do,and I just supply them with all of the pertinent information. I call for all of their PS, recreation, dinnershow, special request inquiries, etc. I do all the work. That's why they hire me. I also have many clients who just don't have the time to plan out a trip.

I also plan out my own trips with all the info, call it if you want. I just do not like wasting precious time. And let's face it, any time that we have a WDW is considered precious, is it not?

So please, if you know of a first timer, tell them to use a planner to make the most of their trip. I love doing my job. And if I can help any of you in any way...please do not hesitate to ask.


Active Member
I really do respect those of ya'll that know what you want to do so far in advance. As for me, I don't ....that's why I don't bother with PS's. That's just me though - I really am happy that it works for ya'll! :D


Well-Known Member
I'm with you in spirit, cymbaldiva. I understand the mindset of those of you who wander, particularly if you don't have any kids or have been there many times. I'm sure it feels great not to be tied to a schedule. That's not me, but I'm happy that it works for you!:D


Active Member
Originally posted by GenerationX
I'm with you in spirit, cymbaldiva. I understand the mindset of those of you who wander, particularly if you don't have any kids or have been there many times. I'm sure it feels great not to be tied to a schedule. That's not me, but I'm happy that it works for you!:D

Thanks, I think! :lol: I don't have any kids (except my 4 legged ones, natch!) and I personally just really have a problem with decisions...:( I am very lucky to not have much of a schedule - if I did have any 2 legged kids they'd just end up on Jerry Springer talking about what a terrible mother I am! :lol:


There have only been 2 times my wife has been so mad at me that she refused to speak to me, ironically both times I was at Disney. My wife and I went to Disney ('91) before we had kids and I had every detailed planned. I should have learned from that mistake, but being a guy I did the same thing in 2000, our first trip with our kids. I wanted to make sure everything was seen and done. After the meltdown on the second day with the kids, my wife cancelled the rest of the weeks PS while I was left "executing" my plan by myself. I will have to admit however spontaneous is not a bad thing. The rest of the trip was awesome, kids were not cranky and the wife started talking to me by the 4th day. We have been back to WDW and Disneyland 6 times since and we plan a character breakfast during the trip, that's it. The rest we fly by the seat of our pants, do what the kids want to do and enjoy ourselves. Our last trip we would start out in 1 park and every night ended up at MK to close it, never planned on it, just happened. We'll be going back for Halloween and the only thing we know for sure is we are staying at the port of orleans, and going to the Not So Scary Halloween party on the 31st (had to buy the tickets in advance). I personally have enjoy the Disney experience more by just being spontaneous.


New Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
I really do respect those of ya'll that know what you want to do so far in advance. As for me, I don't ....that's why I don't bother with PS's. That's just me though - I really am happy that it works for ya'll! :D

I'm with YOU, honey...SPONTANEITY is the way to go for those of us who are familiar with the place...and PRIORITY SEATING is totally overrated IMHO....other than Cindy's Breakfast, there isn't a restaurant that I haven't been able to walk into and get seated within 30 minutes....wanna know why?...cuz many of the planners who called 60 days in advance for reservations are no-shows. I gave up using PS a long time ago cuz I was sick of eating when I wasn't many of us pick all day at the parks and just aren't ready to eat at 5 or 6pm?

First time visitors definitely need a planner so they don't waste time 'looking' for things...with so much to do in a limited timeframe, you'll want to stay on or close to a schedule to avoid missing the things YOU plan to see. far as dealing with unforseen problems, I handle it just like I do any other time...either 'on the spot' or I work around it...I can't be worried about the thousands of things that 'could' go wrong...if you're that worried, your plans should include staying home.:D


New Member
i never plan i go with the flow and like tramp i have never had to wait long in restaurants without ps so i never make them except for hoop dee do or a character breakfast


Well-Known Member
Well, try to do something inbetween. Make a sort of plan, takin note of the stuff you really want to do, and the best time to do them. there are tons of Disney planning books out there. I have "Walt Disney World With Kids", a good book that instead of telling you exactly what to do, gives you an idea of what most situations are and the best way to get around them. So I would just learn where all the attractions are, then try to use helpful tips like on these boards to help you out if the situation for them ever comes up. Otherwise, try to take it slow.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Wether you write it down or just make a concious decision not to visit an attraction because you dont like it, that to me is planning. So Unless there are some people here who do a stunning impersination of a headless chicken I would say that everyone plans to a certain degree. You must otherwise no one would buy anything other than day tickets.

Remember the the 6 Ps

Prior Planning Prevents P*** Poor Performance.

But how much you want to or need to plan is up to you. As ive said I planmeals of the day purely to help me cost the holiday, and to ensure the sproggs of the family get to meet the charecters.And I find planning is a therapy till its time to go on holiday.

53 days till I have dinner at Spoodles:slurp:


New Member
I have been to WDW only 2 times. (3rd time is coming up in 10 days and 12 hours.=) ) Both times I was there with my sister, who was responsible for getting me addicted to WDW. She would plan everything down to bathroom breaks if you let her. I am the exact opposite, freeform and spontanious. This year, My girlfriend, sister and I are going to not plan anything. It helps going in September and "off season". Our compromise is that we each pick something we MUST DO during the week, everything else is chance. With only 3 Adults and no kids, we take turns each day leading the group around. One thing that suprises me is that we have NEVER had to wait for a table at any sitdown meal! I guess PS is helpful during the busy season.


Well-Known Member
Well......... I plan the parks on which days, I plan the must do rides and attractions and I plan which areas of the parks to do in what order...........which ride or attraction we then do and when is all down to queues. I feel that there is nothing wrong with a plan as long as is isn't too rigid - you HAVE to be flexible in your approach to make it a success.
We make a list of what we want to see for sure, then hit those attractions first, then we wander and shop. I definitely plan which days we're going to which parks, so I can plan meals accordingly.


Well-Known Member
I'm in total agreement with everything you said, happy snapper. I also find planning to be good therapy. It gets me into a Disney frame of mind, even when the rest of my day has been frustrating. To add to your points, I would say that you have to keep in mind your "customers" when you're planning - spouse, kids. How long can you expect them to be happy and interested in a park before they get tired and cranky? How much walking is too much? In my situation, I try to keep the "must see" list short and the "sounds fun" list longer and adjust what we do based on how things are going.

Also, I like JLW11Hi's point about learning where the attractions are. Before our first visit, I spent countless hours (close to 100) reviewing attractions and locating them on park maps. Eventually, I had the park maps memorized. So, wherever we were in the parks, I knew what was near and how to get there. I believe first-time visitors, especially those with kids, need to do some serious planning (or have a planner help) to avoid wasting a lot of time.

Michael C

Always a plan, sort of

I find that it's always best to have a plan. However, it seems to be much easier to plan if you have experience. Something always changes at the last minute, and it's best if you can make quick decisions about how to change the plans. In July, we spent 5 days at WDW parks and never waited more than 10 minutes for anything.

The problem with plans is that some folks get so wrapped up in getting everything done thatthey forget to enjoy themselves. I like to make a good plan for the early morning and other times when you can get a lot done without long lines. We play the rest by ear, and it goes quite well.

On the bus to MK, we overheard a conversation with a young couple that had just gotten engaged. They had absolutely no plan whatsoever. I wish Icould have seen them after their day to see if the ended up cranky and frustrated or whether they were so happy just to be there that it didn't matter what they did or didn't see.

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