Visiting the Parks.....Plan or Wander?

Visiting the Parks....Plan or Wander

  • We just wander around the park.

    Votes: 43 55.8%
  • We definitely make a park plan.

    Votes: 34 44.2%

  • Total voters

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I agree with the fact that "experienced" visitors always have a plan for their must do's and their maybe's depending on the lines etc. When I plan an Itinerary for my clients, I make sure that I tell them not to try to do it all. I will give them a list of all of the fast pass attractions and I will suggest a list of must do's, and then if they have time for the rest, then so be it. There is no set plan for what to see and do unless they have dining or recreation set up. (or if they are planning on a parade or fireworks etc.) I do feel that PS ahead of time is a must. Who wants to waste time waiting. Granted, there are times when there is no wait...but who wants to take that chance? I say if there is a specific restaurant that you want to dine in ...definately plan ahead.

Let's not forget how overwhelmed most of us on here felt on our first trip to WDW. The place is immense!(sp?)


Active Member
Whatever! Missing something you don't want to do isn't planning- it's avoiding! :lol: ...I'm not loving the "headless chicken" reference either!

I just prefer visiting the rides and attractions I want to see when the spirit moves me. If I planned out every move I made, it would no longer be a vacation - it would just be more work.


New Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
Whatever! Missing something you don't want to do isn't planning- it's avoiding! :lol: ...I'm not loving the "headless chicken" reference either!

I just prefer visiting the rides and attractions I want to see when the spirit moves me. If I planned out every move I made, it would no longer be a vacation - it would just be more work.

I agree with you I have gone every year and have gone more than once a year and have never made PS's and still have eaten at every restaurant in epcot the on thing that I do plan is the Hoop-de-doo or character breakfasts I just go with the flow the other times and happen to not be a chicken running without its head . I enjoy my time everytime I go but maybe its because i go alot and know what I want to see and do at each park the times that I go and which things I dont want to see


Active Member
Thanks for the affirmation tiggerlover1971! :sohappy: I really was hoping that I wasn't the only one who didn't feel the need to plan (or over-plan, as the case may be)!


New Member
My kids and I like to talk about what we want to do and what park we'll visit when. Like visit MK on Friday and EPCOT Friday night. But there are seven of us (5 kids) and one of my kids is ill, so we can never be sure of making it anywhere at a certain time. Besides, my wife hates planning and would never want to do anything I had any part in planning anyway. She will only get up early for something she plans -- which is almost never. (She would just as soon go to the local coffee shop with a friend as go to DW.)

So forget it.

I just want the kids to have fun, and then I'll have fun. And they don't care about strict plans or schedules. And I want my wife to not be grumpy by the end of the day -- which frequently involves her taking a nap or going off by herself for an afternoon. That's my basic plan.



Well-Known Member
I have everyday planned out. But I did not plan out park hopping on each day after I finish the park on that day. I have dinner planned and all that.

I Like my ideas and even left time open for a nice boat ride.


Active Member
Originally posted by happy snapper

I feel crushed now, that was my finest chicken impersination, prior to head removal of course.:lookaroun

Sorry man! I've just never heard a chicken with an english accent before! :lol:


New Member
We all obviously love WDW but it seems to me like most of us have forgotten the most important thing in all of this: IT IS A VACATION. It is supposed to be fun, and relaxing.

All of our lives are filled with day planners, 8AM meetings, business lunches, board meetings, PTA meetings, driving kids around to all their “stuff”, and all the other things that eat-up our time. Some of you people take this stuff with you on VACATION. To me that is insane.

My biggest pet peeve is people in WDW spending quality time with their cel phones. Who is that import that they should have access to you while you are on vacation. This is exactly why God invented Voice mail so your phone can stay in the room. The only people I want to have any contact with during my time in the parks are the people that I am with, my wife and kids.

One of the things we cherish the most is the “SENSE OF NO URGENCY.” If we do not get to it this year we will be back next year. NO WORRIES.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on the cell phone issue, Loucifr. I'll take you one step further. I not only don't use cell phones in the parks, I don't even check my home or office voice mail in the room. I agree - the family vacation is meant to be the family's vacation.

I'll also partially agree with you on the "sense of no urgency". As an admitted planning junkie, I will say I'm careful to severely limit the "top priority" attractions as to make it easy to see them all. We still have some "must do" attractions and some priority seating reservations because we're willing to have a minor sense of urgency to make sure we experience some things. Each family has to decide for themselves where along the planning (urgency) / wandering (no worries) continuum they are comfortable with, and go with that. I think this thread proves there is no one right answer!


New Member
I've really enjoyed reading this thread!
This trip in Nov will be my first Disney "experience", but my bf's 9th! In order for us both to have some say, we've been emailing an itinerary back and forth as we both make PS's for places we'd like to go as well as the "big" things like fireworks. We've left each day open to each park and we're not doing the most Popular PSs like Chef Mickeys of Cindys but I think that this way, with a vague outline, and room for change, we will have a fun-filled, RELAXING vacation.
I don't want to ...
waste time in line
get stressed out during my only vacation this year!!!

Don't you find that if you're going with other people, you might want a general plan so as not to miss the things that each person wants to do?

My uncle plans his family vacations and the kids secretly hate it.
Just something to think about!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MattsCath
My uncle plans his family vacations and the kids secretly hate it.
Just something to think about!

My mom is like that. Whenever we would go she would try to make a plan and get all stressed about it, then she would get mad at us cause were not doing anything. Then we keep telling her that we don't need the plan well get to every thing, and then we get to the park and we just go from ride to ride to shows and just walk around all day(not worrying about a plan).


New Member
Originally posted by Loucifr
We all obviously love WDW but it seems to me like most of us have forgotten the most important thing in all of this: IT IS A VACATION. It is supposed to be fun, and relaxing.

All of our lives are filled with day planners, 8AM meetings, business lunches, board meetings, PTA meetings, driving kids around to all their “stuff”, and all the other things that eat-up our time. Some of you people take this stuff with you on VACATION. To me that is insane.

My biggest pet peeve is people in WDW spending quality time with their cel phones. Who is that import that they should have access to you while you are on vacation. This is exactly why God invented Voice mail so your phone can stay in the room. The only people I want to have any contact with during my time in the parks are the people that I am with, my wife and kids.

One of the things we cherish the most is the “SENSE OF NO URGENCY.” If we do not get to it this year we will be back next year. NO WORRIES.

Okay, I have to weigh in on this one. This is very much a matter of priorities and perspective. Yes, I am at WDW on my vacation, and yes I bring my cell phone with me. Many times, that cell phone means that I get to go on vacation. For instance, after planning a February trip to WDW with my brother for several months, two days before I was to leave, something came up for work that meant that we were in danger of missing a deadline. (which occured while I was scheduled to be out.) The people at the office didn't need me to be there, but they would need to talk to me at some key points to give them information, or to advise them of of specific details that the client needed. After working VERY late those two days, and discussing it with my boss, and my staff; it was determined that I wouldn't have to cancel my vacation AS LONG AS I KEPT MY CELL PHONE ON.

From your perspective, I was letting my cell phone cut into my fun, and I should learn to relax. From my perspective, that cell phone allowed my to spend 5 fun days at WDW with my brother, with a few 10 minute work conversations thrown in (In actuality, less than 30 minutes over the course of my whole trip). My brother didn't mind, it gave him time to take a smoke break every time I was on the phone. My boss didn't mind, we met the deadline and the client never knew there was an issue. My staff didn't mind, they got the information they needed. I didn't mind, because, I knew that that deadline was important, but that my company was letting me know that my vacation was important, too (by letting me keep in touch via phone instead of staying home.)

I'm sorry, if it peeves some people, but from my perspective, and according to my priorities, sometimes you have to make some concessions in order to enjoy the vacation.

I apologize in advance if this comes across as hostile. It's not intended to be. I just wanted to point out the other side of this issue.

Okay, now I'll put my soapbox away again . . .

As to the subject of this thread, I plan some at home, but take each day as it comes, and do what I feel like doing when I'm there.


Well-Known Member
When I go to the parks alone, I just wander around and do what I want, no particular schedule to keep. However, if I've got the family with me, including my I'll-only-stay-in-the-parks-as-long-as-I'm-not-bored husband, I do plan on making the most of every minute, including using fastpasses and efficient touring. Not as much fun for me, but the only way to travel with my crowd. (Maybe that's why I look forward to my solo trip every year so avidly.):lol:

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