Visiting the Parks.....Plan or Wander?

Visiting the Parks....Plan or Wander

  • We just wander around the park.

    Votes: 43 55.8%
  • We definitely make a park plan.

    Votes: 34 44.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
We make a general plan, what parks we want to go to on what days, and if there are any places we really want to eat at we make PS, otherwise we just go with the flow.


New Member
RPMdfw I understand that sometimes it is necessary to carry phones with us, and if I had to make that decision believe me I would do exactly what you did.

But that was not necessarily my point, last year we watched tapestry and the WHOLE time the parade was going on the women behind me was talking to her mother. They talked about the weather, how the hotel was, the kids; the prices are too high, to many people. And no I was not eaves dropping but she had to scream to make herself heard. Than she handed the phone around to all the kids so they could talk to grandma too. I so wanted to turn around and tell her “CALL HER BACK, Sit and enjoy this - it is the most incredible show - you and the kids call grandma while you are sitting in the parking lot trying to get out of here”.

Next time you are in the parks pay attention to how many people have a phone to their ear. And I doubt that they are all helping co-workers meet a dead line

Now I can understand you on the horn for 10 minutes adverting some corporate tragedy. But you would have to agree that if some one had called and wanted to make small talk, I mean it is your vacation. The way I feel if I wanted to talk to my friends and family while I am on vacation, I would have invited them.


Active Member
Worse than cell phones in the parks for people just to chit-chat, have you ever been to the movies and had that happen? I just hate that! You're in the movie, here some inconsiderate person's cell phone ring, they actually answer it, and then you hear them go "oh, nothing much, I'm watching a movie, what are you doing?" like they are the only person in the whole d*** theatre! I just HATE that! :fork:

Sorry to rant a smidge off topic ya'll, guess I just have issues...:animwink:


New Member
Loucifr, thanks for responding. It sounds to me like it's not the cell phone use you mind, it's the bad manners. I can TOTALLY get behind you being upset by the woman screaming into the cellphone while you're trying to watch the parade. Sadly, this is just one example of how rude people are, and how inconsiderate of the people around them, so many people have become.


New Member
I am claping )I dont like people that talk when you are in a show
at Disney the light go down and they start talking.
But I do plan on seeing shows like Country Bears even when
people talk when the show is on :sohappy:


New Member
I am claping )I dont like people that talk when you are in a show
at Disney the light go down and they start talking.
But I do plan on seeing shows like Country Bears even when
people talk when the show is on :sohappy:
to RPMdFw good to see you on again ?

sorry about the to Post dont no how I did it so sorry

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