I gotta think that putting the ESPN zone in the former virgin is the right fit. What's something that doesn't go down when the economy's bad? ALCOHOL. It's something whose sales only go up (esp when people are depressed about there monetary situation, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I'd be saving my money :shrug

Also, the worse the economy the more people watch games instead of going to them and spending money on parking, tickets, expensive beer, foot, etc. They like that same atmosphere, but cheeper aka a sports bar. That area seams like the PERFECT fit because it's two story and there looks to be a lot of room,although they prob wont have an arcade and they'll have to have there receptionist area outside like the Rainforest Cafe, but no biggie because there arcades suck ne ways and as long as they put a T.V. outside on game days (like I've always watched when I was waiting in line outside) it'll be the PERFECT spot.
Plus more people know about DTD then the boardwalk. This might be strange from disney fanatics to hear but it's true. My whole family (except my dad) and my friends all have NEVER been to the boardwalk. So increasing exposure would also be good for the Disney economy (like "oh our ESPN zone in DTD is an hour wait, but the one on the boardwalk is no wait").
Apple has a connection but I just dont see them having THAT many items to take up all of that room, getting THAT much bussiness, or having people go to DTD to go the the apple store. Food places are a draw (because everyone has to eat) adding an apple store in another (smaller) location in DTD west side would be a plus that would likely do pretty good.
....just my two pennies....