Vicious SGE Rehab Rumor


Premium Member
Stitchfan712 said:
I went on the attraction about 5 times. Each time, I heard laughter and screams in the chamber. Very little crying, and only on a couple of visits, not every time. And always, from a child being carried in mom or dad's arms at about age two. I don't think that's a fair measure of the ride scaring kids. Toddlers are scared of the dark, period. they'd cry at Winnie the Pooh's dark points too. And do.

It's funny how everyone who likes the attraction says there were barely any crying children while everyone who doesn't like it says there were many, isn't it? :lol:

ddank said:
I would rather see hall of presidents again than Stitch.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

General Grizz said:
The only reason I don't SE AE coming back is because management WANTS Stitch in the MK - not to mention the great hype (sad and damaging when the hype doesn't live up) and the costs it would take to reconfigure AE after bringing in Stitch. They just wouldn't do that.

I still don't understand why they didn't do an Adventureland attraction -- the land could really use something new, and Lilo could have also been featured (I mean, after all, the movie IS called Lilo & Stitch).

I hope this rumor is true. A new script is a must, and I also want to see a new guy doing the voice of SARGE (also, drop the "goofiness" and make him a bit sinister). I don't want to see something like AE v2 (minor script changes), I want to see EVERYTHING changed. This attraction really needs it.


Well-Known Member
Firs the Red sox beat my Yankee and win the World Series. Hell froze over.

Now if Disney actually corrects this abomination, Mother Nature won't know what to do :D


Well-Known Member
I hope this rumor is true. A new script is a must, and I also want to see a new guy doing the voice of SARGE (also, drop the "goofiness" and make him a bit sinister). I don't want to see something like AE v2 (minor script changes), I want to see EVERYTHING changed. This attraction really needs it.

Bring back S.I.R and Tim Curry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The point was his way of doing S.I.R. was so good it was funny and evil at the same time and not overly scary. I find my self missing that the most but I was lucky enough to get him on camera before tha attraction went away!


New Member
haven't seen this yet but i already miss AE. though i love stitch. if everyone says a new script is in order well then i guess it should be done.

Jekyll Baker

New Member
I saw SGE during previews the week before it opened. Also, I had only seen AE once before (about 14 months earlier), so I didn't have a deep-seated love for AE prior to seeing SGE. To me, the two were very much the same. I did like the original SIR/Sarge preshow a little better (not as cutesy). Inside the main show, the animatronics are much better now. And I thought the belch was quite funny. I understand Disney trying to gear the show towards a younger audience and their desire for product tie-in. I enjoyed the show just as much as I did AE. However, it does draw in too young a crowd for its current incarnation, because of the Stitch cutesy factor. There was at least two crying children during the show, one so much that a CM brought a flashlight down to one child to help calm him or her.

If there is a rehab, I agree that it probably just needs to be a re-scripting, and maybe less darkness. Perhaps in the re-scripting, they could try to throw in a random factor: different scented belches, random catch phrases, etc. That might increase the chance of people seeing the show more than once (like AE, once I saw it - I saw it and I didn't feel I needed to see it more than once a year or two. Not like HM, that I have to ride at least twice every visit).


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the transformation of AE into Stitch is getting as much reception as ToN to ToD, no one really likes it. I have not seen the show yet, I won't till June, but from what I hear I'm not impressed AT ALL. The only reason why I see people liking the ride is because Stitch is in it.


New Member
Well, if they are closing SGE for a rehab in Jan. '05, I'm gonna be a little upset...considering that the ride is one of the big reasons I've been jonesing to go to Disney World in the first place...and if the ride's closed in January, then I won't get to see it on my February trip. If improvements are made, then that's good on the whole for Stitch...just not for me, because I won't get to see them. :animwink:

If they want to re-script Stitch, then I'd like to see them include some of the things of the kind they show in his little game from the Disney site. Hearing that little blue alien sing the PotC "Pirate's Life for Me" song and "It's a Small World" as he cheerfully invades those rides is funny beyond belief...

Guess we'll wait and see...


New Member
I'm a big Stitch fan (obviously), and I do enjoy his naughty behavior during the attraction, but the prequel problem keeps pulling me out of the storyline. During the attraction, Stitch does all sorts of things he wouldn't have known how to do until he lived among humans with Lilo. Even though they're cute things he says and does, they don't fit the "prequel" story of the attraction. His initial reaction to the rain on Earth in Lilo & Stitch was to try to shoot it, so it doesn't make sense to have him interacting cutely and impishly (instead of defensively) with humans and objects from Earth. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure where the attraction's story could fit into Stitch's history as established by the movies, but it would be less distracting if he could have already had contact with humans and with Lilo by the time the attraction's storyline starts. Setting up the attraction as a prequel just doesn't work with everything else we know about the characters.

But it still does make me giggle when he does and says cute things, even if they're too cutesy for others. :o What can I say? I love Stitch!


Well-Known Member
Stitchfan712 said:
Looks like no one will be satisfied with a prequel. Do we really have to nitpick some of these things, like his english skills?


Not his English skills, the utter lack of consistancy and story. Get over the idea that belovid stitch is in a ride and realize that there are huge glaring holes in the story and ride.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Testtrack321 said:
Not his English skills, the utter lack of consistancy and story. Get over the idea that belovid stitch is in a ride and realize that there are huge glaring holes in the story and ride.
That was a little harsh.


Account Suspended
hcwalker16 said:
That was a little harsh.
Yes. Yes, the truth is harsh. But there are so many holes in the storyline of Stitch's Great Escape and things that don't tie in with the movie. Most people would stay this was up to Disney's standards. Well, I say it's not, at least not Walt's standards. The story is the most important thing in a movie, and the same goes for an attraction. I'm sorry, but Stitch's Great Escape! is lacking the story big time... and by story I mean that it doesn't work well if you've seen the movie. You know it shouldn't be like this. Stitch should be in the Tiki Room, not in Tomorrowland.

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