Very Disapointed


New Member
Originally posted by roiff
And another thing --

There is no reason why this ought to be true. But, on my trips it has always seemed that guests at Universal are far more rude than those at Disney. B]

You got that right! I couldn't believe how many times at IOA we were shoved out of the way by strangers who just couldn't be bothered by common courtesy.

And Six Flags is even WORSE!

And even with the cutbacks, and occasional lapses in maintenance or housekeeping, the Disney parks are IMMACULATE compared to Six Flags (at least the one here in Dallas). I was appalled at how awful everything looks there. The ride que for EVERY RIDE we went on last weekend was litteraly covered with used gum or written on by people who apparently need to write their name close by to remember who they are. And don't get me started on the state of their restrooms compared to the ones at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I was just there August 16 - 23, and had a GREAT time. Oddly enough, I noticed that lots of attractions looked especially clean and fresh. I'm sorry your trip was so others have pointed out, you WERE there on a holiday weekend. Having been there on Easter Sunday a few years ago, I will NEVER repeat that experience. It was awful.

Hopefully your next trip will be a lot better!:(


Active Member
Hot and humid!

Originally posted by Maria
I´m sorry you had bad experiences during your visit dznynut... :(

...summer time can be really hard on people´s humor... so try to stay patient, everybody is suffering the heat and crowds too! :animwink:

Have a good trip all of you! :wave:
Last week Orlando had the most oppressive temperature + humidity that I can recall here. The only break has been the occasional downpour, which also doesn't make ideal park visit conditions.

Yesterday was a bit cooler, and today, almost tolerable! We had a tropical storm pass us by. It didn't bring much rain but sure pumped the humidity into the atmosphere! I'm hoping the steamy weather will follow that tropical storm right out to sea!

That's not to excuse the maintenance issues or rudeness (by anyone) dznynut experienced. :( I hope they do get specifically reported.


New Member
Originally posted by dznynut
We have done WDW and the parks for many years and always enjoyed it. This past trip was an exception. We were there from 08/26 thru 09/01 and stayed at Port Orleans resort.

First of all never again will we visit in August. We have never experienced so many rude and obnoxious people on any trip until now. My bro and sis in law were visiting with us (first trip) and did not experience WDW they way we always had in the past :cry: .

I know other visitors have nothing to do with Disney, but a lesson was learned. We will only go in February, October or May from now on.

I was very happy to get back to Texas where people are polite and friendly (for the most part).

Also saw alot of maintenance issues that we have never seen in the past (I don't care to list them all at this time). You can notice where care is not taken by Disney anymore for facilities, etc..

I feel as if Disney is not taking as much care as they used to for the visitor, very sad....

I am so disgusted at this point I am not even going to see what kind of responses this thread will get. Go ahead... go to Walt Disney World and experience it for youself.

It will be a while before we go back again. We had fun, it just was'nt what it used to be.

I went on Saturday and it was perfect, I find it hard to believe that what you say is exactly true.


New Member
Happy Snapper-you crack me up!:lol: Thanks for making me laugh each time I read your posts-you have a great sense of humor. More people like you need to visit WDW-instead of the rude people everyone has been talking about.:D


Well-Known Member
Look at it this way: You've been to the parks before. You know what to expect most of the time. There are probably dozens of people who went to the parks the first time and hate it because someone ruined their day, and they never get to experience it properly again. HOWEVER, YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO DO IT BETTER NEXT TIME! :D

I had an experience once where I went with my Aunt. I paid HER ADMISSION to the park, and all she did was complain about the price of everything, because she wasn't used to it. I knew about how much it would cost, and she ended up ruining my trip. But I knew that when I went back, it would be better.I know what to expect from Disney (and other parks that charge the same) and in the end its worth it to me. I shelled out a $100 for two days at Universal, and it was worth every penny. I don't regret one cent.

Remember, Not every day is a good day. WITHOUT THE bad times, we would not know how good the good times were!!!!! That bad trip will make the next one more enjoyable (WHICH WILL BE GOOD IF YOU MAKE IT GOOD)

I know this sounds stupid, but it works: Tell yourself this trip will be good. If you run into an obnoxious guests again, just say " I will not let them ruin my vacation. Laugh it off, forget about what they said, because when you let stuff like that dwindle in your head, it makes everything TEN TIMES worse than it actually is!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by Loucifr
As far as rude people I tend to ignore them or give them some of my Detroit rush hour cheer (ya see I cuss them right back out and use this special Michigan "wave") if any one else here is from Detroit and they can explain that to ya.

Loucifr, I'm not from Detroit, but being a Philadelphia Flyers fan, I've received the "Michigan wave" many times.:lol:



New Member
I normally just read the posts, however, I must reply to this one.
I have gone to POR for the past five years (month of May each time), there has been a slight decline in the quality of the cleaning services, but with that said and with no disrespect for anyone on these threads, alot has happened since 9/11 and a slight decline in services should mean nothing, being able to enjoy such a wonderful magical place as this and be free to do it should be what matters most. How many of us change our sheets every three days at home, I do mine once a week and I consider myself very cleanly. There will always be rude people in this world but no-one is able to ruin your fun unless you allow them to do it, personally I would have smiled and went on my way, believe me you would have made her skin crawl because you didn't react to her rudeness. I am sorry I didn't mean to make this a forum, I am 55 years old and went to DW for the first time in 1998 and my husband and I can't wait for this May, I don't care if it doesn't sparkle, it lifts our hearts and spirts and we are 10 years old for the 11 days we are there, we have more fun than our children and our grandchildren. Go back for the magic.:sohappy: :wave:


New Member
Originally posted by Wishingtree

Loucifr, I'm not from Detroit, but being a Philadelphia Flyers fan, I've received the "Michigan wave" many times.:lol:


What is the "Michigan wave"? I dated a michigander and never knew of this! :veryconfu


New Member
Originally posted by jutz53
How many of us change our sheets every three days at home, I do mine once a week and I consider myself very cleanly.

True. Why is it that when we travel we feel the sheets get so dirty and when we are home they don´t? Mine are changed once a week too. :animwink:


Active Member
Hi Ya'll-

I just started reading this thread, so I don't know what's going on but here is my comment...

Juggler - Awesome avatar!!! :sohappy:

Okay, I'll go back to reading now! :D


Account Suspended
Three Days Isn't Enough!

Originally posted by Maria

True. Why is it that when we travel we feel the sheets get so dirty and when we are home they don´t? Mine are changed once a week too. :animwink:

I guess it all depends on what you do on those sheets. I'm an animal.


New Member
I have to say that this summer there has been a big decline in services at my house ........................its been too hot to clean and the dog is shedding like mad :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dznynut
First of all never again will we visit in August............

...............We will only go in February, October or May from now on.

"Sorry, today is August, we're only taking bookings for rude and obnoxious people" :lol:

How disappointing, I must admit that whenever we've gone you ALWAYS find at least one person who is completely self-centred and who will do their utmost to have a damn good time at the expense of all normal people. Don't let it put you off, remember that the rest of the world is made up of polite people.


New Member
Original Poster
You are missing my point...

I almost did not post any type of thread due to the different responses I knew I would get...

Such as..

I was just there and it was great, no problems at all! I can't believe you had such a bad time, are you sure what your saying is true, etc... etc... etc...

I'm not a discussion thread fan due to the point tryint to be made gets less and less focused on as the thread progresses.

If you will look at the beginning of the thread I said we did have a nice time. But you can really tell the where the cutbacks have been made.

Also one or two people did not "RUIN" my trip. There were several A-Holes everywhere we went. It's easy to say "just walk away and ignore" but after a full week of A-Holeness it gets very difficult.

Also..... As stated the crowds were not bad when we were there, they only got bad towards Friday the 30th. We rode everything we wanted and only had to use FP one time for Test Track. We did not even visit the parks on Saturday or Sunday. We had enough by Friday.

Also as I have stated, we have visited once a year for the past five so we knew what to expect.

When I say cutbacks I mean.....

Port Orleans: Rust on the bathroom doors and painted over.
Bushes not trimmed the way they used to be.
Trash in the bushes.
Maid service not as good.
etc, etc, etc....

Come on people... Give me a break! We had gone on and on and on about how nice and clean everything was at Port Orleans and for the most part it was. But nothing like we had talked about with our first time visitors who came with us.

And no... we don't change the sheets every three days. Once again...... If you will look, I stated the room was dirty when we checked in. :brick:


New Member


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dznynut
I am so disgusted at this point I am not even going to see what kind of responses this thread will get.

You're sure checking back alot for someone who threatened they wern't going to check back.

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