Very Disapointed


Well-Known Member
Tyler, I think you're absolutely right...there's some rudeness in the air, but it certainly isn't generated by the cast members!

And, by the way, HI, TYLER!!!



New Member
Fantasia Boi you are one in a million. I live in NYC and I can tell you about rude people, both native and visitors. :mad:

I hope to see you when we go in November. We will be there 11/24-11/29 at the Beach Club.

By the way, nice Avatar.


Mr. Toad

Active Member
When I was there in May I looked for you Tyler but never saw you :( . Even though I am usually staying at a deluxe resort I always say "Hello!" to the bus drivers (and the boat/monorail drivers too). They are an important part of my trip (Lord knows I don't want to walk from AKL to MK).

I did run into some rude people but none of them were CMs. Actually, we had numerous CMs that went above and beyond the norm to make our day special. Even when we were having a bad day or something wasn't going quite right someone at Disney would put a bright spot in the day for us. I for one can't wait to go back (hopefully next May).


New Member
Hi Tyler,

Thank you for providing another perspective. I know that I could be a little more friendly, but I'm usually too tired to say anything. I'm truly grateful for the bus drivers, whom I've taken for granted. This is coming from a guy who normally stays at the Downtown Disney resorts, so I hope you don't place me in the snob category!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mr. Toad
When I was there in May I looked for you Tyler but never saw you :( .

I'm very hard to find... Just ask Figment Mom... she went all over the place, asking everyone where I might be... Finally, many days later, she found me... hehe :) :sohappy:


New Member
I hate to stereotype, but it also seems as if certain resorts breed certain attitudes. For example, a lot of drivers (myself included) dislike driving the West route. (West is the Co/Po/GF) The reason being, the people are mostly crabby. Don't know why it is, perhaps something in the water... For example, I smile and welcome them on board, and they just glare at me, or just ignore me altogether. Meanwhile, at the All Stars, I smile, and people step on board and say "Hi! How are you?" *BIG* Difference. Co-Workers try and tell me that it's a working class thing... that the Co/Po/GF people think they're above me... while the All Star people are at the same level as me... I really hope that this isn't the case with society ---- Fantasia Boi

Rich people are more unhappy than regular people. All you can do is not let the unhappiness rub off on you. Just be thankful you're not as miserable as they are.

Bus drivers are some of the most noticeable CM's. Even more than the Jungle Cruise guys. They can do a lot to make someone's day -- or break it.


New Member
I assume by PO =port orleans ........

Oh bus drivers please please im not RICH its taken me 2 years to save for this one .........ill be SO happy so please dont stereo type us all ...i'll smile but on my first journey i'll be nervous but I won't be miserable ......................:wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tybroid59
I assume by PO =port orleans ........

Oh bus drivers please please im not RICH its taken me 2 years to save for this one .........ill be SO happy so please dont stereo type us all ...i'll smile but on my first journey i'll be nervous but I won't be miserable ......................:wave:

Co/Po/GF = Contemporary, Polynesian and Grand Floridian.
And I really don't mean to stereotype, because not everyone is like that. But it just seems as if the majority are. :(

Port Orleans is fine, the only thing I ask is that you remember what stop you are at... :)

Just like how we cast members can really make your day... you guests can really make my day as well... I can think of hundreds of guests who have made my day... just by saying "Hi, how are you?" or "Thank you!" or having interesing conversations with, and whatnot...

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi

I'm very hard to find... Just ask Figment Mom... she went all over the place, asking everyone where I might be... Finally, many days later, she found me... hehe :) :sohappy:

I almost didn't find you....and YOU were looking for ME! ;)


New Member
Fantasia boi............phew im so glad.

remeber what stop im at oh lordy now what does that mean :confused:

See all these abbreviations very confusing for a first timer from the UK :lol:

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by dreamer

Rich people are more unhappy than regular people. All you can do is not let the unhappiness rub off on you. Just be thankful you're not as miserable as they are.

Really? What do you consider rich? I know (and am even related to) several millionaires, and also a few multimillionaires, and they all seem pretty happy to me. I don't think I know any billionaires, so I can't say one way or the other about their happiness...or lack thereof. ;)

That doesn't mean they're ALWAYS happy (well, one is..her picture IS next to the definition of perky in the dictionary) but they certainly seem as happy, if not happier, as any of the poor people I know(including the ones I'm related to)

I believe it was an article in the Orlando Sentinal that said..."The Orlando area has a multitude of 4-5 Star hotels filled with 2-3 Star people." Don't assume everyone staying at the deluxe hotels is rich.


New Member
My comment about rich people being unhappy is a generalization. Obviously, some rich people are wonderfully happy and some regular people are miserable. (Poor people are another matter, but there are no truly poor people at DW. You'll notice I didn't say "poor people" I said "regular people" in my last note.) I also know lots of people that are happy at the expense of others, but that's another matter.

...And I know lots of 1star people with 5star incomes and 5 star people with 1star incomes.

Anyway, Fantasia, if I don't smile getting on the bus it will either be because my wife just blasted me, or my kids are whining or my baby just had a bunch of seizures and I'm worried about her. Otherwise I will give you my best. We'll be there with 5 kids (3 to 13) starting the 22nd of Sept and will probably be at OKW, unless a 2BR opens up at BCVillas or BW. We'll be hard to miss.


RunDisney Addict
In my travels through college, I did a LOT of riding on buses, and I'll usually sit close to the front and chit chat with the bus driver (particularly if the bus is almost empty).

And I always...ALWAYS say thank you to him before i leave the bus. It's just common courtesy.

Golden rule :)
We only stay at Deluxe Disney Resorts, why is this. Because we would have to get 2 rooms for the 5 of us and my husband is over 6 foot and prefers a queen bed. We usually stay at the Polynesian. We have 3 DS 14,12 and 9 and they have been taught to say thank you when getting off every bus and boat. At the monorail I must admit they are usually more preoccupied with trying to find a seat but they DO have manner and have BEEN taught to also say ALOHA and thank you to housekeeping as well. I am sorry but I believe it is how you are brought up. I do think we are the exeption to the rule so I can see the other comments as valid. Once we were talking to a little girl on the Polynesian beach and whom we thought was her mom. The little one piped in, no that is my NANNY. Gee! There is my two cents.


New Member
If Rich people are unhappy/sad/miserable, I just want to say, I wouldn't mind it for awhile, so everyone send me your money :D I'll be miserable for ya, hehe


New Member
This is my all time favorite quote from a rude guest:

"That is the fakest smile I have ever see, where is Test Track?''

I responded nicely, although I wanted to hit him!!

My favorite quote (although very sad and dissapointing) from a mom to her child who had to go to the bathroom 2 minutes before "Legend of the Lion King" was about to start its pre-show, and they were in the very front of the line.

"FINE! We'll go to the bathroom and then after that we are going to sit and do nothing FOR AN HOUR because that is the amount of time that we wasted in this line!!"

I get soooooooo dissapointed when guests come into our parks with that kind of attitude. Go to Universal!!! :lol: :D


New Member
Originally posted by bdhowell
This is my all time favorite quote from a rude guest:

"That is the fakest smile I have ever see, where is Test Track?''

I responded nicely, although I wanted to hit him!!

My favorite quote (although very sad and dissapointing) from a mom to her child who had to go to the bathroom 2 minutes before "Legend of the Lion King" was about to start its pre-show, and they were in the very front of the line.

"FINE! We'll go to the bathroom and then after that we are going to sit and do nothing FOR AN HOUR because that is the amount of time that we wasted in this line!!"

I get soooooooo dissapointed when guests come into our parks with that kind of attitude. Go to Universal!!! :lol: :D

OH!!! Have you really heard something like that. That is just so sad. Surely a parent has to feel horrible after saying something like that to their child. I think I'm the worlds worst at waiting too long to actually "go" to the restrooms. I never had to worry about dd, it was usually me I had to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dreamer
We'll be there with 5 kids (3 to 13) starting the 22nd of Sept and will probably be at OKW, unless a 2BR opens up at BCVillas or BW. We'll be hard to miss.

Unfortunetly, I'll be easy to miss... that's the week I go on vacation...

My current plans include flying home to NH to see my parents, but, wouldn't you know... the 2002 APTA Expo is being held in Vegas that same week, and I am SO tempted to change my airline tickets... (APTA = American Public Transportation Association)
Hey Fantasia Boi! My mother and I always stay at the Conteporary or GF. We always try to say hi or "Thanks for the lift!" Anyhow, we'll keep an eye open for you on our trip at the end of October.

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