Very Disapointed


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mwitkus
Oh my! I can't believe anyone could have such a bad experience at WDW that they wouldn't want to go right back. I've only had one bad experience, and it was strictly the result of an inconsiderate guest who in my opinion should have been asked to leave the park after physically pushing a CM out of her way to board a ride at AK. (She didn't see any reason why she should wait while we FP holders went ahead of her. It's wasn't pretty.)
All in all, I've always had wonderful times at Disney and can't wait to get there later this month.

While they can't do anything about the actions of other guests, they can try to make ammends for things that are within their control. I would write a letter to them explaining your frustration. You may get something out of it, if nothing more than an apology it's still worth pointing it out so that the chances of a recurrence are minimized.

Sorry you had such a bad experience. Hopefully your next one will be much improved!

I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience, too. I've dealt with the rudeness of the guests on a mature level to where I would turn around and ask if they would mind not bumping into me for no reason (especially when they have several feet of personal space and there's no need for them to be on your heels).

I think the only BAD experience I had at Disney was at the Polynesian Luau that I went to a few months ago. The server we had was absolutely horrible. During food service, I wanted another beer and she'd said that she'd get it too me. Well, I didn't get that beer until last call. I kept asking about it and she said she'd get it. Once the show was over and me and my folks were leaving, she said something to the effect of "I have other people to take care of and your beer wasn't exactly the most important item on my list." Those weren't the exact words, but they might as well have been. I was outraged and told her that I've been going to the Poly Luau since 1988 and have never ONCE had bad service. The food has always been consistent, the service is always good, the show gets better and better everytime you see it. So, after I had my outburst towards the server, the manager came out and he helped made a bad experience turn good as he went ahead and got me vouchers for the next time I came to the luau and wouldn't you know it? I went this past weekend and had a great time. The service was fabulous, food.. always exceptional... and the got it... better and better every time. So, Disney does make a bad experience turn good and they will bend over backwards to make that happen because they want you to come back and "remember the magic."


New Member
I love Disney. 9/14 will be the 5th trip for me in 2 years. We are annual pass holders and Disney Club members. I totally know that your attitude has alot to do with your experience. I love makes me happy and I just love being a kid again.....BUT I have to admit since 9/11 and business slacking off I have noticed differences in attitudes. My mom took the whole family down in March. My brother and his wife have 5 kids from 2 to 11. They had never been to Disney before. We read the tourbooks and followed the instructions for baby swapping and twice we were told wrong by the cm at the gate and my brother had to go back out of the line and start all over. My mom was in a wheelchair and you have to know that this was her dream trip to be able to have the whole family there. We got our place for the night parade at MK early and then were told we had to move because it was the handicap zone. Which the signs weren't there when we got our place. Since mom was in a wheelchair we thought we could stay but only so many could stay with her....which means the moment she had looked forward to we all had to be broke apart. I asked to speak to a manager and we were able to sorta be moved back together and let the kids see.
He was sorry and offered us fast passes for anything in the park we wanted to ride after the parade. He admitted with layoffs and less hours there was an attitude among CMs. They are human and it is hard to be nice and kind all the time when you are worried about your job. We had begun the trip with It's a Small World" We are attached to that ride because my brother and I first rode it in NYC at the world's fair. We rode Peter Pan with our fastpasses and then went across the way and ended the trip with It's A Small World. The kids were clapping and singing and it was cool to end with the same ride we started with. I said all of that to say this.....nothing is perfect....but it has alot to do with your attitude. We walked out of there singing and acting like kids. I really think if you have a bad experience a manager will try to make it right if you give them the chance. I know I see the world through rosey glasses but that is just me.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by
well i think chairs would be out
but i think disney would find there would be a lot more happy people if they threw in a few benches along the wall on the far side just out of the way of the doors to the theater area and out of the way for the people entering the waiting area
and then cms wouldn''t have to keep telling people to get off the floor ...some of those preshow waits can be a long time

I agree with you 100%. UoE does have some benches in the back of the preshow area. The CM's show great professionalism and restraint in dealing with "preshow problem people". If it were me, my first choice would be a cattle prod.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Talsonic

I agree with you 100%. UoE does have some benches in the back of the preshow area. The CM's show great professionalism and restraint in dealing with "preshow problem people". If it were me, my first choice would be a cattle prod.:lol:

My g/f and I did UoE and when we got into the pre-show theatre, the CM said, "Please stand up so when other people come in, they won't walk all over you." Well, we all got up for about a min and then sat right back down on the floor again. :lol:


Account Suspended
Originally posted by ntn_haqqer

My g/f and I did UoE and when we got into the pre-show theatre, the CM said, "Please stand up so when other people come in, they won't walk all over you." Well, we all got up for about a min and then sat right back down on the floor again. :lol:

I have stepped on people like you. Sorry. One women even got her finger broken. I felt bad about that.


Premium Member
Originally posted by ntn_haqqer

So, Disney does make a bad experience turn good and they will bend over backwards to make that happen because they want you to come back and "remember the magic."

Disney are the masters of guest recovery. :)


New Member
I was at Disney from Aug 23-29 and had a great time. My family stayed at the AKL using a code from mousesavers for a standard room view. However upon check-in the CM at the front desk told us that they had been about 50% capacity, so they moved us into a savannah room free of charge. It was great. I had a great time like I always do.

And just a thought about attractions, IMO I think that the ride vehicles for buzz lightyear need to be refurbished.

The Mom

Premium Member
It does seem as if the guests are getting ruder every year, and the "change" in CM courtesy might just be a reaction to the increasing rudeness they've been encountering...the old "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" a CM might hesitate on giving that one inch, for fear it'll open that mile floodgate! (talk about mixed metaphors! ;))

I've been going to WDW for 20 odd years. When I first started going, if I were lucky enough to be standing in front for a parade, and a parent asked if their small child could stand in front of my daughter & I, I would always comply. Unfortunately, the last couple of times I did it, all of that child's siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles would suddenly appear...and start pushing us out of the way and standing in front of us! Once we were standing on a bench, and I got knocked off when this small child's 4 older siblings appeared! Now I just say no....which makes it unpleasant for everyone...or unless it's a new parade, I don't bother watching.

I've also found that I'm using the "Mom line stance" more often. It's hard to explain, but it's a way of standing while in a line that effectively blocks anyone from slipping past involves careful positioning of arms, legs, tote bag, etc. ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes, indeed, the "Mom line stance" - I've used it many times myself!!!:lol: And you're right, Mom, it's as hard to explain as it is to foil!

The Mom

Premium Member
I think you refine it by keeping your crawlers/toddlers corralled...then you reach a level where you can use it against anyone, any size! ;)


New Member
Well Dznynut, you've managed to start one of the most popular threads in the forum. Too bad I didn't just get back from my trip (which will be in 2 weeks) because I could add all my fresh memories of people acting like crotch organs and orifices -- and I know there will be some including some CM's.

In my personal experience it's all personal attitude:

The more I went to Disney, the more I noticed the flaws and problems. I base this on my dozens of trips (from Miami) from 1972 through 1985. You start to realize that "magic" comes at a price.

If I'm willing to accept less than perfect it goes so much better.

I try to focus on the amazing CM's that love their job and the guests. They are what makes DW great.... And I take my medication.


Well-Known Member
I just hope they finally realize again the importance of maintenance. For over a generation they have set such a standard that people expect it, and even refer to it in business school. If that changes and enough people notice... a huge asset will be lost.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by prberk
I just hope they finally realize again the importance of maintenance. For over a generation they have set such a standard that people expect it, and even refer to it in business school. If that changes and enough people notice... a huge asset will be lost.

i COMPLETELY agree! well said!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mwitkus

i couldn't agree with you more! i was completely shocked at this woman - she was an older woman (meaning older than me), probably late 60's/early 70's.. and she was at the very front of the line but it was stopped and they were letting us FP users go ahead... and she caused this big scene, yelling and screaming and no matter what the CM did to try and explain it she didn't care...:brick: and the CM called for a mgr to come but before anybody could get there this old lady literally shoved the CM out of her way and dragged her husband onto the safari ride..

If she really did all of this I would have stopped her myself.

This kind of behavior is inexcusable, yet the CM's have to tolerate it. What would have happened if a CM physically held her back? You guessed it. Lawsuit.

All of the reasonable and knowledgable people around in these situations shouldn't just stand there. People like this old woman can't be given the right to do crap like this, and since everyone else did nothing, she got her way. Absolutely ridiculous.


Active Member
:mad: It really irks me when people like that end up getting their way! :fork: Unfortunately, when I see situations like that, there's generally not a whole h*** of a lot I can do about it - they're pretty much always larger than I am!


New Member
Anytime I've ever tried to step into a situation like that I've always been sorry. I either over-react and make the situation worse, or back down and feel like a wimp.

I think I would try to stay still and be glad I wasn't having as a bad a day as that lady was and remind myself to behave when I get ticked about something.

It's all about attitude. When you're around thousands of people, some will be stinkers.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by The Mom
It does seem as if the guests are getting ruder every year, and the "change" in CM courtesy might just be a reaction to the increasing rudeness they've been encountering...the old "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" a CM might hesitate on giving that one inch, for fear it'll open that mile floodgate! (talk about mixed metaphors! ;))

Mom, I think you've hit the nail on the head. Coming from a Cast Member perspective, I see this happening to myself every so often. I don't think 9/11 had anything to do with it, more rather, is just an excuse for it. As a bus driver, there are many many times when I will get abused by guests. I'll be driving for the Magic Kingdom at night, and get bombarded with guests yelling at me about the Downtown Disney bus. I understand that they are frustrated, but I have no control over that bus... I just happen to be the first person they see, so I get the brunt of it.

I hate to stereotype, but it also seems as if certain resorts breed certain attitudes. For example, a lot of drivers (myself included) dislike driving the West route. (West is the Co/Po/GF) The reason being, the people are mostly crabby. Don't know why it is, perhaps something in the water... For example, I smile and welcome them on board, and they just glare at me, or just ignore me altogether. Meanwhile, at the All Stars, I smile, and people step on board and say "Hi! How are you?" *BIG* Difference. Co-Workers try and tell me that it's a working class thing... that the Co/Po/GF people think they're above me... while the All Star people are at the same level as me... I really hope that this isn't the case with society.

Guests need to realize that yes, we are here to make your vacation Magical... but at the same time, we're only human. We deserve to be treated with respect, and if you do so... you'll find that you'll usually get further. While I understand you just plunked down a rather large amount of money for this vacation... that does not give you the right to abuse me, nor does it mean I will be at your beckon call. However, if you treat me with kindness, and respect, I will do everything in my power to try and help you.

A good example would be, one night I pickedup a group at the All Stars, headed towards the Studios. It was two girls, in thier early twenties, and thier elderly grandmother, who was using an electric scooter. They were going to the Yachtsmen Steakhouse over at the Yacht Club for dinner. They were very nice, very sweet people. After I dropped the other guests off at the Studios, I ended up taking them directly over to the Yacht Club, instead of having them take the boat. In addition to that, I guestimated when they'd be done with dinner, and need to return to the All Stars, and I parked my bus and waited for them to come out to the bus stop, so that I could take them home.

This level of special guest service is still alive here at Walt Disney World... It hasn't been lost... but sometimes, it's just hard to find. I know I'm not the only one who does things like this, there are many many other drivers who also help put the Magic in Motion. Unfortunetly, there are also some drivers who have been jaded over the years... Lets hope that an influx of really nice and friendly guests changes all that.

personally i am a big fan of the transportation people at disney

lol one bus driver named dwayne gave me an honourary bus driver card made me laugh

people can be very rude to the bus drivers i will never understand that ... :animwink:

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