Very Disapointed


New Member

When I go on any vacation I have to keep reminding myself that it's all about attitude. I can get bent out of shape real quick. A couple of years ago we were standing in the middle of Main Street in the middle of thousands of people with our FIVE kids waiting for the 9pm fireworks when a couple stands "behind us" -- remember this is in the middle of MS with thousands of people in every direction -- and the guy tells us to move out of his way. I said, "No. There's no where to move." He kept making remarks about how rude we were not to move out of his way. I basically told him to shut up and he did 'cause I was way bigger than he was.

My point is that that discussion ruined the rest of the evening for me, which it shouldn't have. I let my attitude get out of control. The fireworks were still great and the kids loved 'em, but I didn't and it was my fault.

Anyway, it takes one to know one, and you need to stop thinking or demanding that everything should be the way you think it should be. Like wanting to control what happens on "your" thread in a forum. It will not only ruin DW, it'll ruin every day of your life. I suspect that there was a bigger difference in your attitude this last trip than there was in the surroundings.

Gotta go see my psychiatrist for my "pre-DW" checkup. Adios.

P.S. I've been to DW over 50 times in my life and the more you go the more you see the bad stuff. That's just the way it is.

Keep smiling.



New Member
I visited from Aug 23-30 and I can't say that I had problems with any of the CM's I did have a problem with the staff at The Hotel Royal Plaza. They were rude and inconsiderate. I won't be staying there again! I just remebered there were some rude people at the parks, especially the ones that decide to scream in order to get the attention of family members.


to the person who started this thread
i said i went about the same time and my trip was great I only said that because it just goes to show everyone has a different experience that it might have been just that instance for your family that didn't work out but no need to give up on disney as a whole

also one last thing I have found
no matter where you are and what you do

you are the only person who can make sure you have a good time and are enjoying yourself.

a few years ago i went on a trip to quebec with some classmates well anyone who i told all the things that happened on that trip would have said oh you must have had such a horrible time!!! but before i left on that trip i said to myself this is an important trip for me i spent a lot of money and I am gonna have a good time no matter what and I will always look back on that trip and smile because imo i had a great time and would do it again in a hearthbeat ...

when i went to disney last week i had a couple small down moments like the person sitting beside me who called me a troll mom for no reason (and for the record the part i objected to most was being refered to as my brother's mom!!!grrr)

and the buses got on my nerves sometimes and the heat was crazy and there was one cm i will refer to as only cream puff who got on my nerves but he didn't do anything wrong i was just hot and tired and well if i want to sit on the floor i will sit on the floor stop telling me to stand to the left lol but remembering it makes me laugh so it is all good :lol:

but i had a great time the best time i have had in a decade.
and i am already itching to go back
plus I happened to like dwayne the bus driver's singing and so what if he drove fast it got us to the water park faster! (other people complained the wole way)
and he gave me an honourary bus driver card :p


New Member
Originally posted by Worldphile

I think it involves waving, but only with one finger. If you know what I mean.....

That´s what I thought.... but if Michigan wants to call it "The Michigan Wave", they will have to get the copyrights from the Mexicans! :lol: (unless it involves some more elaborate signal).



Account Suspended
Oh I hope not!

Originally posted by
... i was just hot and tired and well if i want to sit on the floor i will sit on the floor...

Please don't tell me that you are one of those people that sit on the floor during the various preshow movies. IMO if the WDW designers wanted you to sit down during the preshow, I think they would install chairs.

Re: Oh I hope not!

Originally posted by Talsonic

Please don't tell me that you are one of those people that sit on the floor during the various preshow movies. IMO if the WDW designers wanted you to sit down during the preshow, I think they would install chairs.

well actually i was more like leaning against the wall the right -well i am a rebel you know ... :p but my brother tried sitting down with the other people who were sitting down it was actually quite humerous how about half of the room collectively sat down at the same time ...the poor guy kept coming up asking everyone to get up and move then as soon as he turned around they sat back down again ...must be horrible to be cm sometimes .

I do understand why they don't want ya to sit on the floor tho
i mean actuaqlly it is kinda dangerous with all those people and low light levels


Well-Known Member
You know, each one of us could go to WDW the same week and each one of us would see something wrong. Perception is always in the eye of the beholder. The chioce is: do you go back or do you say "screw it, never again". I've had an assortment of trips to WDW. Each trip had their ups and downs, but i will definitely be going back. We all have had run ins with a-holes, heck, some of us may just be a-holes, i know for a fact that i am. :animwink: When confronted with the rude, i just blow it off and get lost in the wonder and magic that is Disney. That is what keeps me coming back.


New Member
I have lived in a beach resort area for about 12 years and this has been the worst year for tourists. The problem is not just at WDW. This summer was either blistering hot or extreme downpours. Either way they seem to feel that they should take this out on people working in stores, hotels or restaurants. Combine that with the extra traffic because more people were staying closer to home and going to the beaches and it just adds up to a lousey time.

But, we check in to Animal Kingdom Lodge on Friday and I don't intend to let anyone ruin my vacation. In the past, there have been times where things didn't go as I would have liked(rooms not where we requested, someone in a room at the All-Stars overflowing a sink in the room above and maintenance having to come in and clean up water in the middle of the night). None of this would ever cause me to never go back.

On the other hand, the Haunted Mansion will be closed for rehab all next week:mad: but I'll survive!!!:lol:



Active Member
Re: Oh I hope not!

Originally posted by Talsonic

Please don't tell me that you are one of those people that sit on the floor during the various preshow movies. IMO if the WDW designers wanted you to sit down during the preshow, I think they would install chairs.

I guess they should have put in some chairs! My feet hurt after treking thru the parks! :lol:


New Member
If they put chairs in the preshows, it would take forever to unload them and start the show and we would complain about that! People would just get too comfortable in there and won´t moooove! :rolleyes:


Active Member
Originally posted by Maria
If they put chairs in the preshows, it would take forever to unload them and start the show and we would complain about that! People would just get too comfortable in there and won´t moooove! :rolleyes:

Point taken! :lol: Seriously! I promise I'll just jump up really fast when the preshow is over! :)


Well-Known Member
Dznynut, i feel your pain!

out of my 13 trips, i've run into few, if any extremely rude guests...for the most part they've all been very polite....though i'm sure before long i'll find a couple.
but, i do know what you're talking about when you said you just didn't feel the same 'magic'. the past 2 or 3 trips, i just haven't felt the same toward WDW. now, it COULD be WDW's fault, then again it may not have anything to do with them seeing as i've had a few minor wrenches thrown into the gears of my life the past couple of years. i think maybe used to, school and homework was my main problem/annoiance. now, it's that, plus my parents, plus the worries of what i'm going to do with the rest of my life (i'm a senior in high school). so now, it's like i can't get away from my problems, not even in WDW. i used to love hanging out with my parents...within the past year or two i've suddenly felt different about that. we just don't connect like we used to. so that could be one reason why the magic just isn't there, on a personal level.
as for WDW, i too feel like they just aren't paying enough attention to the small details that used to make WDW the greatest place on earth! used to when i went to Disney, i felt like i was at home, i go and it's like i feel as though i'm just a visitor among thousands of other visitors. to me, WDW just doesn't have that welcomeing feeling it used to. i dunno, maybe it's just me that feels that way. but if you ask me, there's no doubt about it, there's something missing from WDW that's stealing the magic right out from under us!


New Member
Just came back from PO 8/1-8/13. I agree with what you said about rude guests. It wasn't any one incident, just the shear number of them. I will say we had a wonderful time anyway. We did leave after waiting almost an hour for Fantasmic because we had the misfortune of sitting next to the original A-Hole family. Rude obnoxious teenagers with parents to match. Wasn't worth ruining the rest of the evening for. We also had housekeeping problems...bed not made twice, no towels. We did call the front desk, they sent someone right away but they did not understand one word of english. My hand sign for towel didn,t work either. They came back with six bottles of shampoo. We went down to the pool and took those towels. (we didn't want to cause her problems) I agree the staff can't watch everything but I have two suggestions that would prevent guests from arguing. 1) the lifguards should stop football games in the pool. Must have been hit in the head 10 times. 2) enforce the jacuzzi rules. Every night the same huge family of about 25 people would sit for hours in the hot tub. beer cans and cigarettes lined up around the rim . Sign says 15 min limit and max 12 people. The CM's and staff were wonderful. Can't wait to go back.

well i think chairs would be out
but i think disney would find there would be a lot more happy people if they threw in a few benches along the wall on the far side just out of the way of the doors to the theater area and out of the way for the people entering the waiting area
and then cms wouldn''t have to keep telling people to get off the floor ...some of those preshow waits can be a long time


Well-Known Member
I posted this before and I will post it again. I have Tatoo's. One of my saving graces is to walk arround WDW in a tank top, kids in tow, and watch the rude mf's part like the red sea did for Moses. The wife and kids don't even like going anywhere without me. Not that I'm scary but, size does matter leaving many an argument left at a scowl.


New Member
Lol westie i dont think i have time to get a tatto before i go to disney...but hey i may get the other half some fake ones :lol:

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