Use Deodorant People!!!!


Well-Known Member
On another message board, someone had asked for a list of what you should carry with you during the day in the park. I wrote, amongst other things, a small deodorant. Someone actually asked why you would do that!! Because I don't want to smell you! It's like sunscreen: reapply multiple times per day!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
They're not hurting anyone. I was just struck that someone would choose to run back from the parks to post about smelly armpits! :lol:

Believe me, I didn't make a special trip. My fiancee and I decided to get room service at the Poly versus dealing with the crowds in the park, that's all. :)

Newsflash on the stinky armpit dude - he's staying in the Poly, too. He's about 4 doors down from our room. Lovely.... *ugh*

I'm comfortably thousands of kilometres away... Somebody else stunk up your day.

I'm glad. Now, when you come to Florida to visit Mickey's House... pack deodorant. :) :) :) :) :)

Happy Holidays to you! :)


Active Member
Believe me, I didn't make a special trip. My fiancee and I decided to get room service at the Poly versus dealing with the crowds in the park, that's all. :)

Newsflash on the stinky armpit dude - he's staying in the Poly, too. He's about 4 doors down from our room. Lovely.... *ugh*

I'm glad. Now, when you come to Florida to visit Mickey's House... pack deodorant. :) :) :) :) :)

Happy Holidays to you! :)

I can just see it at next year's MNSSHP--they give out Right Guard and Soap instead of candy!

I prefer Rock Concert movement number 3: The up and down jumping motion.


Well-Known Member
Sandals on men is "just wrong"? Maybe you don't cut your toenails or wash your feet but plenty of men do (I being one of them). The issue shouldn't be the gender, it should be how skanky the person is. I know plenty of girls who should never put on a sandal.

Like I said, I just have a quirk about that. Don't ask me why, but for some reason, I just see sandals as being totally unmasculine, not to mention my total undesire to see some dude's clodhoppers. So again, I wish that all you sandal wearing men out there would do the world a favor and cover your feet up....the rest of us don't need to see 'em. And again, I'm not sure why I feel that way, so don't ask me to explain. It's just one of those weird issues I have. :lol:


New Member
I Think You Were Smelling You Upper Lip!


Well-Known Member
Because of when my work vacations falls, I tend to have to go to WDW in the summertime and let me tell you, it's not just the guys who have a problem with the lack of deodorant. Woman are just as guilty. Folks....slap on some deodorant and we'll all be happy...

oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! :xmas:


Well-Known Member
Did you ask? I know one time, I needed some chapstick (they got sunburned) and the helpful CM's at the Emporium had a little closet full of random, health-related supplies. It's not on the shelf, but they do stock a lot of things you might need if you ask. I can't say if deodorant is one of those essentials, but I was surprised at the diversity of the stock they had.

My wife had me ask at the camera store at the base of SE.. They said no, and didn't know of anywhere in the parks you could buy it.. So off to the Caribbean Beach we went... At least we had a nice lunch while there, and did some shopping at Old Port Royale... Not a total waste of time..:)


Well-Known Member
I know where your coming from man....

A story I can relate to this is when my dad and brother had to endure bad b.o. during spaceship earth with a couple in the seat in front of them!!! they got the wiff when the car rotated around to go backwards!!! hilarious!!:cool:


New Member
That whole sandal thing has always been a pet peeve of mine anyway. Now, I don't mind sandals on a hot looking girl, which can be kind of sexy. But sandals on men is just wrong. I really don't need to see some dude's dirty feet or his fat toes and unkept toenails.

So unless you're a sexy young lady, do the world a favor and keep your feet to yourself. The rest of us don't need to see them, much less smell them. :lookaroun

I'm male and all I wear are flip flops... :lookaroun

But I'm also from Central Florida and a beach community. So... that's that.

I disagree :D


Is it 5:00 yet?
Unfortunately so many people from different countries and cultures come to Disney World all the time and a lot of them don't wear deoderant..:hurl:


Well-Known Member
...let's not be culturely close-minded here xDD
It's not close-minded. Different people around the world have different "norms." For example, Love's company employees a large number of Polish programmers. And they don't believe in deodorant. It causes a lot of problems because for them, it's not a common thing to do but for those who are American, it's quite a stink. HR is constantly trying to come to some terms between the tendencies of the programmers from how they were raised and the American standards which finds the rank B.O. an awful work environment.


That whole sandal thing has always been a pet peeve of mine anyway. Now, I don't mind sandals on a hot looking girl, which can be kind of sexy. But sandals on men is just wrong. I really don't need to see some dude's dirty feet or his fat toes and unkept toenails.

So unless you're a sexy young lady, do the world a favor and keep your feet to yourself. The rest of us don't need to see them, much less smell them. :lookaroun

You obviously don't live in florida.


Well-Known Member
You obviously don't live in florida.

Ha! I was just going to post that...
I mean, if you don't like to see people in sandals...don't visit Florida especially coastal cities.


As for B.O....I've encountered,, interesting scents at the world :lookaroun ...I just smile/laugh/cry and move on....It's Florida, it's hot as hell, you sweat...everyone, deordorant, or not will have a scent by the end of the day...especially if you go on the water rides.

Another reason to head for the resorts for lunch and pool/relaxation time and head out later at night freshened up.



New Member
And most women shouldn't wear spnadex but that happens too.
It's an imperfect world.:animwink:
Ok to settle all this, in 2 weeks I am going to Disney. I will squeeze my fat butt into some short spandex shorts, forget to shave my pitts and not wear deodorant, push my stubby chubby unkept feet into some sandals and oh yeah, forget to brush my teeth. That way all of you socially tolerant people can stand next to me and pretend you don't smell me or see me.
Bottom line, proper hygiene is something we are taught as kids, let's practice it as adults. Oh and it wouldn't kill ya to look in a mirror before you walk out the door.
As for the OP, your post was hysterical! :lol:

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