Use Deodorant People!!!!


Active Member
I have a similar problem with being too close to guests who are wearing too much cologne/perfume/fragrance. I'm very allergic to many scents. Once in line for Haunted Mansion I nearly stopped breathing from it. Another time I got a migraine from it at Fantasmic. I probably should have moved away, but the place was packed and there was no where to go. I blessed any breezes that blew the smell the other way.


Had a guy fart on the monorail.:hurl:
It was so bad we all got off at the Poly, cleared the car.
I knew it was a guy because he sat the giggling and he didn't get off.

Now I like a good fart as much as the next guy, but this was downright disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Had a guy fart on the monorail.:hurl:
It was so bad we all got off at the Poly, cleared the car.
I knew it was a guy because he sat the giggling and he didn't get off.

Now I like a good fart as much as the next guy, but this was downright disgusting.

It's called "hotboxing" when that happens. I would've sat there fart for fart with him on the monorail. If anything, I would've made him pry the doors open and jump out of the monorail. ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Haha, figures! can't smell him from your room, can you? :lookaroun

Thank God, No! We had to deal with a bunch of college kids in the room next to us over the weekend. The Friday night we checked in, they didn't wind down until 3am! They were so wired and loud that I called down to the front desk to complain. Needless to say, I heard the phone in their room ring and after that, it was quiet. ;)

I wonder what they were told! :)
Had a guy fart on the monorail.:hurl:
It was so bad we all got off at the Poly, cleared the car.
I knew it was a guy because he sat the giggling and he didn't get off.

Now I like a good fart as much as the next guy, but this was downright disgusting.

It's called "hotboxing" when that happens. I would've sat there fart for fart with him on the monorail. If anything, I would've made him pry the doors open and jump out of the monorail. ;)

You guys are to much!!!! You wouldn't happen to be one of my uncles?? :lookaroun :lol:

Peaches Magee

New Member
#1 reason why I won't go to Disney in the hot summer.

"air out his armpits"
ehhh that just gave me a nasty visual right there!


New Member
Bad BO is gross. Those who usually have it are also the ones who seem to lack knowledge of "personal space" while waiting in line. There is nothing worse than having someone you don't know, who smells bad, stand inches away from you.

I also can't stand the women who wear sooo much perfume that you can still smell them 15 mins after she leaves. Just imagine what she's trying to cover up with all that perfume!!

Wonder if Disney has thought of handing out deoderant samples to guest coming thru the gates?:lol: :lol: Make it mandatory that everyone use a little before entering the parks!


Well-Known Member
I just see sandals as being totally unmasculine, not to mention my total undesire to see some dude's clodhoppers. So again, I wish that all you sandal wearing men out there would do the world a favor and cover your feet up....the rest of us don't need to see 'em.

There is nothing "unmasculine" about wearing flip flops in 100 degree weather. I wouldn't be doing "the world" a favor by not wearing them, I would be giving into your delusional psychosis. I have a big problem with obese women wearing tank tops with their sweaty hanging out but I wouldn't be so silly as to beg them to wear a sweater because, "I don't want to see it."


New Member
Can't stand the smell of body odor enough that you took time to start a whole thread about it, yet you would be willing to go blow for blow with a guy on the monorail just to see who ***** his pants first! Classic! Pot meet kettle! Do I like body odor? No, but I won't let it take up such a chunk of my day that I would even remember that guy when I got back to my resort that night! Obviously Disney doesn't do for you what it does for me! Of all the things you could have come to this message board with about your day at WDW the thing that stands out most in your mind is body odor! How about a trip update not a body odor gripe! Sheesh!:brick:


Well-Known Member
Can't stand the smell of body odor enough that you took time to start a whole thread about it, yet you would be willing to go blow for blow with a guy on the monorail just to see who ***** his pants first! Classic! Pot meet kettle! Do I like body odor? No, but I won't let it take up such a chunk of my day that I would even remember that guy when I got back to my resort that night! Obviously Disney doesn't do for you what it does for me! Of all the things you could have come to this message board with about your day at WDW the thing that stands out most in your mind is body odor! How about a trip update not a body odor gripe! Sheesh!:brick:

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
I was thinking the same thing.
I am soooo fortunate to be able to vist WDW every year. There are those who will NEVER be able to vist this magical place for lack of funds.
If all one has to complain about is someones body odor in the parks, then that person should get down on his or her knees and thank their God, whomever it may be, for having such a wonderful life and being so blessed.

I don't spend a lot of time sniffing stinky people when I'm at WDW...and if I DO happen to smell an offensive odor, I certainly don't dwell on it. I just wander over to The rose garden at the entrance to EPCOT's World Showcase and sniff the hundreds of roses.:animwink:


New Member
I wonder if the B.O. is worse at Disneyland Paris. Has anyone compared it to the B.O. at WDW? Worse smell, but hotter babes?

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
There is a longstanding therory that some "european" countries don't use least it is said it is not part of the popular culture. I was told stories before my first trip to the UK about how my nose would "notice the difference" once i got off the plane! Talk about insulting to the locals....i had a hard time beleiving that. I always though such thinking was a bit disrespectful...better to wait and see for yourself. So i did....

When i DID arrive in the UK i was of course not surprised that those bogus stories were NOT true. Sadly though, it seems that there still seems to be this assumed and accepted "truth" that Euros don't use deorderant. Of course it's nonsense...don't you beleive it! If anything, they smell BETTER as they are not consuming the typical American diet.



Well-Known Member
The worst, and maybe funniest part is that I would rather be in WDW smelling someones BO then sitting at work typing this!!:lol:


Active Member
Now it's time for my story. Once when dinning at Les Chefs, our waiter smelled so bad that I almost had to ask the manager for another wait person. He was French and stank so bad that I could smell him when he was taking the order of the table behind me and when he approached our table I could smell him getting closer. So why didn’t I complain about him? Because I probably smelled just as bad from walking around in the noon heat and there was a little problem with my salad that took precedence!

Cast members and guests should use deodorant regardless of their nationality.

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