Upset with Epcot and the Land

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Well-Known Member
LaughingGravy said:
This place is fun. I do wonder how much Guest Services/ WDW decision makers look at this forum. There are a decent number of CMs here both full and part time, some of which probably know who the right people are to point in the direction of this board.

:lol: I've thought the same thing for a while too. With how big this site is I wonder if it really does play any role in some minor decision making. I wouldn't count on the major stuff though, but it is fun to think about.
All this guy did was post his displeasure on an incident that happened. I don't think he was whining about it. And to some of you, try bringing a 3 yr old around the park. I suspect some of you who are posting has never had the opprotunity or pleasue of bringing a 2,3 or 4 yr old to the parks. I think some people forget to factor the heat into everything. I was there Mid August and it was 95 or so...quite hot. Now what we don't know is of all those strollers, how many of those children were awake at the time? We don't. For all we know 80% of them were awake. Some parents might choose to wake their children. I think what he's getting at here is that it was HOT, his child was sleeping, and instead of waking him, making them more miserable, she just wanted to slip inside the doors. If I remember correctly, he never said anything about bringing the baby downstairs. If he did I appoligize. I can see both sides to this arguement having been on both sides. I think that some of these people on these boards, need to take a pill and relax. I'm sure in all your visits to Disney, you've never had an issue come up with you or your party that you voiced your displeasure about. Thats all that this guy did.


Wow, some of these posts go downhill fast, and then staaaaay down there for a long time :)

They don't allow strollers in. Period. Disney says what goes and what doesn't go on Disney property - EXCEPT when the state/government steps in. Which is why wheelchairs are allowed in.

What are they going to do? Use their best judgement to decide who needs a wheelchair and who doesn't? Are they going to have some sort of test that the person in the chair would need to pass or fail in order to be allowed in with their chair? Of course not. Even if they did, which they certainly can't, unscrupulous people would certainly fake injury.

I can understand the frustration of the original poster when they came here because they were annoyed, posted a message expecting a certain response, and then got the exact opposite. When you're upset, you would like sympathy. Understandable. But in this case, I absolutely have to agree with the masses.

The original poster was angry because they saw people in wheelchairs which, they presume, they didn't need. They were angry, and this is important here, because Disney was allowing those people to break the rules. But were equally angry that Disney would not allow them in with a stroller. Angry that Disney would not allow them to break the rules. Petty arguments and name calling aside, it certainly seems like the original poster wants to have things both ways. The people who are breaking the rules? They should be punished... unless it's me who is breaking the rules. Then they should make an exception.

It's pretty cut and dry. Disney can't possibly tell someone who may or may not be able to prove they have an injury or condition that they aren't allowed to have a wheelchair. Wheelchairs must be allowed in.

An excessive amount of strollers could cause a very dangerous situation in the event of an emergency, and as annoying as it may be, they have to plan for such an emergency. Logistically, when you deal with as many people as they do, you cannot make an exception. If you let one person do it, you have to let everyone do it or you'll wind up with a much, much worse situation on your hands. Their only option is to make the rule and enforce it.


I've only been to Disney a few times, myself, and I have seen "guests" get downright belligerent with cast members because their child wasn't tall enough to go on a ride. "I'm his legal guardian and I give him permission to go on. Don't you have something I could sign?" They have to enforce the rules, for safety if nothing else. Accept it, and let them do their jobs. :( There are so many great things to do at Disney. It's terrible to get hung up on something so small.


New Member
Reading this thread made my day. Not only was it entertaining, it was also educational. Thanks everyone for their warm thoughts and please pray for the people who have no place to live and nothing to eat in Louisiana, while everyone sits in their homes writing mean e-mails about sleeping kids in strollers. Lighten up, be thankful for what you have. You only live once.:wave:


Account Suspended
Sheena, the time you took posting that response could be used for other things, like volunteering for the red cross. Also, the energy used by having your PC on could of been conserved so that your neighbors in the south might not have to face rolling blackouts.

Turn-about is fair play :)


New Member
I knew somebody was going to be wise enough to tell me that!:rolleyes: This is stupid, I donated money today, thank you.


New Member
I know. I'm sorry. I watched that special on NBC, I think. And it put me in a bad mood. I wish I could DO more. But, I'm seriously broke and can't really do anything. I feel terrible. Can you ever forgive me?:cry:


New Member
:lol: Thanks for not tearing me to pieces. I AM a really nice person. I just thought this thread was ridiculous. And on the other hand, funny.


New Member
Alright, it's time a CM lent his ear to the debate. Strollers are not allowed in most attractions because it becomes a safety risk, Disney's first concern above even the show itself is safety. IF it's not safe then they won't allow you to do it. The Land Pavilion is not set up inside to hold the amount of strollers that come in to see soarin, LWTL, etc and would cause a safety concern if all were allowed in. However, if a child needs a stroller because it acts like a wheelchair there is a pass that they can get from Guest relations that will allow them to use the stroller as a wheelchair (DO NOT ASK FOR THIS PASS JUST BECAUSE YOU FEEL YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO BRING A STROLLER ANYWHERE IN THE PARK), and we are trained at Disney that we are NOT doctors and cannot judge if a person is disabled or not. IF they ask for special assistance because of a disability, we will give it to them, no matter if it looks like they need it or not. Some diseases like heart conditions, will not be as obvious to ditect as a guest who is a parapalegic. We do not question, we accomidate, but in some instances where SAFETY is an issue even ECV's will not be allowed into certain areas, certain attractions will make them transfer into a wheelchair to allow them to acces the attraction.

This was not to choose sides, but just to show you what the Disney side of things is. I'm sorry that you were not happy with what the CM's answer, but that is what he/she was tought and will not bend on it short of the child needing the stroller to actually access the attraction. Look at this way, if the CM did let you take the stroller, what about the parent who has a stroller outside when it might rain, they don't want their child to get wet and be uncomfortable, just as you did want to make your child uncomfortable I see a lot of legitimate problems in my role, but most problems are usually solved with a clear and concise explination of why we do what we do. We know that you came from ________ and we know you paid _______ but we have to put safety first and that is why we don't bend the rules that involve safety, period.

In the future if you do have questions or want explinations while you are in the parks, please go to Guest Relations, the cast is always ready to help and lend an ear!!!

Thanks for putting up with me!!!


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
It's amazing (well, knowing people like several of you, not really that amazing) that some of you try to make valid points, and then choose to ignore the important counter points that PROVE you wrong. lol

#1. Fire Hazard. Ignore it all you want, but it PROVES you're wrong when saying it's OK to allow strollers in The Land. Until someone makes a valid point back, which, quite honestly, doesn't exist. Saying they can pick and choose who gets let in is the biggest pile of horse manuer, and FAR from a valid point.

#2. Saying that speeding is the same thing as thinking you're above the rules. lol WOW. This idiotic statement almost reaches a new realm of stupidity. No response is needed here. The initial statement is an automatic disqualification of any CHANCE of being correct.

#3. A person who thinks it's ok for them to take a stroller in because of a SLEEPING CHILD? LOL Can we be more dense? There are AT LEAST 10 other options within 50 yards in Future World alone, and 100's more outside of Epcot. Having there be ONE other option makes you WRONG for even challenging a rule that is there for the saftey of the public as a WHOLE.....but of course, who cares about's all about YOU. lol

Here's a quick lesson (which I'm certain will fall on deaf ears, or in this case, blind eyes)...When you're ANYWHERE with a large group of people, you become part of a group. Period. YOU put YOURSELF in that situation, and if YOU can't behave like an adult as part of a community of people, then YOU need to get the hell out. YOU HAVE to follow the RULES of this place regardless of who YOU think YOU are. Period.

YOU always have the power to put YOURSELF in the best situation possible. Deal with it YOURSELF while following the rules that WE have as a group, or go be alone in your house where you can do whatever the hell you want. Don't subject the rest of the logical public to your "I'm more important than everyone else" attitude.

In conclusion, have a nice day, afternoon, or evening. Talk amongst yourselves, and flame away, I'll be skipping right over the people's thoughts that choose to ignore the FACTS that make them wrong. The same facts that keep them safe in WDW.



Premium Member
gallolp said:
get a life, anyone who has the time to post 790 times must have a maturity issue

I believe you are displaying that you have the amturity issue here. Please refrain from the insults, or post elsewhere.


New Member
gallolp said:
they told her that she could not bring in my daughter in the stroller, even though she was sleeping and would only be sitting by the entrance of the Land, Discretion or Non Discretion, it was pretty obvious that most of these people could walk if needed!!!
Just a little FYI from the son of a wheelchair user:

My mother needs to use a wheelchair. She can walk if needed, but not for very


Well-Known Member
It is an unfortunate rule but the line has to be drawn somewhere. A person in a wheelchair usually (if they don't abuse the system) has some sort of debilitating illness which prevents them from walking or from walking long distances un-aided. A child in a stroller (sleeping or not) can always be carried.
The majority of Disney attractions will not accomodate all the strollers and wheelchairs without blocking essential entrances and exits which would have to be used in case of an emergency.
While I can understand the point being made at the start of the thread - it is not the fault of the CMs, although perhaps the manner in which you were told was not as polite as it could have been. As has already been pointed out, you could have always returned when the child was awake and the stroller left outside.
gallolp said:
If you were there, you would understand what I am talking about, it was disgraceful what they did and very unfair, it would be very easy for the CM to explain to someone else if they were asked why a stroller was inside.

So, you are saying that you, above all other people with strollers should have been let in with a stroller just because you are you?
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