Upset with Epcot and the Land

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New Member
gallolp said:
Talk about whinning, you would think from the responses, that you own the LAND!!!

The money I pay for my vacations should entitle me to ownership of at least the front door. :animwink:


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Based on the people sitting in that lobby that night, I would have to disagree with all of you, I am not against the disabled, these people were not disabled in most cases, just using these devices to their advantaged, and yes, I did speak to some of those people in the lobby and they even thought it was a disgrace!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh grow up , your acting like a three year old. The ADA says you have to let wheel chairs and ECV, a stroller is no way a neccesity. Either pick the kid up or go somewhere else. The rules are the rules they aren't flexible just becasue you think they should be. I don't want any strollers in the attractions, the spaces in the attractions are already congested and tight and I don't want your stroller that take the space of 3 people just so you don't have to carry around your kid.

Maybe if your child is sleeping its time to go back to the hotel for a nap and not drag your child around to midnight so they are fussy and crying and annoying the rest of the guests.


Well-Known Member
gallolp said:
Based on the people sitting in that lobby that night, I would have to disagree with all of you, I am not against the disabled, these people were not disabled in most cases, just using these devices to their advantaged, and yes, I did speak to some of those people in the lobby and they even thought it was a disgrace!!!

Just because you and others think it's a disgrace doesn't mean you are above the rules. I bet your 3 year old has a higher maturity level than you do. What's wrong with waiting outside with the stroller? The number of people who use those devices for their own advantage is far and away less than those who don't. By you using people who MAY be breaking the rules to justify your own breaking the rules, shows how immature you really are.

Grow up.


Well-Known Member
ok now all i hear in my head is the living with the land't we all just get along??? i understand both sides....being in disney with a child that has fallen asleep in the stroller..actually this has happened while we were on our way to the land as husband went in big can kind of telll...and its quite obvious that you can't bring strollers i just stayed outside and enjoyed just being epcot ..what can you really do....rules are rules....ok and now overweight people being in disney using mother in law..who is overweight and has used a wheelchair sometimes in disney because she has very weak knees...yes partly due to being overweight but also to a bad fall at one time...and she usually waits till her knees are kiling her , then she gets a to say overweight people are capable of walking around fine in disney...dont judge them...yes some do abuse the chairs.....whiles others don't..hay your not paying for the chair...


Well-Known Member
gallolp said:
Based on the people sitting in that lobby that night, I would have to disagree with all of you, I am not against the disabled, these people were not disabled in most cases, just using these devices to their advantaged, and yes, I did speak to some of those people in the lobby and they even thought it was a disgrace!!!

What did they think was a disgrace, the fact that Disney wouldn't bend the rules for you (grow up) or the fact that you, yourself, were trying to use a stroller to your own advantage?


Well-Known Member
gallolp said:
get a life, anyone who has the time to post 790 times must have a maturity issue

Yet they have been here since 2002... Just making yourself look bad at this point...


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gallolp said:
Last week while visiting Epcot, my 3 year old daughter fell asleep, we were going into Soaring and the disney people at the Land would not allow my wife to bring her stroller into the Land, at the same time, she ask why those in the electric chairs where allowed to sit in the Lobby and wait for their families, she received no answers and was told to leave. She felt discriminated against and it is a disgrace that those who utilize these chairs were able to get in the land, but my wife with a sleeping child could not!!!! I could understand if these people were disable, but these people were just overweight.

I think I actually saw this event unfold and the ranting and screaming of your wife was upsetting many others guests - including my travel companions - and making a scene.

Strollers are to be parked outside, that is Disney's policy and to attack a CM the way i witnessed her doing so over such a policy was disgraceful.
why can't people just follow the rules instead of questioning them. Discriminated? Obviously. It's pretty clear that the WALT DISNEY COMPANY HATES PEOPLE WITH STROLLERS!

America: Land of the entitled, home of the offended.


Well-Known Member
gallolp said:
get a life, anyone who has the time to post 790 times must have a maturity issue

Wow..with every post you make I feel my IQ drop...please stop talking're digging yourself into a deeper can't win


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Original Poster
You must have seen someone else who was addressing the CM, because, my wife never even raised her voice, she asked and was denied access and walked away, so either your making this up or there was another upset parent.


Well-Known Member
and im sure your wife could have carried your daughter into the land in her arms, if needed.


Well-Known Member
gee..this is like a soap opera.....very interesting...i like watching it honestly....... :hammer: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
gallolp said:
You must have seen someone else who was addressing the CM, because, my wife never even raised her voice, she asked and was denied access and walked away, so either your making this up or there was another upset parent.

...or it is the truth and you don't want to look bad... either way, you are proving to be an annoying person with all this whining...


Well-Known Member
gallolp said:
You must have seen someone else who was addressing the CM, because, my wife never even raised her voice, she asked and was denied access and walked away, so either your making this up or there was another upset parent.

I agree, many people raise their voices to CMs, just because you saw one lady do it dosn't mean that it was his wife.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
By the way, she was screaming "Why are you letting wheelchairs in! Those people aren't special!!!"
LOL, imagine that. Those are EXACTLY the type of people that feel like they're entitled to EVERYTHING. I'm guessing that's not the only altercation they got into on their Disney vacation? I'd be willing to bet good money that he has a few more "Disney is a disgrace" stories to tell us.
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