Upset with Epcot and the Land

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gallolp said:
You must have seen someone else who was addressing the CM, because, my wife never even raised her voice, she asked and was denied access and walked away, so either your making this up or there was another upset parent.

Well, some lady with a child in a stroller sleeping last week was screaming, balling her eyes out, and making a huge scene just under the entrance cover at the Land over not being allowed in with a stroller midday at the top of the wheelchair access ramp.

I then got my fastpass for soarin, which misprinted and gave me 2 tickets, 1 blank, and as i was trying to get a non-blank, a nice lady came out and gave me the fastpasses her party didn't use - but since i tried after getting a screwed up ticket, i have "Not valid a fastpass" marked 12:07pm on 8/21


Well-Known Member
You know, I sure haven't posted a lot here, but been around over a year...and I have to tell you, most of you regs should be ashamed of yourselves. Act like adults, even if your opinion is that someone isn't living up to your standards.

The guy had an issue, valid or not maybe next time give your advice in a somewhat mature manner.

Too bad people that are fans of such a magical place act worse than the people they love to rip apart.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
You know, I sure haven't posted a lot here, but been around over a year...and I have to tell you, most of you regs should be ashamed of yourselves. Act like adults, even if your opinion is that someone isn't living up to your standards.

The guy had an issue, valid or not maybe next time give your advice in a somewhat mature manner.

Too bad people that are fans of such a magical place act worse than the people they love to rip apart.

I'm sorry, but I have no tolerance for people who think they are above the rules.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
You know, I sure haven't posted a lot here, but been around over a year...and I have to tell you, most of you regs should be ashamed of yourselves. Act like adults, even if your opinion is that someone isn't living up to your standards.

The guy had an issue, valid or not maybe next time give your advice in a somewhat mature manner.

Too bad people that are fans of such a magical place act worse than the people they love to rip apart.

Did you read our first responses to his post?...all very mature...and the more rediculous statements he made about overweight people don't need wheelchairs and such the less mature we got...


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
You know, I sure haven't posted a lot here, but been around over a year...and I have to tell you, most of you regs should be ashamed of yourselves. Act like adults, even if your opinion is that someone isn't living up to your standards.

The guy had an issue, valid or not maybe next time give your advice in a somewhat mature manner.

Too bad people that are fans of such a magical place act worse than the people they love to rip apart.

HAHAHAHAHA Feel ashamed... Sorry will never happen. :lol: :cool:
BTW what is your stance on what galolp is talking about. You can't just tell everyone to feel ashamed and not post your opinion. Lets hear it.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
You know, I sure haven't posted a lot here, but been around over a year...and I have to tell you, most of you regs should be ashamed of yourselves. Act like adults, even if your opinion is that someone isn't living up to your standards.

The guy had an issue, valid or not maybe next time give your advice in a somewhat mature manner.

Too bad people that are fans of such a magical place act worse than the people they love to rip apart.


Grow up guys. No wonder we have a bad rap as a community......


New Member
I'm not a parent, but what I'm hearing on these boards is pretty silly. Not all children can walk. What about infants in prams?

That's pretty lame to not allow parents with strollers in the area. What if the family wants to go out to eat at the character place or downstairs? -- you are going to force the parents to drag all their crap on top of having to hold an infant? That makes life difficult for parents with young children. Not a lot of thought there in that rule.

There's nothing wrong with questioning rules people make for others -- or adjusting them once another person has pointed out the amount (or usually the lack) of thought put into a 'rule'. My goodness folks, there's nothing wrong with questioning a rule. Are we all mindless robots? Don't think so.

Also, just because you don't like how this poster is talking or the tone doesn't mean he isn't making a valid point.

I for one have noticed a rise in obesity in America, and I've also noticed more obese people using scooters. Period. No judgement -- its an observation.

In fact, I personally know a larger person who absolutely hates it (and makes a point to point it out to me at the parks) when larger type people strap themselves to a chair and wheel in to the ice cream parlor or pig out on candy out of their little basket up front.

I for one think the rule is thoughtless -- allow parents with infants in and make exceptions for sleeping kids. The stroller rule is silly.

edit: everyone and everything should be welcome into 'The Land'


Well-Known Member
Nion4 said:
I'm not a parent, but what I'm hearing on these boards is pretty silly. Not all children can walk. What about infants in prams?

That's pretty lame to not allow parents with strollers in the area. What if the family wants to go out to eat at the character place or downstairs? -- you are going to force the parents to drag all their crap on top of having to hold an infant? That makes life difficult for parents with young children. Not a lot of thought there in that rule.

There's nothing wrong with questioning rules people make for others -- or adjusting them once another person has pointed out the amount (or usually the lack) of thought put into a 'rule'. My goodness folks, there's nothing wrong with questioning a rule. Are we all mindless robots? Don't think so.

Also, just because you don't like how this poster is talking or the tone doesn't mean he isn't making a valid point.

I for one have noticed a rise in obesity in America, and I've also noticed more obese people using scooters. Period. No judgement -- its an observation.

In fact, I personally know a larger person who absolutely hates it (and makes a point to point it out to me at the parks) when larger type people strap themselves to a chair and wheel in to the ice cream parlor or pig out on candy out of their little basket up front.

I for one think the rule is thoughtless -- allow parents with infants in and make exceptions for sleeping kids. The stroller rule is silly.

Sorry, but the rule is NOT I have stated several times in this thread the land gets VERY bottlenecked and crowded...having 100 strollers in there only poses a fire hazzard and endangers the safety of others...


Account Suspended
No, it's not a silly rule. Strollers end up everywhere and can become a serious fire hazard - imagine if the pavilion needed to be evacuated. The strollers cannot go up and down the stairs or escalators and there is only 1 elevator.

That elevator needs to be used by people with real need - not a sleepy infant. People utilizing a stroller AS a wheelchair have to goto guest services and request a special pass. Often the folks who have the pass have a child who for whatever reasons is obviously not getting out of the stroller - but they have the pass anyways because they know and understand why the rules exist.


New Member
Tigger1988 said:
Sorry, but the rule is NOT I have stated several times in this thread the land gets VERY bottlenecked and crowded...having 100 strollers in there only poses a fire hazzard and endangers the safety of others...

Did I say let all strollers in? It would be nice... Make an exception for infants or children that sleep.

Live a little, flex a little -- brittle people get snapped in half real quick.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
No, it's not a silly rule. Strollers end up everywhere and can become a serious fire hazard - imagine if the pavilion needed to be evacuated. The strollers cannot go up and down the stairs or escalators and there is only 1 elevator.

That elevator needs to be used by people with real need - not a sleepy infant. People utilizing a stroller AS a wheelchair have to goto guest services and request a special pass. Often the folks who have the pass have a child who for whatever reasons is obviously not getting out of the stroller - but they have the pass anyways because they know and understand why the rules exist.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Account Suspended
"If she can get in with a sleeping child.. why can't i get in? Will the stroller come out when she wakes up?"

Or how about midday when half the kids are asleep in strollers?

You don't understand the logistics of it, Disney does.


Well-Known Member
Nion4 said:
Did I say let all strollers in? It would be nice... Make an exception for infants or children that sleep.

Live a little, flex a little -- brittle people get snapped in half real quick.

Personally, if I was in there and there was a fire...and a stroller containing a SLEEPY CHILD was blocking my way...I'd be pretty ed...wake the kid up or take them home


Well-Known Member
Nion4 said:
Did I say let all strollers in? It would be nice... Make an exception for infants or children that sleep.

Live a little, flex a little -- brittle people get snapped in half real quick.

I agree with infants, but I disagree with sleeping children. If your child is that tired that they can't stay awake in the amusement park, take them back to the hotel and give them a little nap and come back later. It's what my parents did for me and my sister, and it worked fine. And no it wouldn't be nice to let all strollers in, for many of the reason's already stated. It's hard enough to get around The Land as it is already, I can't imagine how bad it would be if they let all the strollers in.


New Member
mousermerf said:
"If she can get in with a sleeping child.. why can't i get in? Will the stroller come out when she wakes up?"

Or how about midday when half the kids are asleep in strollers?

You don't understand the logistics of it, Disney does.

Well, there is the little thing called the logistics of kindness and service.

That no corporation can own the market on, let me tell you!


Well-Known Member
goofyfan13 said:
I agree with infants, but I disagree with sleeping children. If your child is that tired that they can't stay awake in the amusement park, take them back to the hotel and give them a little nap and come back later. It's what my parents did for me and my sister, and it worked fine.

Exactly...actually thats still what we do..we come back midday to either sleep or relax by the pool...does a lot of good for all

and we don't have any kids with us


Active Member
I have been to WDW many many times with a sleeping child and if my family wants to go on a ride or in an attraction that a stroller is not allowed then I just go into the nearest gift shop and look around until they are done. The family gets to ride, baby stills sleeps and i can cool off in a gift shop with A.C. everybody is happy! As for the people in wheelchairs that you claim may be "just overweight" how the hell do you know that they do not have a disability that you can not see? I have a heart condition, do I need to have an enlarged copy of my EKG and a note from my doctor plastered to my forehead before I get your approval to rent a wheelchair or other? I THINK NOT!!!

Oh, and by the way I don't ever rent a wheelchair, i just take a break and "people watch" until I am feeling better, I save those rentals for people who really need them due to health or even just being old and too tired to trek around WDW all day in the hot sun!
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