Upset with Epcot and the Land

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Well-Known Member
Nion4 said:
Well, there is the little thing called the logistics of kindness and service.

That no corporation can own the market on, let me tell you!

Are you not getting the point that it poses a fire hazzard to other guests?


Well-Known Member
mousebymarriage said:
I have been to WDW many many times with a sleeping child and if my family wants to go on a ride or in an attraction that a stroller is not allowed then I just go into the nearest gift shop and look around until they are done. The family gets to ride, baby stills sleeps and i can cool off in a gift shop with A.C. everybody is happy! As for the people in wheelchairs that you claim may be "just overweight" how the hell do you know that they do not have a disability that you can not see? I have a heart condition, do I need to have an enlarged copy of my EKG and a note from my doctor plastered to my forehead before I get your approval to rent a wheelchair or other? I THINK NOT!!!

Oh, and by the way I don't ever rent a wheelchair, i just take a break and "people watch" until I am feeling better, I save those rentals for people who really need them due to health or even just being old and too tired to trek around WDW all day in the hot sun!

Thank you for that post :wave:


Well-Known Member
Did you read our first responses to his post?

Our?? You made one response then your second post jumped on the badwagon of name calling. Look, it is just plain stupid to fight someone who may be wrong with is silly...really.

I'm sorry, but I have no tolerance for people who think they are above the rules.

Obviously, of course you have never...EVER thought it might be appropriate for someone to break a rule or two for you, right. Must be nice being perfect.

Okay, I agree the rules are the rules, and they are there for a reason...somebody didn't just make these rules in a vacum without thought or consideration. However, I may have been upset also, I wasn't there in his do I know what kind of day they were having...maybe his wife was having a bad day and just needed this one thing...any of you married?? I would almost chop my arm off to please my wife if I knew she was in a bad mood. Who the heck knows...WHO CARES!!

Let's just make sure we drive anybody and everybody away that does something we think is silly or childish or...wait, that would leave very few folks here!


Account Suspended
Furthermore! *since i'm riled up*

Where on earth would the strollers go near Soarin and Living with the Land? They wouldn't be allowed into either queue and there's nowhere to keep them inside the building while people ride the rides.

Strollers were parked outside the Wonders of Life too - though they occasionally snuck in since the place wasn't very crowded. It's not some arbitrary rule.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
Obviously, of course you have never...EVER thought it might be appropriate for someone to break a rule or two for you, right. Must be nice being perfect.

Obeying the rules doesn't make someone perfect. I pay special attention to ones that are in place for people's safety. I honestly can't think of a rule I have broken in a LONG time. No joke. I was brought up to not expect anything to be handed to me, and I don't think anything should be entitled to me or any rules should be bent, broken, or looked over on my behalf. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
Really...haven't just gone 5 or 10 over the speed limit...

Seems I overlooked something, my bad. I still accept if I get a speeding ticket becuase I know I broke a rule. I don't ask for any acceptions. Period. The fact I was trying to point out is I don't feel any acceptions should be made for me.


New Member
to mr. I haven't broken a rule in a long time: here's a rule: don't be an -- you broke that a while ago!

Timmay said:
Must be nice being perfect.
....any of you married?? I would almost chop my arm off to please my wife if I knew she was in a bad mood. Who the heck knows...WHO CARES!!

Let's just make sure we drive anybody and everybody away that does something we think is silly or childish or...wait, that would leave very few folks here!

That was really well written.

I've only been here for a short time, but I'm amazed at how easily provoked some of you are. That's a character flaw by the way. Really, its disturbing. Someone isn't 'perfect' and depressing like you, and you trash them and try to rip them a new hole. You look just as 'bad' as he does. Quit trying to evaluate everyone who comes on these boards and listen for mistakes. Its tremendously insecure.

In response to these oh so severe fire hazard issues -- I was trained in college as an architect -- I probably know a lot more about code that you do. Plus, my dad is an engineer and land developer -- so I constantly had these thing explained to me as a kid. It was actually quite fun. With my training, I realize that code can be designed around etc. And I know poor design when I see it too.

Don't sit there with your rule book and dramatize something like fire hazzard. Its you guys who don't understand code and what's legally necessary for a safe exit. If you know anything about the Land, you'd realize there are large door emergency exits on the floor levels...but of course you wouldn't know that because you don't have a trained eye. Don't be so silly. There is plenty of exit space on the lower level without anyone having to go up a floor.

Next time 'look for it' yourself. Also, quit looking for mistakes other people make and start with yourself first.

You won't have enough time to point out the flaws in others.


Well-Known Member
Mousebymarriage said it best in Post #60, which has also been quoted at least once since then here.

You've got the whole park to go to, including air conditioned gift shops away from The Land, and a sleeping kid in a stroller. That's a situation I'd take advantage of in a heartbeat. Great time to shop or maybe pick up a bite to eat quietly, or an ice cream, or a drink and enjoy it while you people watch.
I say stop and smell the roses. You're at Disney!

The thought of the wife having a bad day and this was just the one thing she needed doesn't hold water.
"Gee officer, I know there are 8 handicapped parking spots here and none of them are being used. I need to park in one of these blue spots because I'm just running in the store for a minute. I'm having a bad day, so you should not write me a ticket. I know I don't have a proper card or license plate to park there, but I'm having a bad day."


Well-Known Member
The thought of the wife having a bad day and this was just the one thing she needed doesn't hold water.
"Gee officer, I know there are 20 handicapped parking spots here and none of them are being used, but I'm having a bad day, so you should not write me a ticket. I need to park here."

Yeah...only one is a LAW...the other a rule...

Seems I overlooked something, my bad. I still accept if I get a speeding ticket becuase I know I broke a rule. I don't ask for any acceptions. Period. The fact I was trying to point out is I don't feel any acceptions should be made for me.

Only that is not what you said at first. Something about having no tolerance for people who think they are above the rules. Just because you get caought and pay the fine doesn't mean you do not think you are above the don't believe that do you. Kind of hard not to be subjective...isn't it...kinda like Gallolp


Well-Known Member
Good greif, give it a rest people! Why can't we all just get along?

Nope...good point, you are right.

I am done.

Thanks for listening, we now return you to your regularly scheduled forum.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
Just because you get caought and pay the fine doesn't mean you do not think you are above the don't believe that do you. Kind of hard not to be subjective...isn't it...kinda like Gallup

I don't think I'm above the rules, regardless of the situation. Kind of hard not to be subjective? I didn't go around complaining that the rules couldn't be bent into my favor, completely differant situation. I never said I haven't broken a rule in a long time, cause that just would be a flat out lie, I wouldn't be human if I hadn't broken any rules in my life. I just said I can't think of a rule I have broken in a long time. With that in mind, if I break a rule and get caught, you won't see me complaining because that rule is out of line, or absurd. By saying I don't tolerate anyone who breaks them doesn't mean that I don't do it, I personally feel ashamed when/if I do it, which is why I try to avoid it at all times and why I can't remember breaking one in a while(besides 5 over the speed limit :animwink: ).


Account Suspended
Nion4 said:
Don't be so silly. There is plenty of exit space on the lower level without anyone having to go up a floor.

Next time 'look for it' yourself. Also, quit looking for mistakes other people make and start with yourself first.

You won't have enough time to point out the flaws in others.

Well, you just made a mistake - most Guests will attempt to exit the way they entered in the event of an alarm, false or not. Also, what if the bottom floor exits were part of the fire? Also, any strollers inside the pavilion would block exits.

Untrained? You have no clue what i do :) Architects don't know people, they just make boxes - that's why i've opened more than one door into a pole or wall.


Well-Known Member
There's no law against cutting ahead of people in line, but I respect the rule.

I don't leave trash in my Doom Buggy, or drop my drink cup on the ground for someone else to clean up. In those cases, there are no rules posted and neither will get me ejected from the park, but I don't do them anyway because they are wrong.

If I see some plants blocking the entrance to Wonders of Life and I see that I could easily squeeze through to get into WoL to get out of the sun and check it out, I don't do it. That's not to say it's out of the realm of possibility.
If I did feel mischievious enough to take a quick peek and a CM caught me and told me that wasn't allowed, would I be in the right to tell them how ridiculous a rule that is because I paid for park admission and WoL is part of the park, so I should be let in there? I think not.

When someone is at Epcot, they are on the private property of Disney. Disney makes the rules. If someone chooses to break or ignore the rules, they are liable to be ejected from the park (sounds like a new thrill ride) with no refund. I believe by entering the park, you agree to those rules.

If it's a rule that maybe should be changed, I can't see that having any discussion with a castmember doing their job enforcing the rule at the time will ever get that rule changed then, or have an exception granted because the CM will suddenly realize "Hey, you're right, the heck with the rules and my job." "Be Our Guest!":lol:
Go to Guest Services.
If enough people communicate to the decision makers about the rule, perhaps it will be changed.

[size=-1]“Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”[/size]


Well-Known Member
LaughingGravy said:
There's no law against cutting ahead of people in line, but I respect the rule.

I don't leave trash in my Doom Buggy, or drop my drink cup on the ground for someone else to clean up. In those cases, there are no rules posted and neither will get me ejected from the park, but I don't do them anyway because they are wrong.

If I see some plants blocking the entrance to Wonders of Life and I see that I could easily squeeze through to get into WoL to get out of the sun and check it out, I don't do it. That's not to say it's out of the realm of possibility.
If did feel mischievious enough to take a quick peek and a CM caught me and told me that wasn't allowed, would I be in the right to tell them how ridiculous a rule that is because I paid for park admission and WoL is part of the park, so I should be let in there? I think not.

When someone is at Epcot, they are on the private property of Disney. Disney makes the rules. If someone chooses to break or ignore the rules, they are liable to be ejected from the park (sounds like a new thrill ride) with no refund. I believe by entering the park, you agree to those rules.

If it's a rule that maybe should be changed, I can't see that having any discussion with a castmember doing their job enforcing the rule at the time will ever get that rule changed then, or have an exception granted because the CM will suddenly realize "Hey, you're right, the heck with the rules and my job." "Be Our Guest!":lol:
Go to Guest Services.
If enough people communicate to the decision makers about the rule, perhaps it will be changed.

[size=-1]“Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”[/size]

Excellent post. :wave:


Well-Known Member
gallolp said:
get a life, anyone who has the time to post 790 times must have a maturity issue

Well, that certainly was uncalled for. What does the number of posts someone has have anything to do with their maturity level???

I have 900 posts...I guess that means that I am even less mature than they were... :veryconfu

(By the way, mousebymarriage, excellent post :sohappy: )


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
Well, that certainly was uncalled for. What does the number of posts someone has have anything to do with their maturity level???

I have 900 posts...I guess that means that I am even less mature than they were... :veryconfu

(By the way, mousebymarriage, excellent post :sohappy: )

I guess I am boned


Well-Known Member
This place is fun. I do wonder how much Guest Services/ WDW decision makers look at this forum. There are a decent number of CMs here both full and part time, some of which probably know who the right people are to point in the direction of this board.
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