Updated my magic+ experience terms of service in app today


Well-Known Member
But that's just it.. everyone isn't getting a FP+.. they are extremely limited. That actually limits the total impact of FP+ on attractions because the max people can get is so limited.

It will be interesting to see if the net result is everyone is in standby... which is why I think there will be more ways to get FP+ reservations beyond the early announced 3. No way Disney lets all those lines sit idle...
I wouldn't use the word extremely limited in the sense of who can get them. I think a lot of FP+ tickets will be distributed out, at least as many as are given out now if not more. This is Disney we are talking about. To get guests to buy into FP+, i just don't see them setting the max at "so limited.". I can see them easily givin out too many so when people book, they feel like they got what they wanted regardless of why their experience in the park will eventually be.

I was just referring to how It's limited in the sense of how many an individual can get per day.. Which is what I extremely dislike. Why would I want to go from getting 6-8 on average on attractions I chose to only 3 per day in stupid categories that might not even include anything I need a FP on? I just see the artificial inflation of ride times the way @ParentsOf4 has been talking about as the most likely way things are going to play out. Your scenario is interesting to think about but I see it as the less likely of the two.

IF they say you can get more than 3, then maybe this turns into a different discussion. But 3 is a little especially for experienced park guests like me (and we are a large chunk of Disney guests).


Premium Member
Original Poster
It's just good business on Disney's part to make the default setting for the credit card attached to MagicBand to be "active" since it encourages spur-of-the-moment purchases. ("I didn't intend to buy anything with my MagicBand but it's so easy to use.")

I've seen market research suggesting, all protests to the contrary, people do spend more when using these types of touch-to-pay systems.

I don't disagre with the theory of increased spending when there is no immediate consequence to do so.. and reducing barriers to spending.

But that has little to do with the business of customer communication and transparency - which is what opt-in and out-out choices are about.

For customer service and liability - it doesn't matter how many benefit from it, if you have big risks/exposure when someone gets caught in it unexpectedly. The tradeoff is always gain vs exposure. And what does Disney gain by making this the default for small children?


Well-Known Member
I don't disagre with the theory of increased spending when there is no immediate consequence to do so.. and reducing barriers to spending.

But that has little to do with the business of customer communication and transparency - which is what opt-in and out-out choices are about.

For customer service and liability - it doesn't matter how many benefit from it, if you have big risks/exposure when someone gets caught in it unexpectedly. The tradeoff is always gain vs exposure. And what does Disney gain by making this the default for small children?
In terms of what they gain, you might want to consider this earlier post by @FabulousFigment:


Giving charging privileges to children, especially young children, really does work.;)


Active Member
I notice you need to associate a ticket to your account before you can fastpass plus. Unfortunately I won't be able to do it as I will be using mine before check in booooooo


Premium Member
Original Poster
I wouldn't use the word extremely limited in the sense of who can get them. I think a lot of FP+ tickets will be distributed out, at least as many as are given out now if not more. This is Disney we are talking about. To get guests to buy into FP+, i just don't see them setting the max at "so limited.". I can see them easily givin out too many so when people book, they feel like they got what they wanted regardless of why their experience in the park will eventually be.

I was just referring to how It's limited in the sense of how many an individual can get per day..

But those are the same thing... if Disney limits how many credits a person can get.. it doesn't matter how many additional FP+ uses Disney were to offer if there are no guests that can use them. The # of FPs each guest can get becomes the limiting factor.. any additional offering of FP+ uses by Disney goes unused.

That's what I mean about 'lines sitting idle..'

The other lines don't get inflated if there aren't guests who can take the FP+s... that's why the # of FP+/guest is so key to the total impact the system has. Disney offering a glut of FP+ attractions doesn't mean anything if people can't consume them...

Offering FP+ on a new attraction doesn't impact the standby line if no one is using FP+.. And while Disney has been increasing the # of FP+ enabled attractions.. they are also expanding the # of things you would use FP+ on BESIDES attractions. Those have counter-acting effects.

Look at it this way.. which is more likely to be used.. adding FP+ to Philharmagic or adding FP+ to Wishes? If a guest can only pick one.. adding it to Philharmagic isn't going to be impacted much.

That's also why the groupings Disney offers and constricts people to are SO HUGE in how this plays out.

Without knowing how many FPs people actually used as a whole.. its hard to say if the FP+ limit of 3 will increase or decrease the impact on lines.

That's whats hard about this.. these are all interdependent factors. You can't just say 'adding FP+ to all attractions will increase waits' .. because the existing of the line doesn't increase the wait, it's the usage of it. And usage of it assumes you have the permission to do it, etc.

IF they say you can get more than 3, then maybe this turns into a different discussion. But 3 is a little especially for experienced park guests like me (and we are a large chunk of Disney guests).

I would think so too - but there may be far more that don't then do... we're only guessing from this side since we only see people of like mind to us.. we don't see many of the newbies on forums like these.

In my life outside the forums.. everyone I know.. knows how to use FP (even if they didn't know how to maximize it with late returns).


Well-Known Member
I think another aspect of this that kind of bites is that, say for example, my boyfriend and I get a FP, and decide we won't be in the park by the return time for the FP (say if we go to epcot around 12, get a FP for test track that's at 730, but want to leave at five), we would give our FP tickets to somebody else.

Skippy's Pal

Well-Known Member
I don't make that connection... FP in your second park is already a reduced experience or even a non-factor for the most popular attractions due to FP allotments being fully distributed before you get there. So how is this any different?

You aren't going to waltz into DHS at 4pm and get a TSMM FP...

I'm still hoping that by limiting FP usage for everyone... we might actually get close to that point where people argue 'FP needs go go away' and the majority of people are in standby.

4PM, no, but if you do EMH'S at Park A and hop around noon or 1, you still have a respectable chance of securing one or two desirable FP's in Park B in today's world.


Well-Known Member
I've seen market research suggesting, all protests to the contrary, people do spend more when using these types of touch-to-pay systems.

Yep, or just credit cards in general. People tend to be more impulsive when buying and tend to spend a certain percentage (was it 20%? I don't remember) more when they use methods other than cash. Disney (and any other retail/entertainment/hospitality company) is banking on that.

Burnt Toast

New Member
Juniors were always defaulted to having charging privileges during the check-in process in DPMS and in Lilo. This is not something new. I usually asked who the Guest wanted to have charging privileges whether a party member junior or not. It still does this and has for a very long time. Nothing has changed. Parents used to tell me all the time to keep charging on their kids or not. You can still do that.

What HAS changed is that all charges to the folio and the DDP now require a PIN code at Touch to Pay locations.


Well-Known Member
Juniors were always defaulted to having charging privileges during the check-in process in DPMS and in Lilo. This is not something new. I usually asked who the Guest wanted to have charging privileges whether a party member junior or not. It still does this and has for a very long time. Nothing has changed. Parents used to tell me all the time to keep charging on their kids or not. You can still do that.
You mean this isn't some new sneaky tactic?


Well-Known Member
You mean this isn't some new sneaky tactic?
A touch-to-pay MagicBand type system isn't "sneaky" but it is "smart".

Conceptually, the easier you make it for customers to spend money, the more money they spend. The more you remove the purchasing experience from feeling like a purchase, the more customers spend. Put a $20 bill in someone's hand and it is money. Put a bracelet on their wrist and it seems like a game. Marketing data shows systems like this are surprisingly effective at improving sales.

Now give that same charging privileges to children by default and sales improve. I am absolutely confident that if Disney changed the system to default to "disable charging privileges" for children and adults, sales would decline. In this sense, what Disney is doing with the default setting for MagicBand isn't "new" but it is "sneaky". It's also smart business.


Active Member
Ahh, remember the good old days when saying that RFID cards wouldn't be tracked around the park got you called a plant or a troll? And when "they'll know where you are everywhere on property" .... "GPS tracking" .... "antenna with a five football field radius" fearmongering was the norm here?


Well-Known Member
What is the expected time frame for this to go all live? Does it cost anything or is it something you get as an option if you stay at the resort?


Well-Known Member
Ahh, remember the good old days when saying that RFID cards wouldn't be tracked around the park got you called a plant or a troll? And when "they'll know where you are everywhere on property" .... "GPS tracking" .... "antenna with a five football field radius" fearmongering was the norm here?
I have a feeling a lot of people will suddenly come down with amnesia. Amazing how much of the fear mongering was based on totally false claims.

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