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When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Premium Member
One for powerz and one for back ups! Why would they buy 3? Just to show what big spenders they are? What a wdwmagic moron.
Welcome back. Did you go away for the holidays?

(Not stalking you. Really. Just noticed a hundred comments in the past week which begged for a George-response.)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Seems like it would be easier/cheaper for them to build that into the MDE app. Although obviously not everyone would benefit from that as they would from the screens.

But I don't wanana be tied to my smartphone my entire vacation. I want to be able to unplug from reality and ENJOY my vacation without having to grab for my phone every few minutes.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
But I don't wanana be tied to my smartphone my entire vacation. I want to be able to unplug from reality and ENJOY my vacation without having to grab for my phone every few minutes.
Here is the thing, you won't need to grab your smart phone every few minutes. At most you might spend 5 minutes of the entire day looking at it for MM+ things.

If you have done you FP+ options and dining in advance the only reason you would need to look at it at all would be to see what time you are doing X,Y and Z. If your memory is good enough or you will not need to use it at all save for an attraction going down during your window.

The notion that MM+ will have us walking around the parks like zombies never looking up from these little 4" screens is simply incorrect.


Well-Known Member
The notion that MM+ will have us walking around the parks like zombies never looking up from these little 4" screens is simply incorrect.

People are already doing enough staring into tiny screens to themselves even without MM+ added to the mix. It's really silly sometimes.

One problem I do have is people who feel compelled to use their devices while actually on an attraction. You really do not need to change your next FP+ while you are still riding the current one (or check messages, etc.). It's a distraction potentially as bad as flash photography.


Well-Known Member
Here is the thing, you won't need to grab your smart phone every few minutes. At most you might spend 5 minutes of the entire day looking at it for MM+ things.

If you have done you FP+ options and dining in advance the only reason you would need to look at it at all would be to see what time you are doing X,Y and Z. If your memory is good enough or you will not need to use it at all save for an attraction going down during your window.

The notion that MM+ will have us walking around the parks like zombies never looking up from these little 4" screens is simply incorrect.

Recently I stopped wearing a watch. I carry two smart phones (personal and work) and always have the time handy on my phone, so the wrist watch was no longer necessary. I don't consider it wasting time on my smart phone whenever I have to check the time. I've just gone from looking at my watch, to looking at my phone. Same thing with the Fastpasses and MM+. I'm not going to be staring at the phone all day just because the information is there. I'll be using the phone instead of pulling out a paper map and list of show times, or pulling out paper Fastpasses.


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
Recently I stopped wearing a watch. I carry two smart phones (personal and work) and always have the time handy on my phone, so the wrist watch was no longer necessary. I don't consider it wasting time on my smart phone whenever I have to check the time. I've just gone from looking at my watch, to looking at my phone. Same thing with the Fastpasses and MM+. I'm not going to be staring at the phone all day just because the information is there. I'll be using the phone instead of pulling out a paper map and list of show times, or pulling out paper Fastpasses.

I agree with you, I actually took a quick screenshot each morning with our "My Day" screen and sent a copy to each of my family so if we separated everyone had the FP+ times and dining reservations. This actually made it easier for me to quickly look and verify the time(s) at any point in the day.


Well-Known Member
Been limited in the past couple weeks to the forum due to the holidays and a lot going on with staycation and the deep freeze that hit us in the Chicago Southern Suburbs. (neg 13F on my temp gauge on Mon with wind chill of neg 45F the same day) Man I miss Orlando.

what about the Peter Pan queue area enhancement at MK?

and did I miss something about a loss of Star Wars area at HS...D23 displayed Star Wars themed crates hinting at an addition... that's the way I saw it...

and where is a meet and greet of Oswald that cast members promised me last trip would start in 2013???


Active Member
The one thing that bothers me about Amusement/Theme parks in general anymore is how many people are glued to their moble devices constantly. Sure, I look at mine to see the time, or to check out queue line length sometimes. But I do it waiting for a show or parade to begin, or after I am done eating waiting for the check. The worst is how many people video tape firework shows with their IPAD. The whole point of going on vacation to me is to ESCAPE the real world. I enjoy the moment, I don't need to video tape it and re-live it over and over again. These park were designed to entertain you and people spend lots of money to get into them, yet they are listening to their own music on their Ipods, checkin out the news on their Ipad, or checking e-mail on their Iphones.

When I am at a park, I take it all in.... the sights, sounds, music, magic, and thrills. I try to ignore the rest of the public... but when I'm trying to watch "Wishes" and someone holds an Ipad over their head and blocks my view... the magic kind of goes away.

This is my fear of MM+. I feel it is going to cause more people to get lost in the mobile world instead of getting lost in the magic of the place they paid good money to escape to. I am all for being able to reserve times for Fast Passes from one location in the park for the day.... but the parks need to invest in NEW attractions that WOW the guests.

If I want to play on my iphone, I will do it at work or at home.


Active Member
In continuation of my last post, What Disney needs to do to WOW me, and bring me back every year is for the Star Wars Land and/or the Cars Land (both at DHS) project(s) to be revealed/confirmed by Disney. I also hope they would be complete before 2020.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, I actually took a quick screenshot each morning with our "My Day" screen and sent a copy to each of my family so if we separated everyone had the FP+ times and dining reservations. This actually made it easier for me to quickly look and verify the time(s) at any point in the day.

That's a great idea! I think I might set it as a background/wallpaper for easy viewing.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Jimbo, have you been to a fireworks show recently? The proliferation of smart phones being held up to record the entire event has become very noticeable. As long as a person can move and find a spot, it may be no big deal but I would bet that park services are already hearing complaints.

Anyway, I was just coming here to say that I have not followed the rumors closely of late but was surprised to see on Page 1, updated in early January of this year that Carsland is still a rumor for the Hollywood Studios park, but not Star Wars land expansion. I guess I thought I had read the Star Wars expansion was going to happen at the Studios park.


Well-Known Member
Wow, folks are really far too concerned with the phone habits of others. Yikes. And I thought Homeland Security was too up in my business...
now, now if it happens to get 'bumped' and falls into the water, is its new operating system going to keep it safe, or will someone try to sue Disney because it got wet? --- and no, it is not my fault i just hit his hand so i could have my PoTC views back....

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