Unsure who to vote for regarding the Walt Disney Co. Board


Well-Known Member
Also, not a stalwart of Iger or anything, but there is perhaps a slightly better chance that Iger possibly learned something from his disastrous exit than there is that Peltz and Rasulo learned something from … absolutely nothing.
Iger knows EVERYTHING he does is PERFECT. What he learned from his previous exit has nothing to do with the day to day operation of TWDC. If folks want everything to remain exactly the same as now, vote with Iger.

The only thing Iger learned from his previous exit is to pick someone he is 100 percent positive HE CAN 100 PERCENT CONTROL. He didn't have this with Chapek. His next choice will be better for HIM.


Well-Known Member
What they say they want to do is either what Disney has already committed to doing or worse. Mission already accomplished if for some reason you were hellbent on them making a few changes to deliver slightly more value to the shareholder. No reason to actually put these people on the board unless Peltz has a time machine to address his stunningly perfect 20/20 hindsight about the investment in the parks being belated.
Just think what that time machine could give us?! We could be celebrating the opening of a new DVC on The Strip!

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
People are acting like Iger is 36. He’s not going to be there for another decade. You don’t have to destroy everything to get rid of him.

By the way, what posters hate isn’t really Iger, it’s the CORPORATE CULTURE THAT PRODUCED HIM. Empowering WORSE examples of that culture won’t fix anything and pretending Iger is the disease and not the symptom distorts every conversation.

That's exactly right.


Well-Known Member
What do you think is actually going to happen though? Peltz, and Rusalo get elected to the board with their minority shares and somehow do a hostile takeover? It isn’t going to happen
So why do you think they want to be on the board if they are going to have no power? Why would 80 year old Peltz sign up for this if he thinks it means he can't do anything?


Well-Known Member
What they say they want to do is either what Disney has already committed to doing or worse. Mission already accomplished if for some reason you were hellbent on them making a few changes to deliver slightly more value to the shareholder. No reason to actually put these people on the board unless Peltz has a time machine to address his stunningly perfect 20/20 hindsight about the investment in the parks being belated.
Yes, it's very strange to me that people seem to think that what Disney needs is people who want to turbocharge all the things we supposedly don't like just because things need to change. It's this weird corporate version of sharpening the contradictions with the idea that making things worse will somehow result in a revolution that returns Disney to something resembling what it was back in the era of Walt or at least Wells/Eisner.


Well-Known Member
What do you think is actually going to happen though? Peltz, and Rusalo get elected to the board with their minority shares and somehow do a hostile takeover? It isn’t going to happen
In my opinion, nothing is going to happen. They will not get elected to the board. Even if they do they will have no power as the entire board is aligned with Iger.

All things in TWDC will proceed as they have.

I am a fan of WDW mostly. My only hope is that EPIC is such a success that if FORCES Disney to react in WDW.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Unfortunately, people are angry and while I honestly don't even blame them, many will not look past their current feelings to see anything other than things need to change. Consequences be damned.
There is nothing unfortunate about people voting the way they choose to vote. And they don’t need to justify that choice to anyone, no matter which way they decide to go.


Well-Known Member
Only time will tell if Iger's win will be unfortunate or not.

The question is, will Iger's win will be unfortunate (or not) for who?

I know whatever happens, Iger has enough money for many, many LIFETIMES, like a vampire.

Whatever happens will be unfortunate (or not) for fans and customers of TWDC.
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, people are angry and while I honestly don't even blame them, many will not look past their current feelings to see anything other than things need to change. Consequences be damned.
Ones who are angry and there are a lot of them tend to line-up and drink the Kool Aid what one is peddling to the angry and gullible.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing unfortunate about people voting the way they choose to vote.
Blindly voting out of anger is a problem because it leads to bad decisions. Voting because you thought it out and legit think something is the correct path is not. It is the former I have an issue with.

And they don’t need to justify that choice to anyone, no matter which way they decide to go.
This is true, they don't and I don't remember saying anyone had to.


Well-Known Member
Iger Lover ;) JK!!!!!! No matter what is said on these boards TWDC will do what TWDC will do.

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