Universal vs. Disney

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
F&F- which by most accounts pretty much sucks. And outside of that..... Simpsons/Desp. Me? They've had a single unique attraction added- and it's on a tram with lackluster reviews. So lackluster that the Orlando die-hards are adamant about how it "will not be the same- we promise- it'll actually be good".

And thats supposed to stand next to the DCA revamp and complete refurb/revamp of DLR? I mean, I know we're on the Universal subthread- but the biased runs deep if you think that.

UOR > WDW since Comcast by a mile. But DLR > UHS by a mile as well.

Dear lord...

You claimed within a year, more has occurred at the DLR. I proved you wrong. This isn't about what's cool and what isn't, this is about additions to the parks. The DCA revamp happened three years ago and what "complete refurb/revamp" of the DLR are you talking about?
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Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Clearly my timelines are all sorts of wrong. Sorry. I meant everything for the 60th regarding DL. As in- essentially every single ride having a lengthy refurb over the past few years in anticipation of the 60th in addition to the plussings of BTMR and Matterhorn.

I know I said a year. I should have said "recently" to encompass the last few years. My brain is fried and I'm flying to Orlando tomorrow so I have theme park brain rot. :)

Every single ride having a lengthy return? That is false as well.

Even if we're talking solely of the 60th, your statement doesn't hold true.
Just saying that it's unfair to compare a land that's had time to grow and expand to a land that's just starting off. Ride vs ride, sure, but the entire lands? Fantasyland would win on just their number of attractions alone.
I agree, but this thread is comparing the parks. One of Disney's greatest strengths is it's age. That can't be ignored.


Well-Known Member
I hate these arguments, I really do. The term "winning" is one of the most poorly defined words when referring to these two resorts.

If the term "winning" means "highest attendance", then yeah, Disney is winning. Only a dunce would suggest otherwise. If the term "winning" means "continual investment in attractions that continually push the creative bar up", then Disney is most certainly not winning. Nothing at WDW has eclipsed, creatively, anything Universal Orlando has done in nearly 20 years.

Also, as one poster already said, you can't play this game the way you're playing it. You can't discount a rumor from one resort (which is heavily backed up by people far more in-the-know than either of us are) and credit another from the other resort. That's picking and choosing a battle, and it isn't even a creative manipulation either.
Except i havent 'credited' either. I hope both are right but will not give credit for any or discount any until theyre there for me to judge. That was a great rebuttal to an argument nobody made though.


Well-Known Member
That last bit sounds oddly familiar...

I would argue that you're "lowering the bar" for WDW. Those old developments are nice and all, but what has WDW done for me lately? When's the last time they even UPDATED those water parks? Why are two of their four parks still half-day experiences, with less rides combined than a single Universal park?

And since you insist on likening the situation to winning and losing, this would be like connecting with a lot of punches and then suddenly letting your guard down completely in the 12th round, just standing there, taking an utter beating for the remainder of the fight. Score card might say you're still winning, but will you still be conscious by the time the final bell rings?

What are you sorry for? Your opinion? You're welcome to share it. This is a discussion forum after all. Just don't expect everyone to accept it as fact. This topic in particular is meant for debate. PhotoDave was nice enough to post it in the section where people tend to be pro-Universal, so if you're feeling overwhelmed, blame him. ;)
Not feeling overwhelmed at all, enjoying the debate. Its nice to have it in one place instead of every single Wdw rumour thread.

And I dont deny for one second that Uni has been more impressive recently with their additions. Should be an interesting decade and I hope Disney keeps up their end.

I still dont think Universal is anywhere near as immersive as the World and not sure it ever will be.


Well-Known Member
So? Are you trying to argue that a supposed Nintendo land will have as many rides and attractions as Fantasyland?

Why does it need as many attractions as Fantasyland? The original quote that set off this entire exchange between you only said it could be a similar draw, it said nothing about attraction count. MK's Fantasyland doesn't even have that many rides! And most of Disneyland's are old school carnival-style rides, which, while kind of charming, are far from impressive. I don't know about you, but give me several modern, relatively major attractions and I'm happy.

BTW, while it's doubtful that much more of it gets used, there's enough free space left in that vicinity, combined with Kidzone, to build several Fantasylands. If you don't believe me, look at Google maps.
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Well-Known Member
I love both but I feel like I'm in an exciting vibrant place when in Universal, and that I'm in a museum like hall of fame when at Disney World.

I criticise Disney because I want them to fulfil their potential. Where's the Incredibles ride? Why is Tomorrowland a complete joke? Why did I last visit what was MGM over a decade ago feeling it wasn't a full park, to find it's somehow even worse?

I was brought up on Disney, but they're disappointing at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I love both but I feel like I'm in an exciting vibrant place when in Universal, and that I'm in a museum like hall of fame when at Disney World.

I criticise Disney because I want them to fulfil their potential. Where's the Incredibles ride? Why is Tomorrowland a complete joke? Why did I last visit what was MGM over a decade ago feeling it wasn't a full park, to find it's somehow even worse?

I was brought up on Disney, but they're disappointing at the moment.
That's all very fair. I hate to keep pointing I out though, but it really does seem to be a certain age group and gender that feels this way about Disney. Its a demographic that Universal almost exclusively appeals to IMHO.


Well-Known Member
That's all very fair. I hate to keep pointing I out though, but it really does seem to be a certain age group and gender that feels this way about Disney. Its a demographic that Universal almost exclusively appeals to IMHO.

I can appreciate all ride types, thrilling or not.... But whereas I feel Disney could do more, universal are building rides now I couldn't ever imagine in concept. I came off rides like the 2 Harry Potter rides and Transformers thinking what the heck just happened to me. I used to get that feeling from Disney, but it hasn't happened in quite some time.


Well-Known Member
That's all very fair. I hate to keep pointing I out though, but it really does seem to be a certain age group and gender that feels this way about Disney. Its a demographic that Universal almost exclusively appeals to IMHO.

The reason you keep having to "point out" this stereotyping based on age and gender is because it's a theory that holds no water.
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Well-Known Member
I can appreciate all ride types, thrilling or not.... But whereas I feel Disney could do more, universal are building rides now I couldn't ever imagine in concept. I came off rides like the 2 Harry Potter rides and Transformers thinking what the heck just happened to me. I used to get that feeling from Disney, but it hasn't happened in quite some time.
I can definitely appreciate that. Of course Im part of the 'demographic'. My wife and children (10 and 6) think the HP and TF rides are too much. My wife also thinks there are 'too many screens' at Uni, but again, its her opinion.

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