Universal vs. Disney


Well-Known Member
how do they match up in comparsion:
Best value

I have had people ask when they come down, what park should I do because I can't do both. I usually stear them to Disney but its a hard call now that the Harry Potter Rides are there. People will say well I hear that the Harry Potter rides are great and disney has nothing like it? What Disney ride or area of the park can go toe to toe with Harry Potter?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
how do they match up in comparsion:
Best value

I have had people ask when they come down, what park should I do because I can't do both. I usually stear them to Disney but its a hard call now that the Harry Potter Rides are there. People will say well I hear that the Harry Potter rides are great and disney has nothing like it? What Disney ride or area of the park can go toe to toe with Harry Potter?
Ongoing discussion here:


Toad Hall

On the whole, I think DIsney still winds out on most categories, but I say that considering the four parks vs. two, MANY more resorts and restaurants, etc. Value at Disney (and, to a lesser degree, Uni), is a function of length of stay. Cost per day looks a whole lot better after a week than for only a couple of days.

I honestly think what differentiates Disney with rides and technology is the classic dark ride (still hard to touch HM or POTC, when functioning properly). Uni seems to have taken the lead on the "screen-based" rides (Forbidden Journey, Spidey, Simpsons, Transformers, etc.),

More diversity of food choices at Disney, both at the parks and in the resorts, although it is not as pronounced as 5 years ago.

All of that said, HP (In both parks) is AMAZINGLY IMMERSIVE. On par with anything Disney has ever done. Gap is closing and I think Disney realized this....hoping the next phase of Dev comes back with a strong response. FLE was not strong enough.

My two cents....
It's funny, I personally prefer Universal so much more yet I always seem to end up defending Disney on these forums.

If ye are going to compare both Disney and Universal then firstly ignore the rumours. I don't care what insider source or who's in the know. Until, it's confirmed then it doesn't mean anything. Bird in the hand worth two in the bush and all that.

In terms of theming Disney surely is uncategorically better then Universal? I really don't see a comparison between any of the Disney parks and the Studios. Yes Harry Potter looks great but the rest of the park simply isnt the same standard? Disney also have that 'magic' which makes it stand out. Be it twinkling lights in the ground at Epcot or Disney characters remembering a child's name at the end of the day when they see them again this is where Disney truly comes into it's own.

Universal destroys Disney in terms of rides. It's not even a contest. I don't think I need to write anything else, except would any of the rides in Disney actually get into either of the Universal Parks? If you can remove the classic element. (Something that Disney has in abundance, while Universal does not.)

Food wise/ Hotel wise and shopping wise Disney wins. Distance and walking wise, more adult concepts and pure coolness Universal wins.

Despite both being theme park/holiday destinations, they are extremely different. So enjoy them both for what they are.


Well-Known Member
On the whole, I think DIsney still winds out on most categories, but I say that considering the four parks vs. two, MANY more resorts and restaurants, etc. Value at Disney (and, to a lesser degree, Uni), is a function of length of stay. Cost per day looks a whole lot better after a week than for only a couple of days.

I honestly think what differentiates Disney with rides and technology is the classic dark ride (still hard to touch HM or POTC, when functioning properly). Uni seems to have taken the lead on the "screen-based" rides (Forbidden Journey, Spidey, Simpsons, Transformers, etc.),
More diversity of food choices at Disney, both at the parks and in the resorts, although it is not as pronounced as 5 years ago.All of that said, HP (In both parks) is AMAZINGLY IMMERSIVE. On par with anything Disney has ever done. Gap is closing and I think Disney realized this....hoping the next phase of Dev comes back with a strong response. FLE was not strong enough.

My two cents....

The HP at Universal is a game changer, its hard to admit as a Disney fan.


Well-Known Member
On the whole, I think DIsney still winds out on most categories, but I say that considering the four parks vs. two, MANY more resorts and restaurants, etc. Value at Disney (and, to a lesser degree, Uni), is a function of length of stay. Cost per day looks a whole lot better after a week than for only a couple of days.

I honestly think what differentiates Disney with rides and technology is the classic dark ride (still hard to touch HM or POTC, when functioning properly). Uni seems to have taken the lead on the "screen-based" rides (Forbidden Journey, Spidey, Simpsons, Transformers, etc.),

More diversity of food choices at Disney, both at the parks and in the resorts, although it is not as pronounced as 5 years ago.

All of that said, HP (In both parks) is AMAZINGLY IMMERSIVE. On par with anything Disney has ever done. Gap is closing and I think Disney realized this....hoping the next phase of Dev comes back with a strong response. FLE was not strong enough.
My two cents....

I thought that when Fantasy Land Expanded they were going to match the screen based tech that Unversal did with Harry Potter, but they did not and that disaaponted me. I think that was a chance for them to do Universal one better and show them that Disney still has the magic touch.
Are the immagineers hands being tied to go above and beyond due to costs?

Mike S

Well-Known Member
It's funny, I personally prefer Universal so much more yet I always seem to end up defending Disney on these forums.

If ye are going to compare both Disney and Universal then firstly ignore the rumours. I don't care what insider source or who's in the know. Until, it's confirmed then it doesn't mean anything. Bird in the hand worth two in the bush and all that.

In terms of theming Disney surely is uncategorically better then Universal? I really don't see a comparison between any of the Disney parks and the Studios. Yes Harry Potter looks great but the rest of the park simply isnt the same standard? Disney also have that 'magic' which makes it stand out. Be it twinkling lights in the ground at Epcot or Disney characters remembering a child's name at the end of the day when they see them again this is where Disney truly comes into it's own.

Universal destroys Disney in terms of rides. It's not even a contest. I don't think I need to write anything else, except would any of the rides in Disney actually get into either of the Universal Parks? If you can remove the classic element. (Something that Disney has in abundance, while Universal does not.)

Food wise/ Hotel wise and shopping wise Disney wins. Distance and walking wise, more adult concepts and pure coolness Universal wins.

Despite both being theme park/holiday destinations, they are extremely different. So enjoy them both for what they are.
I agree with this and I'll also add that I wasn't using the rumors to compare the two. My original response was to someone who questioned @ford91exploder's "6-8 new E Tickets at Uni in the next 6 years" in a different thread, which I do not agree with because the number is more like 5 based on what's happening and rumored unless you count Volcano Bay as a sixth.

Back to what you were talking about I find it strange whenever I exit Diagon Alley because it's on such a different level from the rest of the park. The transition from Hogsmeade to the rest of IoA however I don't find as jarring for some reason.
My biggest worry for those rumours or well from what I have seen on this thread is that they all sound (or mostly) rather suspect.
-Nintendo I think will be a much smaller presence then is being mentioned. I really don't see it getting the same dedication that Harry Potter got.
- I don't see how Universal can spruce up the super hero stuff. My understanding was that there was a sorta stalemate between Disney and Universal. Ironically, if they worked together (Disney made the films and Universal the rides) it would be an unbelievable combination.
- Where would the Gyrosphere ride physically go?
- Rumours of a third gate? A tad far fetched I feel.
I don't believe the Disney rumours either by the way just this post is more biased towards Universal I feel!

This summer will be my first trip to Diagon Alley so I can't comment! Looking forward to it though!

I do think Harry Potter and Jurassic Park are just too close, you're near the gates with that epic Jurassic Park score and you can actually see the queue for Forbidden Journey. A bit of a downer I think. Maybe they need some more trees or something! Land will always be the problem for Universal so I can't see things like that changing too much. I'd nearly argue Doctor Seuss island is one of the best example of Universal theming. It really is like being in the books!


Resident Curmudgeon
I agree with this and I'll also add that I wasn't using the rumors to compare the two. My original response was to someone who questioned @ford91exploder's "6-8 new E Tickets at Uni in the next 6 years" in a different thread, which I do not agree with because the number is more like 5 based on what's happening and rumored unless you count Volcano Bay as a sixth.

Back to what you were talking about I find it strange whenever I exit Diagon Alley because it's on such a different level from the rest of the park. The transition from Hogsmeade to the rest of IoA however I don't find as jarring for some reason.

My point was between CA and FL UNI will be creating between 6-8 E-tickets in the next 6 years, Disney OTOH has perhaps 1 D (Soarin over Pandora for lack of a better name) ticket coming online in that same period for BOTH coasts.

There has been much unwarranted excitement over a mythical 3.5 billion dollar budget for WDW enhancements, Yes it comes from reliable sources but Disney has a habit of announcing and then doing NOTHING and relying on pressers to bump the stock which in this case WORKED as between this announcement and SDL DIS stock went from 114-118 great for me as a stockholder (no I don't like the stock much these days and sold most of my position at 114 and stayed with my initial position when DIS was at 40)

Meanwhile UNI actually BUILDS stuff, USH already has F&F and Kong will be coming online what late next year. So that's 2 UNIQUE E-tickets before TWDC even lights up a cloned D-ticket experience at WDW and that's IT for rides on BOTH coasts for TWDC.
Last edited:

Mike S

Well-Known Member
My point was between CA and FL UNI will be creating between 6-8 E-tickets in the next 6 years, Disney OTOH has perhaps 1 D (Soarin over Pandora for lack of a better name) ticket coming online in that same period for BOTH coasts.

There has been much unwarranted excitement over a mythical 3.5 billion dollar budget for WDW enhancements, Yes it comes from reliable sources but Disney has a habit of announcing and then doing NOTHING and relying on pressers to bump the stock which in this case WORKED as between this announcement and SDL DIS stock went from 114-118 yet.

Meanwhile UNI actually BUILDS stuff, USH already has F&F and Kong will be coming online what late next year. So that's 2 UNIQUE E-tickets before TWDC even lights up a cloned D-ticket experience at WDW and that's IT for rides on BOTH coasts for TWDC.
If you're lumping USH with UOR then it would only be fair to put DLR with WDW as well. Rumors for there are for Marvel and Star Wars with another $1 billion between both parks and they'll get Star Wars before we do. Kind of like how USH is finally getting Hogsmeade but the difference between Star Wars Lands more than likely will be less than the six years between each WWoHP.
My point was between CA and FL UNI will be creating between 6-8 E-tickets in the next 6 years, Disney OTOH has perhaps 1 D (Soarin over Pandora for lack of a better name) ticket coming online in that same period for BOTH coasts.

There has been much unwarranted excitement over a mythical 3.5 billion dollar budget for WDW enhancements, Yes it comes from reliable sources but Disney has a habit of announcing and then doing NOTHING and relying on pressers to bump the stock which in this case WORKED as between this announcement and SDL DIS stock went from 114-118 yet.

Meanwhile UNI actually BUILDS stuff, USH already has F&F and Kong will be coming online what late next year. So that's 2 UNIQUE E-tickets before WDW even lights up a cloned D-ticket experience at WDW.

Disney will have Frozen though. I couldn't care less about Frozen, but let's be honest that will be or at least should be a big hit! I don't really understand the E ticket and what not but Frozen is an attraction. Just because you and I mighn't care about it doesn't mean it doesn't count!


Resident Curmudgeon
If you're lumping USH with UOR then it would only be fair to put DLR with WDW as well. Rumors for there are for Marvel and Star Wars with another $1 billion between both parks and they'll get Star Wars before we do. Kind of like how USH is finally getting Hogsmeade but the difference between Star Wars Lands more than likely will be less than the six years between each WWoHP.

That's just it RUMORS, No COMMITMENT to build anything. When DIS actually starts going vertical with a new ride or attraction then I'll put it in the future attraction count.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
My biggest worry for those rumours or well from what I have seen on this thread is that they all sound (or mostly) rather suspect.
-Nintendo I think will be a much smaller presence then is being mentioned. I really don't see it getting the same dedication that Harry Potter got.
- I don't see how Universal can spruce up the super hero stuff. My understanding was that there was a sorta stalemate between Disney and Universal. Ironically, if they worked together (Disney made the films and Universal the rides) it would be an unbelievable combination.
- Where would the Gyrosphere ride physically go?
- Rumours of a third gate? A tad far fetched I feel.
I don't believe the Disney rumours either by the way just this post is more biased towards Universal I feel!

This summer will be my first trip to Diagon Alley so I can't comment! Looking forward to it though!

I do think Harry Potter and Jurassic Park are just too close, you're near the gates with that epic Jurassic Park score and you can actually see the queue for Forbidden Journey. A bit of a downer I think. Maybe they need some more trees or something! Land will always be the problem for Universal so I can't see things like that changing too much. I'd nearly argue Doctor Seuss island is one of the best example of Universal theming. It really is like being in the books!
When the deal was first announced the CEO of Nintendo (may he now rest in peace) said how he was very surprised with Universal's proposal and immediately talked to other execs about it when he got back to Japan. Can be found here: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/150508qa/index.html. The feeling I get from this is that it'll be a big addition and Nintendo wouldn't have gone for it otherwise. He also mentions Harry Potter specifically. About Marvel Universal can do whatever they want as long as the characters are used appropriately which is why there was no problem when they updated Spider-Man. I think this was only speculation but one way Marvel could be updated is moving away from the comic style and going for more realism to better tie with the movies. Regarding where a Gyrosphere ride could go it beats me but there is the Trike plot and they could always cut into Camp Jurassic. The third gate rumor comes from the same source who recently dropped the bomb of Frontierland expansion and he's a pretty trusted source. Hope I was able to help with your questions :)


Resident Curmudgeon
Disney will have Frozen though. I couldn't care less about Frozen, but let's be honest that will be or at least should be a big hit! I don't really understand the E ticket and what not but Frozen is an attraction. Just because you and I mighn't care about it doesn't mean it doesn't count!

E-Ticket refers to the best and most advanced rides offered by a Disney park, Comes from the original A-E ticket system at DL A being the cheapest tickets and E's being the most expensive.

Frozen at WDW is a cheap and nasty retheme of Maelstrom with a capacity at best of 900 riders per hour. If you want to see the Frozen attraction that's worthy of the movie you will need to go to Tokyo where OLC is actually building the Frozen attraction initially proposed for the US parks. In the US Frozen is a C-Ticket with capacity to match, In Tokyo Frozen will be a TRUE E-Ticket in all senses of the word.
Thanks for your answers.
I'm not saying I'm right I just can't picture more then a ride at most in Universal. Honestly I don't think it adheres to the premise of the Universal parks and would have to be very carefully done, as it could come across as cheap looking if mishandled. I could see a kiddy area like Curious George/ Simpsons type land built around one attraction. Once again though, where would this physically go? Time will tell I guess........
Ah that's fair enough, seems a very big grey area for both Disney and Universal, funnily the cartoony side does differentiate it from Disney (not sure if that's good or bad).
I wouldn't be surprised to see Jurassic Park given a new lease of life with the new film having been a smash hit, I just cannot see physically where unfortunately. Camp Jurassic would look like a likely candidate, but just for my imagination I think it needs a bigger area.

Honestly I would be shocked if Universal announced a new park before 2020 anyway, once again land is against Universal. It would be great though!

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your answers.
I'm not saying I'm right I just can't picture more then a ride at most in Universal. Honestly I don't think it adheres to the premise of the Universal parks and would have to be very carefully done, as it could come across as cheap looking if mishandled. I could see a kiddy area like Curious George/ Simpsons type land built around one attraction. Once again though, where would this physically go? Time will tell I guess........
Ah that's fair enough, seems a very big grey area for both Disney and Universal, funnily the cartoony side does differentiate it from Disney (not sure if that's good or bad).
I wouldn't be surprised to see Jurassic Park given a new lease of life with the new film having been a smash hit, I just cannot see physically where unfortunately. Camp Jurassic would look like a likely candidate, but just for my imagination I think it needs a bigger area.

Honestly I would be shocked if Universal announced a new park before 2020 anyway, once again land is against Universal. It would be great though!
Well the rumor for Nintendo is that it's replacing all of KidZone except for E.T which could get a new entrance coming from the neighboring Hollywood land. If you think that's too tight of a space just look how much Disneyland was able to pack into their Fantasyland ;)

Everything I've read about the possible third gate implies that it's pretty far off so you wouldn't be wrong in thinking we might not hear about it before 2020.
Ya I could see that, I would still think it would be a kiddy area though. So in terms off people getting excited I would still be hesitant! Honestly, I'm surprised they're keeping E.T.! My biggest criticism of Universal is the fact they get rid of so called classics....... RIP Back To The Future.

Even 2020 would be optimistic I think!


A lot depends on how many days you have, how much money you want to spend, where you are staying, age of family members and types of rides you like. You may be concentrating on HP, but I don't think you want to do that. You have to take the whole park - after all, you are paying for it. If you limit your concentration to HP, you are talking about 2 rides at IoA and 1 ride at Universal and the train in between IF you have park hopper. That would be like saying, I'll pay entrance fee to MK and only go to Fantasyland.

I have not been to new HP at Universal, but I've been to the other and to both parks a couple of times. Here's my thoughts:
Disney - Anyone can do it, but limited to 3 at one park until all used
Univ - All rides if you stay onsite (great benefit but luxury hotel price - no, the new cheap hotel does not offer the feature). If off site, you can buy FP (either ride an attraction once or ride it many times - 2 different prices) so you have to factor the cost in.

Disney has more options and has much better counter food. Sit down overall can better if you like trying different restaurants in Epcot, but if you factor in City Walk at Univ (and it is between the parks so walking distance - not the same as downtown Disney which requires a ride) then I think it is a wash. But within the parks, I only found 2 at Univ worth eating at.

Univ is geared towards older kids. They have more real thrill rides so little ones have much more limited options - basically Suessland and a ride here and there. But if your family is into the thrills, then Univ does have more of them. But overall Disney has many more rides (even if you limit each to one park). We are going this year to both. I've marked out 5 rides at IoA (unless we do the water ones in which case add 3 more) and 7 at Universal. At MK we usually hit 10 or so, Epcot 6, HS 4-5 and AK 5ish. So per park they are close, but the Univ ones are much more thrill oriented.

I would not base on technology. They both use excellent technology, just differently. Value - impossible to tell. They are both expensive. If you've never gone to Univ, it's worth a trip. I prefer Disney, but that goes beyond the attractions. Other than HP and Seussland, Disney is better themed and I'm getting older so don't need the thrill rides as much.


Well-Known Member
Ya I could see that, I would still think it would be a kiddy area though. So in terms off people getting excited I would still be hesitant! Honestly, I'm surprised they're keeping E.T.! My biggest criticism of Universal is the fact they get rid of so called classics....... RIP Back To The Future.

Even 2020 would be optimistic I think!

I hear JAWS is gone

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