Universal Epic Universe (South Expansion Complex) - Opens 2025

Two thoughts…

Incredible, if they can elevate the immersive experience better than their potter lands it will be another massive stake in the heart of Disney. There will be no question who is putting out the best lands in the world.

Secondly, I was impressed by the creatives in the video. It wasn’t the Disney canned cheese you see from their marketing mouthpieces. Those men and women know they are about to unchain some impressive experiences and they are proud of their work. Excited to see try passion and talent at work.


Well-Known Member
Dark Universe looks absolutely incredible. Ministry of Magic will have an extremely high bar to clear if it's going to top this for me. The ride seems like it could, but I don't know if the ambiance and design of the land itself will beat Dark Universe for me. Wizarding Paris was never one of my favorite locations from the Potter universe compared to Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley.


Well-Known Member
Dark Universe looks absolutely incredible. Ministry of Magic will have an extremely high bar to clear if it's going to top this for me. The ride seems like it could, but I don't know if the ambiance and design of the land itself will beat Dark Universe for me. Wizarding Paris was never one of my favorite locations from the Potter universe compared to Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley.
The ride may surpass all, but the French wizarding world will likely underwhelm. There's not a whole lot to attach it to that is familiar.


Well-Known Member
I know most of Epic Universe started as expansions for the existing parks, but I don't think Monsters would have happened without the rest of EU to prop it up.

It's the least marketable to the masses and is the most self-indulgent example of theme park fan service of all the park's projects, but that's probably why myself and the team behind it are so enthusiastic.

Someone else compared it to Mysterious Island at TDS and I agree that's what this land is to this park. An IP land that loosely takes the movie its based on and creates a new interpretation for a new generation with the best tech and theming money can buy.

And why it'll likely be my favorite.


Well-Known Member
Young Frankenstein Thunder GIF
Black And White Movie GIF

Victoria Frankenstein is Victor's great-great granddaughter.

That would make her Gene Wilder's granddaughter.

If Young Frankenstein is considered cannon.


Well-Known Member
Victoria Frankenstein is Victor's great-great granddaughter.

That would make her Gene Wilder's granddaughter.

If Young Frankenstein is considered cannon.
Yes, although - fun fact - you'll notice that in the promo video, they call her _Henry_ Frankenstein's descendent. That's because Universal changed the doctor's name to Henry when translating the novel to the original film, thinking American audiences would find the name "Victor" too harsh-sounding.

Young Frankenstein, originally distributed by 20th Century Fox, drew heavily from the Universal Frankenstein films, but used the character's original name (from the novel) of Victor.
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Well-Known Member
So excited to watch this latest promo, but I promised my kids we would watch each one together the first time — and they’ll be asleep for a while yet!

We are so hyped for Epic Universe.

From the few comments here, I think my family will be waiting for me outside while I ride the scary ride solo…


Active Member
I am so hyped from Epic Universe. Usually come to Florida (from the UK) every three or so years and visit Disney and Universal. Last trip decided I am giving up on Disney until there is a meaningful addition to each park. Next few trips will be Universal only and instead of Disney will fill out the time going to the beach.

Universal really are knocking it out of the park, whilst Disney are just talking about what they might do.


Well-Known Member
If they can deliver on what they teased in that video… holy cow.
Deliver AND MAINTAIN! This should be spectacular in 2025, but they don’t have the best track record maintaining outside of Harry Potter lands. They need to keep all of these visual effects and animatronics working.

We just booked a December 2025 trip because I want to see this land, in particular, at night.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Deliver AND MAINTAIN! This should be spectacular in 2025, but they don’t have the best track record maintaining outside of Harry Potter lands. They need to keep all of these visual effects and animatronics working.

We just booked a December 2025 trip because I want to see this land, in particular, at night.
Great point. New and great is only new and great for a while, things have to be kept up so it stays great when it's not new.

At night this land could be utterly incredible.

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