Hmmm, let's see here
So, your mantra of HAPPY PEOPLE MAKE THE COMPANY MORE MONEY. Exactly how much MORE money do they make than unhappy people?And how much more do they make for their respective companies, than unhappy people? Don't make statements, when you can't back them up with REAL FACTS!!! Now, in the post previous to yours, I read where (1) of the unions, I'm assuming the union that is representing the majority, if not all, of the members, rejects a proposal from Disney of a 4% increase in annual pay, along with an annual bonus of $400 per year!!! So, if we go back to my scenario that I discussed, here I showed the annual dues of over 9 MILLION dollars per year being paid by 20k members, that 4% increase would, in effect, pay for that monthly contribution. Knowing full well that the numbers I used are general in nature, and not exact, I think it would be safe to assume that they are very close to the real world #'s being paid by members.
I say that because of an earlier post by a union member who made reference to the fact that they pay 4% in union dues. And I'd personally LOVE a $400 annual bonus.
Now on to your statements. Maybe you could live off of less than 7$/hr 6/7 years ago, but I am going to guess that most people could not. Now, if you were able to do that, and IF, as YOU say, that the increases have been so great over the last 5/6 years, let's examine something related. As has been stated repeatedly in recent reports, our economy was heading into a recession at the end of the Clinton Administration, which our current President inherited. If you, as an intelligent person can see these things happening around you, why wouldn't you then make arrangements to be able to live within your means? Whether that be thru a 2nd job, new job, etc.? Not claiming to know you, or your situation, to you make the assumption/generalization, that everyone could live much more easily on less than 7$/hr 6/7 years ago, when you couldn't possibly know the answer to that question on a mass level.
You also say that you, and others couldn't possibly negotiate on your own with Disney. Why not? If you don't like the offer, you walk away. I fail to understand the problem with working elsewhere. NO ONE in this country works/lives in a vacuum. My job isn't the only one that I could do. If I had to find work elsewhere, I would. You act as though Disney is the end all be all of jobs, and that if you can't negotiate a contract thru your union, life as you know it would be over. But, if you are having to work within the framework of union-negotiated pay, benefits, etc., then yes, you are forced into this situation, IF, and ONLY IF, YOU CHOOSE TO ALLOW IT. Again, you don't have to take the job. I'm just not getting why you are SOOOOOOO bent on the fact that life for you would be so terrible without the "protection" of a union. Like your happiness in your job is tied directly to what your union can negotiate for you. I'm unhappy, so I'm going to give the company less of me. That's what you are saying with your mantra of HAPPY PEOPLE MAKE THE COMPANY MORE MONEY. Ummm, I'm just guessing here, but have you ever heard of EHTICS?!!!! If you accept the job, you accept it lock, stock, and barrel. Anything less than 100% on a daily basis from you, is STEALING!!!
Your message always seems to be that companies should just be willing to take less profit, while paying its workers more. Umm, point of order counselor, businesses are in business to MAKE MONEY. It is NOT the MORAL OBLIGATION, as was said earlier, of the company to pay you what YOU consider a fair wage, or to keep YOU, the employee happy. Regardless of what you say, it is NOT the obligation of the company. It is your responsibility as a FREE THINKING individual to take up for yourself, and for your family. If you don't have the backbone to speak up for yourself, then you deserve whatever you get from the company.
Again, if you don't like the scenery, then change your location. You getting this yet?
And once more, I believe in the power of individuals, and not the power of big government, or the power of organizations whose job is to take from one group to give to another. And along they way, they line their pockets with the hard-earned money of those they claim to support and work for.
Once more, at this time, I would like anyone with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE, to respond to the MANY questions I have posed regarding the Disney unions, union dues, leadership pay, atty's fees, proposals, etc. etc. Just check my previous posts.
NO ONE has responded to disprove ANY of my statements or questions on this issue. I can't help that those of you who believe in the union do so. You see, I believe in you as individuals, and don't believe you need a union/ or the govt., to help you. You just need yourselves to take a stand for what you believe in as individuals, and do what you think is best for yourselves and your families. In the end, the union/disney WILL compromise YOUR needs in order to keep the lines moving. It's in both their interests to do so.
With respect to my views of unions driving up costs, I merely direct your attention to any of the stick/ball professional sports. All of which have player unions, collective bargaining, inflated salaries, inflated ticket prices, and declining attendance at events. Tell me how they have been good for their respective sports. Tell me how, in the end, they've bettered anyone, with the exception of the PLAYERS? Tell me, in turn, how those players have made their respective sports, or the entertainment value of their sports, for US, the FANS any better ;for us who PAY THEIR SALARIES. I do know that the owners, in answer to crumbling at the negotiating table, have merely passed along the costs to US, the FANS.
Maybe, and I'm NOT willing to concede this point, unions had their place. But in todays' economy, with the FREEDOMS that we ALL enjoy in this country, the power of choice, and the power of individuals is what is the greatest of all.