Union Recommends Voting Against Disney Contract Proposal


New Member
I was told this today by two different union reps (one who knows his stuff, and the other I don't trust as far as I can throw him... think Dumbo-sized) exactly what I stated before.

It is not 4% per year + a $400 bonus. Its 4% spread over three years and a one time $400 bonus. It ends up being a 1.34% raise around 9 cents an hour per year (based on someone making $6.80 per hour). So if you read it as a 4% + a bonus & a 10cent raise, you have been misinformed. The 10 cents is the 4%.

Remember the Orlando Slantinal didn't get that nickname for no reason, they are famous for screwing up info. Hence the reason they no longer get my $$, if there is an extra copy floating around then I'll read it otherwise I prefer more reliable sources of information.

Your right they way it reads sounds great, in reality though not so good.


New Member
Whatever the union decides to do, it's going to be just like now. Cost of Living is continually going to go up, which the union won't consider, like they didn't with the contract that is now expired.

Instead of going up based on previous years, I think it needs to be figured into cost of living/inflation somehow instead of locking into something that won't meet the CMs needs in 2 years.


Account Suspended
So, based on your comments Turkey, we could surmise that the UNION did a POOR job of negotiating the last contract for THEIR MEMBERS. Now, how much do the members pay in union dues?


New Member
So, your mantra of HAPPY PEOPLE MAKE THE COMPANY MORE MONEY. Exactly how much MORE money do they make than unhappy people?And how much more do they make for their respective companies, than unhappy people? Don't make statements, when you can't back them up with REAL FACTS!!!

I have given you REAL facts here hennie. You own example of the controlers' strike, for one: Here's another set of facts:

United Airlines, nearly gone,
USAir, nearly gone,
Eastern, as gone as you get.
PanAm, Gone twice.
SouthWest Airlines: Making Lots and lots of Money.
JetBlue: Making lots of money.
What do the top 4 have in common? Unhappy people. I suggest you read: "SouthWest Airlines: Using the Power of Relationships to Achieve Amazing Productivity" an excellent book.

"Now on to your statements. Maybe you could live off of less than 7$/hr 6/7 years ago, but I am going to guess that most people could not. Now, if you were able to do that, and IF, as YOU say, that the increases have been so great over the last 5/6 years, let's examine something related. As has been stated repeatedly in recent reports, our economy was heading into a recession at the end of the Clinton Administration, which our current President inherited. If you, as an intelligent person can see these things happening around you, why wouldn't you then make arrangements to be able to live within your means? Whether that be thru a 2nd job, new job, etc.? Not claiming to know you, or your situation, to you make the assumption/generalization, that everyone could live much more easily on less than 7$/hr 6/7 years ago, when you couldn't possibly know the answer to that question on a mass level. "

Huh? I never said I could get by on that. All I said was that if a person COULD have been getting by, things have gotten to the point that now that can't. And no, I can't say that about many people any more than you can. Which you did.

"You also say that you, and others couldn't possibly negotiate on your own with Disney. Why not? If you don't like the offer, you walk away. I fail to understand the problem with working elsewhere. NO ONE in this country works/lives in a vacuum..If I had to find work elsewhere, I would.You act as though Disney is the end all be all of jobs, and that if you can't negotiate a contract thru your union, life as you know it would be over. But, if you are having to work within the framework of union-negotiated pay, benefits, etc., then yes, you are forced into this situation, IF, and ONLY IF, YOU CHOOSE TO ALLOW IT. Again, you don't have to take the job."

Ok, First, at that level it doesn't work one on one. Any one have a diferent story? Has anyone successfully negotiated a substantially better hourly wage when being hired by a large mutinational for an entry level job? (sound of silence fills hall) Second, as we've been trying to explain, you can't say that the same dynamics work for Disney as with other jobs. IF, as you say, these peole should negotiate with their feet, Disney will loose the best and brightest. Law of supply and demand. The best will leave, and the over-all quality of workers will decline over time, again because of what you are saying. When ever Disney hires a good person, they won't be able to hold on to them.

Third, you are now generalizing, YOU cannot say that all of these people are in a position to switch jobs on a continuing basis.

Fourth, you are contradicting yourself, because you made an earlier statement that longevity is GOOD FOR PEOPLE AND EMPLOYEERS, and people shouldn't chase that brass ring all the time. Yet here you are advocating JUST THAT.

"I'm just not getting why you are SOOOOOOO bent on the fact that life for you would be so terrible without the "protection" of a union."

"Like your happiness in your job is tied directly to what your union can negotiate for you. I'm unhappy, so I'm going to give the company less of me. That's what you are saying with your mantra of HAPPY PEOPLE MAKE THE COMPANY MORE MONEY."

No, that IS NOT what I'm saying. I am saying that investing in people is a winning stragety for a service-based business. It's both BASIC ECONOMICS, and a FUNDAMENTAL BUSINESS STRAGETY. See the above references, or search Amazon for SouthWest Airlines for a whole cottage industry's worth of bussiness tomes on the subject.

"Ummm, I'm just guessing here, but have you ever heard of EHTICS?!!!! If you accept the job, you accept it lock, stock, and barrel. Anything less than 100% on a daily basis from you, is STEALING!!!"

No. But I have heard of ETHICS, and I am deeply insulted. Since you don't know a thing about me, I'll let it go, and not demand satisfaction at this point. Suffice to say, I have a geat deal more experience with what does and does not constitute ethical behavior that most people.

Nor am I suggesting that Disney CM's would intentionally slack off. But, people do get fustrated, loose their temper, and so on. Despite your rosy view, people aren't perfect. Combine that with the best and brightest leaving, and you are headed down the road to Chapter 11.

"Your message always seems to be that companies should just be willing to take less profit, while paying its workers more. Umm, point of order counselor, businesses are in business to MAKE MONEY."

DUH. Again, I'm not saying that they should give away the store, but it is a PROVEN FACT that taking the long view and investing now can make you more money in the long run. Don't believe me? Ever heard of Warren Buffett?

It is my contention, as I've said from the begining, If Disney would raise wages, they will get that money back in the long term through happier, more productive employees. Disney is a service based business. It's PEOPLE are key to it's success. Keeping the best is central to their continued success, and BY YOUR OWN arguement, paying more is a good way to do that.

" It is NOT the MORAL OBLIGATION, as was said earlier, of the company to pay you what YOU consider a fair wage, or to keep YOU, the employee happy. Regardless of what you say, it is NOT the obligation of the company."

I will conceed a SMALL point. I mispoke, it's not a MORAL obligation, it's an ETHICAL obligation. However, where is the morality in paying a departing employee 100 million dollars, while not paying your loyal workers squat? Oh, BTW, that 100mil would have funded a great raise, wouldn't it?

Besides, your statement runs contrary to Walt's personal vision that has carried the company for decades.

The ethical obligation lies in prioritizing what is best for the INVESTORS. What is more important, paying an outrageous bonus to the top execs, or hiring and retaining the best possible people for the jobs that make the money in the first place? Which one will make MORE MONEY of the investors? I think you'll see the investors agree with me on this one, otherwise they wouldn't be suing Disney. Allowing 100 million to just fall off the balance sheet for no constructive purpose DOESN"T make the company profits either, you know.

" ......If you don't have the backbone to speak up for yourself, then you deserve whatever you get from the company. "

Oh that's nice. What an offensive thing to say. Did the Scots deserve to be burned out of their houses so Lord Southerland could raise sheep? Did the steel workers deserve to get their heads busted by corrupt police a century ago? Did Meryl Streep diserve to have her brake lines cut? :rolleyes: ( a joke in reference to Silkwood, for those who didn't get it.) Again your rosy view of the world just doesn't jibe with human history.

"Again, if you don't like the scenery, then change your location. You getting this yet? "
Aren't you getting the fundamental flaw in you logic? With one hand you say leave, and with the other you say go. On the one hand, you say they should cut a better deal, and when they do jsut that, you say they're wrong for not having liked the deal in the first place.

"And once more, I believe in the power of individuals, and not the power of big government, or the power of organizations whose job is to take from one group to give to another. And along they way, they line their pockets with the hard-earned money of those they claim to support and work for."

Again, your rosy view of humanity just doesn't jibe with the history of labor relations. And, given how difficult it is to form a union in the first place, it can infact be assumed that nearly ALL of the Disney people at one point felt a union was required as well.

Also, you still have a misperception of where those dues go. They pay for lawyers, but they also pay for political clout that the masses wouldn't have. Correctly run unions do not get rich at the member's expense, the Teamsters scandal stoped that on any grand scale. The dues of a union are no more squandered on high sallaries and lavish expenses that are you NRA dues.

Too bad that can't be said of Disney's corporate funds.

"You just need yourselves to take a stand for what you believe in as individuals, and do what you think is best for yourselves and your families."
A nobel setiment, but again history just doesn't agree.

" In the end, the union/disney WILL compromise YOUR needs in order to keep the lines moving. It's in both their interests to do so. "
That statement make no sense unless you are implying that the union is corrupt.

"With respect to my views of unions driving up costs, I merely direct your attention to any of the stick/ball professional sports. All of which have player unions, collective bargaining, inflated salaries, inflated ticket prices, and declining attendance at events. Tell me how they have been good for their respective sports. Tell me how, in the end, they've bettered anyone, with the exception of the PLAYERS?"

Two words hennie, FREE AGENCY. It WASN'T the union that negotated the high salarys players have. It was free acting sports agents. Check YOUR facts for a change will you? There aren't any rules in the NBA contract that REQUIRED Shaq to get gazillions. That was Shaq doing EXACTLY what YOU said he SHOULD, cutting the best deal possible.

"Maybe, and I'm NOT willing to concede this point, unions had their place. But in todays' economy, with the FREEDOMS that we ALL enjoy in this country, the power of choice, and the power of individuals is what is the greatest of all."

And how do you defend that Freedom, hennie? Who won it in the first place? Those freedoms were won by unions and responsible government actions. And like any freedom they must be vigiorously defended, at all times. Now look at history, how much success have individuals had defending themselves against economic tyranny?


Well-Known Member
Hennie, you need to stop arguing with people and they need to stop arguing with you. I mean this thread has gone on to 10 pages about people arguing with other people and no one has won. Needs to stop somewhere.

Lets just wait to see what the negotitaions bring and then go from there. Thanks.


New Member

Sorry. I tried to stay out, and I will from now on. But when he insulted my personal integrity, that was going to far.:mad:

Of course, I had a debate teacher that said if you have to result to insults you've lost the argument.

No more arguing. I promise.:zipit:


Well-Known Member
waltdisny said:

Sorry. I tried to stay out, and I will from now on. But when he insulted my personal integrity, that was going to far.:mad:

Of course, I had a debate teacher that said if you have to result to insults you've lost the argument.

No more arguing. I promise.:zipit:

Waltdisny, I know how you feel. I was personally attacked on a thread myself, replied to the person who kept arguing with me (after he asked me if i had gone to school, as if!), but then yeah i relized i was the bigger person to stop. I say let fate take this where it needs to go... and thats away. Thanks !!!....(Now only to convince the others.... :rolleyes: )


Account Suspended
Once again just for you two

Okay Atta and Dave. For one, I'm NOT personally attacking anyone. Rather, I'm referring to specific subject matter as it relates to this thread. If you take if personally, you have larger issues. Something someone writes or says, shouldn't offend you that much. If at all. Don't be sooo sensitive.

Secondly, Dave. You continue to say "history doesn't show that." So, are you saying we should just do as the romans do? That no one should ever seek to change things? Never seek to make things better? Wow, what an optimistic view you have of the world. Nice!!!

Third. While pro ball players may demand a certain salary, you need look no further than the players unions for the minimum salaries for rookies entering each league, to see how that correlates with the clout of veteran players, as it relates to contract negotiations. What I did say was that due to the unions of each league, costs have skyrocketed. For example, if I as an owner have to pay my players more, whether that's union related or not, who do you think I'm going to pass those costs along to? Now, I'm NOT saying no one should EVER get a pay increase. What I am saying is that in THIS case, THIS union negotiation, in the end, will cost everyone. The union, the employees, the company, and the guests. Cost of doing business, yes. Good for business? NO!!! The free enterprise of us as free americans has always, and will always work best. What if all fuel companies were run by labor unions. Now I have no facts to back up how many are, or how much they are paid, blah, blah, blah. But let's assume for a moment they all were. Can you imagine the price of fuel? You think $2 a gallon is high. Yeah, right.

You can spout on and on about what history shows. And maybe I can't argue those points. But you know what? This thread ISN'T about past history. As you continue to state, it's about what the costs are for people today.

And YET AGAIN, I AM on the side of the cms, as I don't disagree that they deserve better pay. What part of that statement are you NOT getting? I am allowed, last I checked to say that, but still disagree with how they are going about it. It's called freedom. Freedom to have my own views. It's doesn't make those views in any way an insult to the cms, nor to anyone with opposing views of mine. But what I have been debating are some of the insular issues regarding this matter. To this moment, no one has answered with any factual data, how much the cms pay in union dues, how much EXACTLY the union leadership makes, how much the attys make, how much they could pay the members, if a strike were recommended. Why can't or won't, anyone answer these questions? And moreover, what's wrong with asking those questions? Why aren't they important questions as it regards this whole issue?

Better yet still, how many union members have joined/left the unions over the last 7 months? Can you work any of these jobs if you're NOT union? And once more, I DO believe in the power of individuals. And in their intelligence and abilities to take better care of themselves than ANY organization, be it government or otherwise.

Why is it that you can't acknowledge that yourself? Why is that DAVE?!!!
Why must you ATTEMPT, unsuccessfully, I might add, to try to turn people against my views with your class envy. Trying to say that I am insulting people. And if you'll notice, I'm the only one of the two of us who has actually COMPLIMENTED the cms, their hard work, dedication, and love for the company. Why is that DAVE?!!!

As for you continuing to say that I am contradicting myself in ANY of my views, once again DAVE, you are WRONG!!!

What I am doing is voicing a view of Capitalism over Socialism. Of free enterprise, and freedom of choice, over class envy. I don't really care what history shows, as we the people, have the power as individuals, to change history. You are NOT optimistic in that respect DAVE. Instead, what you do is go on and on about how bad our history is. Have you caught on the fact yet that this isn't about our history, and about the cms today, and what they are fighting for? And again, yes I AM allowed to want more for them, which they deserve, but disagree with how they are going about it.

Now, as I understand, there are offers being made by both sides. They are talking, which is good. But again, as it relates to the subject matter at hand, I'm just wanting to get some answers to some of my questions, so I can better understand exactly what kind of investment in the union its members are required to give each month. As well, how much money is IN the union coffers right now? Let me ask, why is it that how much Michael Eisner makes, or how much Ovitz is looking for matter, but how much the union makes or has in its' coffers is NOT? Can you answer that DAVE?!!!

Just more food for thought.


Well-Known Member
You keep saying Dave in quite a bit, that seems like nagging to me?? As for me I just asked to stop the arguing between members, I never said anything about attacking anyone. I just like I said please stop arguing. I think its great that you are on the castmembers side, I myself am a cm as well. But there might be other topics in this arrangement that is more than seems to be or what the eyes beholds. Thank you.


Account Suspended
Hey Atta,

I don't disagree with you at all as regards the arguing that seems to be going on here. But all I did was to try and spur the debate about the issues surrounding these contract negotiations, the union dues members pay, etc.etc.

But no one seems to know, or wants to answer, any of the questions I have posed. Rather, a couple of people want to wax on about the history of business in our country, and what others have, that we don't. It's not about either of those things. It's about what the cms are being paid. PURE and SIMPLE. Now, within that subject, there are external issues, which do have an affect on not only the negotiations, but on how both sides are viewed in these negotiations. For instance, what each side is proposing. What the members pay in dues, is, in my opinion, a factor. I say that because we ALL agree, they are underpaid. But let me ask. Couldn't those dues they pay, if there were NO union, go to something else more needed in their lives? i.e., food, gas, clothing, rent, power, etc. etc. Which gets me back to why no one will answer my questions regarding how much they pay in dues. How much the union leadership makes. How much the union attys are paid,etc. etc. I personally don't see the need for a union, as I can speak for myself. And I believe that the members can do so as well. But I don't see the harm in asking those questions, are in getting the answers to them. Is there something to hide in the answers to these questions? I wouldn't think so. Yet, they go unanswered.

I'm happy to debate this issue with anyone who wishes to chime in. What I DON'T care to do is discuss business history, (has no bearing on this situation), what Michael Eisner makes, (you all knew when you were hired, that he made millions), what Michael Ovitz may or may not have been paid to leave, (again, you knew he was also making millions, and was, at one time, a good friend of Michael Eisner). Micheal Eisner has been with the company since 84'? And you're telling em no one there knew he was a millionare? I know that they did. And they accepted their jobs anyway. Why? Because when they did, it wasn't about Micheal Eisner, but their love for Disney. And guess what? It STILL isn't about Michael Eisner.

But alas, some want to make it so. Some want to use class envy to make it seem like this is some noble fight of good against evil. IT IS NOT!! Rather, it's about the cms getting their just due. Which, for the 100th time, I am in total agreement with. I just KNOW that they don't need a union to fight that fight for them. Maybe that's a larger issue than just Disney, and I don't have a problem saying that. But this debate quickly turned to the positives/negatives of unions, when I first mentioned that I wasn't in agreement with having unions at all. I was immediately attacked, and labeled, for no reason, other than I expressed my views. Yet, when I debate someone on their views, I'm the bad guy, who's insensitive, and doesn't care about people. And as I have proven, I believe that I care more than some here, who see this as nothing more than an opportunity to stick it to the rich.
A chance to even the score. Well, that won't fly here with me. This ISN'T about getting even. It's about changing a mindset. Which can ONLY happen when INDIVIDUALS take a stand. NOT UNIONS.


New Member
I have to say that I overall I do not like unions. I used to work in the movie theater industry where there is, or was, a projectionist union. They basically priced themselves out of the market here in Houston. They wanted more and the theater chains here basically said take a hike. Some members of the union were offered positions with their theaters but most were not. I know for a fact that no theater chains in houston use union Projectionist anymore. Having said that I do see the need in other industries. Some other people have listed some very good examples and have made me see the light for those situations. I'm not sure if I see the need for a Union at Disney but it is teh groups choice to form and join a union if they feel the need.

Now here is the absolute dumbest thing that I have heard in this thread.

"You can spout on and on about what history shows. And maybe I can't argue those points. But you know what? This thread isn't about past history. As you continue to state it's about what the costs are for people today."

A wise man once said that if you don't learn from history then you are doomed to repeat it. Why do you think they teach us history in school? It teaches us about successes and failures in the past so that learn from them and make things better for us in the future.

Another mistake you made Henniebogen1966 is about bad unions have been for sports. Baseball just announced that it had it's highest attendance this year in it's history. Some teams are "suffering" and claim that they are losing money but not one has opened their books to show it. NFL owners are raking in the money and are able to harge large amounts of money for tickets because of supply and demand. They don't charge it because the players salaries are too much. They would charge the same amount if players salaries were 1/10th what they are now. It is the unions that get their players a larger percentage of the money. The businesses, like NFL teams, exist to make money and they are very good at it. you are kidding yourself if you think that the owners wouldn't pay their players a lot less if they could get away with it. You have to face facts Hennie, Unions are like everything else in life. If they are run properly they benefit those belong to them beyond what the individuals could negotiate themselves. There are others that do their members a disservice by demanding too much. I have no idea which one the Disney unions fall into. I would agree with you that the CM's are underpaid. I hope they get more. The bottom line is not all unions are good but not all of them are bad either.

(slowly steps out of the forum)


New Member
Here is what it boils down to...
This is a labor dispute between employer and employee. It will be settled on behalf of the employee's by a Union they have chosen to represent them. It is not a debate on the pro's & con's of a Unionized system. There will not be indivdual negotiations in regards to pay scale, benefits, scheduling, etc. It is a collective agreement by union membership to accept or decline an offer as one unit. Either one final group Yes vote or a group No vote. It will not be the 20,000 represented CM's bargaining on thier own.

There are groups of cast members that have made a choice not to be represented by a union at all (Office/Technical) they can "bargain" for their raises which are based on performance and other criteria, and even of you are the best at what you do and are the best at negotiating you will still not make out as well as some lead to believe. Disney is a different type of employeer, there are so many different types of jobs, classifications, and roles that it is impossible to believe that one system fits all.

So again in this case, for this situation, the Unionized system will continue as it has for many years. It is a system that the member CM's are comfortable with as it provides security in critical roles, sets equal guidelines for discipline and most of all provides a larger voice for them to speak as a unit, and they will determine their own fate, again by standing together with either the Yes or the No vote.

Those who choose not to take an active part in their future and sit on the sidelines playing color-commentary, should not be the one's also playing Monday morning Quarterback after this is all said and done. You have your chance to be heard, if you choose not to, will anyone listen to you later? Those who forget history are bound to repeat it.


Well-Known Member
Hennie, I have a great book for you about labor relations in baseball. It's titled 'Lords of the Realm' by a writer for The Wall Street Journal. It's an eye opener. Until the players union fought for free agency, your team owned you until the day you died. Baseball's union sets the minimum salary,pension, conditions, scheduling, and arbitration. The owners are the ones who pay the players a lot of money. If an owner is willing to pay you $20,000,00 a year, for five years, that's what your worth. That's the free market. You're worth what someone will pay you.


Account Suspended
Hmmm, interesting.

I find it intruiging how a lot of you are saying that those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it. Yet, I'm gonna guess that a lot you have forgotten
a certain date in 2001, when it comes to current events and how they will be affected if a certain, ummm, "war hero" is elected. I say that to say that it's very convenient to say "past history" when you THINK it supports your views on this issue of unions. The facts are this:

(1) I have continually supported the cms regardless of the union situation, while a good number of you have supported the "idea" of the union, more than the cms. Why is that? Why can't any of you voice your support for the CMS instead of the UNION? Which is more important to you? The idea of unions, or the people involved in this situation? Interesting.

(2) On the contrary, all you need to do is look at the "history" of strikes, threatened strikes, and lockouts, to see that the sports unions have done nothing more than drive up the costs of all sporting events. While the attendance for baseball in and of itself may have been up, I wonder what the cost of attending the games are. And YES, owners are going to continue to raise prices when they are FORCED by players and players unions to continually shell out more and more money to over-priced, undertalented players. I guess the owners should just take less profit, while their players make more profit. Hmmm, interesting. I'm wondering how many of you, if you owned your own business, would do that. Or do you all think that the mutli-millionare players need a union to make sure they get adequate medical insurance and benefits? You know how hard it can be when you're a millionare to find such things. Or is it somehow different when it's athletes versus someone like Michael Eisner?

The point is this. If you're going to use "past history" to try and prove your theories about the "leadership" of a company, or let's say, a country (ahem), then you need to be consistent. Don't cherry pick so that it benefits just the one situation. I'm all for the cms getting paid more, (geez it's getting tiring having to repeat that fact, even though none of you have mentioned it), I just KNOW that they are intelligent, hard-working, dedicated people, who don't need a union to solve their problems. Question is, why don't any of you think they are smart enough to take care of themselves? HMMMM???!!!!!

Now, having said all that I have about this, I also know that the point is mute, since they are represented by a union. But, I am again puzzled by the fact that no one intimately involved in this will tell any of us what the dues are, how much the leadership is paid, how much the attys are paid, how much money is in the union coffers, and whether there is enough to pay the members should they recommend a strike. Doesn't anyone find this just a bit curious? I think it would be interesting to have the answers to those questions? What do you have to hide? Why aren't those questions important? I for one, if I were a union member, would want to know what my money (need I remind you that most unions require a monthly payment out of YOUR PAYCHECK), is paying for. And how much people representing me, are being paid for same. Hasn't anyone done the numbers and thought about how much MONEY has been paid out by union members? Couldn't that money (i'm just thinking out loud here) be used for other things by its members? Like, I don't know, food, fuel, bills, etc. etc. HMMm!!!!!!

Lastly, for those of you who are (easily) offended, I can't really say much about that. This is the deep end of the pool, and sometimes it gets serious.
We're all passionate in our views, and I for one, like that. It shows that people do care about their position. (no matter how wrong it is. hehe)


Account Suspended
Well, Travis

Within the context of each subject on this site, people, from time to time, will debate those subjects/issues. I find it interesting, and challenging to debate these issues from time to time. Nothing wrong with it at all. It's a nice departure from all of the "trip reports, and reptitive "banter" about senseless things that I see on here from time to time.

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