under 100 days to go....!!! Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yahoo!!! just thought I'd spread my little bit of excitement that we have 99 more days to go till our magical trip in september!!! ..So anyone else????Come share your excitment......(sorry if its a little early for the excitment, yesterday i was watching some old disney home videos's and my favorite "Magical moments parade" was on one of them..so at the moment forgive me)...."It's time to remember the magic" !!!!! ..

September 15th ...can't come soon enough!!!!


New Member
68 Days for us!!! As I sit here at work all I can think of is Disney. My family and I planned everything out last night and now I can't stand the anticipation!!!

You're not to silly to be excited this early. It's great to be a Disney Fanatic!!



New Member
Unfortunately, a little longer until my trip...140 days! 3360 hours! 201, 600 minutes! Ok, I'm not helping myself here...

Roll on October 26th!!! Woo-Hooo!


New Member
80 DAYS AS OF TODAY FOR US!! Last year we were there 4 times and this year will only be 2x! I think I'm having withdrawl symptoms...............:cry:

I just though of something....am I creating Disney freaks in my children?!?!

My son has been going since he was 3 and my daughters first trip was when she was 4 months old!! It's been 2, 3, 4x per year since then!!
Hopefully when I'm old & grey, they'll take me along on their family vacations to Disney!!!!:lol:


New Member

Hi, All. This is my first post, but I've been a long time lurker.

Excited to report we're heading back to Disney World in 79 days!

Although, for the past few years, we've found a way to make the arrival date seem a little sooner...for instance, our arrival date this year is Friday, August 25th, so we've got "Only 12 more Fridays" 'til we're there.

It sure makes the time seem more bearable when there are, say, "Only 42 more Fridays" to go!




Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So glad I started this thread. Funny how no matter how many times you go to disneyworld it never gets old....A friend I work with is leaving the day before us...ANd now she's the one saying.." oh I'm so excited pretty soon.." funny because she use to say to me ya go back to disney" ...Love when it changes........

oH thank god for WDWMAGIC...it'll get us through!!!

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