Exactly this. It's not any one of the individual items, it's all of them combined.
I remember riding Splash in 2010, and many of the Chickens in the finale were clearly not working. I know the exact probable issues. Worn joints, loose hoses, cylinders that needed replacing. I used to do maintenance of animatronics. They really are not that complicated once you have a grasp of their systems. Design is harder, but maintenance...not so much.
Anyhow...came back in 2011...the chickens still hadn't been fixed. I even nicknamed one (on the bow, who looked like she was having a seizure) "spazzy".
Came back in 2012...the chickens STILL weren't working, and Spazzy looked like shed finally kicked the bucket.
But, they did major work in early 2013, and for that trip...they looked great. In fact, the whole ride looked fantastic. All of the Brer animatronics in the swamp before you drop into the caves were working, too. Then we drop into the caves...and the pop up groundhogs weren't working. But, I didn't mind that because everything else was great!
My point is...it's not that one thing isn't working here and there. It's that LOTS of things, especially high visibility things, seem to allowed to continue working poorly for long periods of time...many times not getting fixed until the next "refurb" cycle...which, is unacceptable. The state they let Splash get to before refurb was deplorable. Was it still a fun ride? Sure. But a pale experience compared to what it is supposed to be.
So, they spent the better part of two months (maybe even three?) in 2013 bringing Splash back up to standards...but, like the person who buys a new car but never washes it or cleans it out or gets regular maintenance...how long will it take before it's back in poor condition again?
And, that is the issue.