I agree that something similar would be nice, and i have expressed in the past several times in various threads that the Original JII attraction was indeed quite timeless in all respects.
This is part of the great tragedy of it's destruction...it did not need to be 'updated' in the purist sense of the word because it was already 'timeless' in both it's plot, setting, and characters. A slight refreshing was all it needed and it could have gone on for another 15 to 20 years, in my opinion.
The ride could have become immortal...just like POTC and THM.
It was not allowed to for reasons already noted....sadly.
Having said that, my reason for expressing that i don't necessarily feel that a complete and total 'recreation' of the Original was proper as the next re-do is because it would not be something i think WDI would be interested in doing. It would be nice to see a similar experience that harkens back to the Original, but a complete recreation just does not seem possible.
The example of the Tiki Room you gave is a excellent one.
It was 'easy' to bring that back...as the overall interior show elements were not decimated.
The interior and the show elements were also not severely and permanently removed, altered, or outright destroyed and replaced.
All the Tiki Room needed was having the show audio changed, and the additonal new figures and modern lighting rigs removed.
Now try doing that to the Imagination Pavilion....
NOTHING remains of the Original in the currant ride except a few random parts ( primarily in the queue area). It was completely gutted.
If it is to return to being a elaborate, engulfing experience similar to what it was before, there is a LOT of work that needs to be done.
Not to mention some serious money spent to alter the interior.
I have serious doubts that Disney would invest so heavily is such a task.
I agree that it would be great to see aspects of the Original return in a new interpretation. I can't see a complete and accurate copy happening...but a nice balance between what was working in the Original and some new scenes or plussing elements would be going in the right direction.
So the big question is....will the re-do be done 'right' this time with that big money/budget.
That is the question everyone wants to know.
No half-measures this time around.
Capture the spirit of the Original, but make it a new experience that incorporates the creative and inspiring elements of the Original.
People bring up the 'Pooh's Hunny Hunt' attraction with it's trackless 'free roaming' honey pots as something that would fit well into the mix for a new ride at the Imagination Pavilion.
I have to say i agree, and the entire last couple of segments in 'PHH' i can see as being forerunners to things that could work well in a new Imagination attraction.
Recipe for the new re-do:
Add a bit of the new ride tech if need be.
Mix in a nice obvious nod to the past.
Toss in some familiar characters already associated with the Pavilion and beloved ( no IPs need apply..)
Mix in a heap of inspiration and true expressive creativity.
Seperate the elements from the past and the present that were/are 'working'...ditch the leftovers.
Stir well with a magic wand....
and wah-lah :
The perfect new Imagination Attraction that feels new but reflects on the previous Original incarnations spirit.
This would make for a attraction worthy of being located in a Pavilion dedicated to 'imagination' then..!
There cannot be a bigger fan of the Original then me.
'Obsessed' and 'Passionate' are the two words folks who know me say when the topic comes up and my name and the attraction come up.
The ride changed my life and had a absolutely HUGE influence on me in several respects. Major influence on so many levels.
If Tony Baxter would let me borrow his time machine, i would be the first in line ( after him, of course..) to take it back to 1983 and ride it again.
I adore the Original Attraction to no end.
As much as a love it and hold it in such dear respects, i have doubts that a carbon-copied recreation of it today would be the answer.