TWDC 2QFY16 Earnings Call Thread


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
How about all of the people who lost their jobs?
Sorry, I was rushing and did not develope my thoughts. I was not trying to dismiss the announcement of them shutting down that program and laying off people. What I was trying (and failed to do) was link thexchange closing of infinity to the premature announcement of Battlefront. Video games rarely get announced this far out and it seemseems to me to be a little bit of a cover trying to bury the infinity announcement with Star Wars. It is always sad when people lose their jobs.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm convinced that currently they're just trying to get hype from star wars as opposed to releasing better content and letting the game stand on its own.
Agreed and like I said above they are trying to bury the infinity announcement. Personally I hate EA. Part of me feels Battlefront was rushed to meet the movie release. However EA is notorious for releasing half the product then fleshing it out over the next few months with costly expansions and DL. Most of the time these "expansions" should be in the boxed version of the game. But looking at the current state of the parks it makes perfect sense why Disney and EA have this new found relationship. They both charge for things that should be part of admission... lol

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Having finally read through the 10Q, the really shocking number is that domestic Parks & Resorts revenue was up only 5.7% despite the biggest price increases in a decade.

If this trend continues in the next quarter or two, then it will be clear that Disney has pushed prices too far.

Do they EVER know when to stop pushing? I mean, really. I hate to think of what ticket prices will cost in 5-8 years going by what's happened in the past few.

eh... that depends on your perspective... I'm not a harry potter fan and it seems like they are milking that utter all over

I'm not a HP fan (like, at all- just saw the movies for the first time last year. Refuse to read the books.) but I'm quite excited to see new lands and experience what so many people have ranted and raved about Universal and specifically the HP areas. I bit the bullet and booked 4 days/nights (soon to be 6) at Cabana Bay and the price difference is astonishing. Hence adding two more days. Even if we don't go to the parks, and just hang around the resort, I'm fine with that. And it's still less than the first leg of my trip. (Is this a bad time to mention how irritated I am to have to pre plan everything at Disney and absolutely NOTHING at Universal... especially 180 days out?!)


Premium Member
If its not covered in plastic rock n fibreglass its not really an attraction apparently.

lol - where did you get that? All I was saying is Hulk is just another exposed coaster like those in Dollywood. It's good just like theirs but it's not something that is pulling crowds in by the masses as a must travel to attraction and all

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
lol - where did you get that? All I was saying is Hulk is just another exposed coaster like those in Dollywood. It's good just like theirs but it's not something that is pulling crowds in by the masses as a must travel to attraction and all

See personally I find Gringotts crap, but enjoy Hulk. Yes the bank look fantastic, but not being a voyeur I need something more than a visually appealing q to entertain me.


Resident Curmudgeon
The company also wasn't as big back in Eisner's days.

Does not matter, When I say revenue i'm talking about P&R revenue. To keep parks 'fresh' about 15-22% re-investment is needed to produce good returns right now Disney is about 10% which is 2/3's of the minimum required. UNI is spending 24% but they are seeing 30% growth in margins at their parks but they are also in catch-up mode.

Right now Disney is not even spending enough to properly maintain their parks, And this is because you have both maintenance CAPEX and Growth CAPEX 15% gets you a 2/3 1/3 split with most of the money going for maintenance the remainder going for expansion.

For park infrastructure the size of Disney's you need to spend about 10% of revenue simply maintaining what you have.
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Well-Known Member
Agreed and like I said above they are trying to bury the infinity announcement. Personally I hate EA. Part of me feels Battlefront was rushed to meet the movie release. However EA is notorious for releasing half the product then fleshing it out over the next few months with costly expansions and DL. Most of the time these "expansions" should be in the boxed version of the game. But looking at the current state of the parks it makes perfect sense why Disney and EA have this new found relationship. They both charge for things that should be part of admission... lol
The half game trend is really becoming a trend. As soon as the focus is on multiplayer first, it's game over.


Well-Known Member
The attendance decrease isn't that big of a deal, Disney has moved pricing more towards elasticity ahead of a lot of big new attractions opening. The decrease, at least for right now, isn't such a bad thing. Notice how they made more money even with lower attendance. When Star Wars opens it is going to go through the roof but they are going to have to deal with slow to moderate growth until then, the good news is with Shanghai finally open a lot of those imagineers will be back to work on the 50th for WDW.

Also I never got the whole love affair with the Oriental Land Company. Tokyo Disney Sea is an amazingly themed park but IMO the two American properties are still the best (and yes I have been to all of them).Tokyo Disneyland isn't quite up there with Disneyland and about on par with MK.

Do you even know if we will get a good 50th? Or just a parade and confetti.


Well-Known Member
The 'Bait-n-Switch' aspect is something I absolutely despise about today's Disney advertising, Yes they have 30% discounts but do you know anyone who has actually GOTTEN one of those packages. But as @GhostHost1000 notes they assume people will reserve anyway once the 1 discounted room in the resort 'sells out'. The key is in the fine print where it says 'select' rooms. We really need a truth in advertising law where disney is required IN THE AD to disclose how many rooms are on 'sale' just like up here where when you see the car ads it says X for this price.

I do free dining each time and unless you don't eat food....saves much more than room discounts.

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