Turnstile trauma.


barnum42 said:
I think though the mindless ticket people are the same ones you find in the supermarket, who when it comes time to pay seem a little surprised and then slowly go into the routine to get their money/card which involves slowly opening every pocket on their bag until they find their wallet/purse/pocketbook (making sure that each pocket is diligently re-closed before moving on to the next).

Having found the wallet/purse/pocketbook the same ceremony is repeated when they carefully go through each of its eighty-three compartments. This I guess gives them thinking time to decide whether they want to pay with cash or card.

The true professional will first consolidate all the paper money that they spread through the various compartments. They will then sort them in numerical value and count them twice. At this point they decide that they will pay with a card.

The search ceremony continues through each of the eighty-three compartments where they round up all the bits of plastic they can find. Now they have to remove all the club cards / store cards and other pointless bits of plastic to get the pile down to legitimate Visa and MasterCard Products.

Now, which card to use, which one is maxed out, which one has the furthest payment date, which one has expired……

So they change their mind and decide to write a cheque… the search starts again to find the cheque book…………AAAAGGGHHHH


:eek: Oh, my god!! You were behind me the whole time?!?!? :lookaroun
(Actually, my mom does stuff like that ALL the time. We only recently, in the past year, were able to get her to use her debit card instead of writing checks everywhere, but she still has to get out her check book to write everything down, so it makes the time saved with the card sort-of moot. :brick: She's so cute...)

Re: the turnstile stupidity, I have stopped saying "Well, that's the dumbest thing I'll ever see" because people ALWAYS suprise me with something stupider. You'd think I would have learned by now.


New Member
What a funny post!

I too am a glass half full person who gets irritated when people take forever getting through lines. And I could go on and on about all the places you run into this.

But I do have a few tips for avoiding the stupid people. The best is to bring a baby in a stroller. You get to go through a side door and avoid that maddness completely. Of course, you then have a baby. Perhaps in the long run not all that time efficient.

For lines that include paying at the end I always look for the line with the most men between 18-50. Not because I'm sexist (I am a girl, after all) but because there is a much higher percentage of people in front of you that will be paying in cash and almost NO men that age carry a checkbook. I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten into the longest line with the most men and gotten done in half the time as the other lines.

I also quickly scan the people helping you to get through. If their hands are moving slower than molasses I go elsewhere. Also, I have been known to rip the ticket from the person in front of me and say, "Here, let me help you."

I think though that perhaps the stupidist thing I have heard in a line was when leaving Disney in the hand stamp line (we were leaving for dinner and were coming back for fireworks) the girl asked, "Do I have to get my hand stamped if I'm not coming back?" Hello? Does Disney now need to brand all people leaving?


New Member
Oh so true

I get Very Very frustrated at the Turnstyles when people can figure it out... It's really not Hard at all.. And again the mental Midgets that try to fit strollers through ugh..

I do have a story but it's more about the security Check point than the Turnstyles...

a few weeks ago going to MVMCP we ended up in a Security line behind this woman who had a Stroller Full of bags...I'm pretty patient at these and know security has to check every bag... But She proceeded to Open ever single bacg Dump out the contents and Explain what each item was and why she had it...

"Oh this Diaper bag.. it's for the Baby.. She Just ate and I am probably going to have to change her." this is My camera bag I have my Camer .. 3 different lenses and 4 extra Rolls of Fill... Do I need to Open the Film canisters for you..." this went on for 10 Minutes and when ever someone on the other side of the line would try to show the security guard their bag knowing he just needed to bpeek in she would be like "excuse me'

I would have changed liines but they were all long and this was becomeing humorous to my Girlfriend and I. So when she finish and put everything away... and it was My turn I went to the Security Guard and I said... " Um... Should I start with a Full Description of Every thing in My bag .." and Smiled at him... He Just started Cracking up knowing that we had all just Witnessed something hilarious....


New Member
I remember one time at Epcot when I was young and we got stuck behind some guy going through the turnstile with his camcorder on. This was back when they had to stamp the tickets with the date. And he was narrating while he was walking through the turnstile. "They are now stamping our tickets. We are now walking through the turnstile....." My mom stated that she wondered if he took the camcorder into the restroom with him and narrated that as well. So we always joke about that when we see people walking around with video cameras on.


Well-Known Member
estherhead said:
I too am a glass half full person who gets irritated when people take forever getting through lines. And I could go on and on about all the places you run into this.

But I do have a few tips for avoiding the stupid people. The best is to bring a baby in a stroller. You get to go through a side door and avoid that maddness completely. Of course, you then have a baby. Perhaps in the long run not all that time efficient.

For lines that include paying at the end I always look for the line with the most men between 18-50. Not because I'm sexist (I am a girl, after all) but because there is a much higher percentage of people in front of you that will be paying in cash and almost NO men that age carry a checkbook. I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten into the longest line with the most men and gotten done in half the time as the other lines.

I also quickly scan the people helping you to get through. If their hands are moving slower than molasses I go elsewhere. Also, I have been known to rip the ticket from the person in front of me and say, "Here, let me help you."

I think though that perhaps the stupidist thing I have heard in a line was when leaving Disney in the hand stamp line (we were leaving for dinner and were coming back for fireworks) the girl asked, "Do I have to get my hand stamped if I'm not coming back?" Hello? Does Disney now need to brand all people leaving?
This has to be one of the best posts I've read in a long time! Perfect!

I seem to have several of the same habits, estherhead. I have to say that most people haven't figured out that guys DO NOT use checkbooks. Those are horrible things only meant to add years to one's life! (and everyone around you!) :)

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