Turnstile trauma.


New Member
I am always amazed by some of the behavior I have seen at the turnstiles. I sometimes wonder if people who live in bigger cities and have taken subways do a little bit better than visitors from more rural areas. My favorite are the people who stop 6 inches inside the park to have a discussion, such as where to get a map or how to stow their bags in their stroller. When we were entering Epcot in October we got behind a family who tried the trick with the large stroller through the small hole, couldn't get their tickets in the slot, and then had to send Dad to get maps while the rest of the family practically leaned on the turnstile.:mad:

Sharon L

New Member
TheOneVader said:
They should have a designated line for APers.
I agree. Then they could remove the fingerprint readers from all the other lines and the people that don't have Annual Passes would not be able to try to use the reader. That has always been my favorite stupid-people-at-the-turnstile stunt. I also enjoy the people who come to a complete stop right after the turnstile so they can put their pass away or look at the map or discuss world events or whatever it is that they do.


New Member
I have somewhat of a turnstile horror story...

I was exiting Haunted Mansion, and somehow the turnstiles at the top of the exit had become locked (whether by accident or by malicious pranksters is anyone's guess). With the turnstiles locked, it was very difficult to leave this little room, and the moving walkway kept delivering more and more people to that very small area. It was getting more and more cramped, and people started yelling and shouting, because it was getting pretty ugly - it's not like the people on the walkway could just stop, as they would have had to walk backwards just to stay still. I was about 2 seconds from just jumping over the turnstile when, fortunately, a castmember heard us and came running over and unlocked them.

The Mom

Premium Member
As many of you know, I can't use the finger scanner because my joints get swollen when I'm having an arthritis flare-up, so the scanner reads them as a mismatch. I don't use the scanner, because it misreads about 75% of the time, and I have to be let in manually after it becomes obvious that the scanner won't give me a green light.

I put my pass in, and hand my driver's license to the CM. I still have CMs telling me to put my fingers in, and I have to explain that I don't do that. (Sometimes I have to go into a long explanation, but most CMs don't pry.) It still takes less time than trying to get the scanner to work, as long as I can get the CMs attention! The other day, the CM at MGM was talking to another CM, and I finally had to call her over because I needed a real person.

My son has a similar problem; because of his hand deformities, he has a hard time using the scanner. He gets so embarrassed that he uses it anyway, rather than having to show a CM his hands, but it takes a long time, and he often has to be let in manually.

So, please don't assume that we're idiots who don't know how to use the scanner/turnstile. :(

Sharon L

New Member
The Mom said:
As many of you know, I can't use the finger scanner because my joints get swollen when I'm having an arthritis flare-up, so the scanner reads them as a mismatch. I don't use the scanner, because it misreads about 75% of the time, and I have to be let in manually after it becomes obvious that the scanner won't give me a green light.

I put my pass in, and hand my driver's license to the CM. I still have CMs telling me to put my fingers in, and I have to explain that I don't do that. (Sometimes I have to go into a long explanation, but most CMs don't pry.) It still takes less time than trying to get the scanner to work, as long as I can get the CMs attention! The other day, the CM at MGM was talking to another CM, and I finally had to call her over because I needed a real person.

My son has a similar problem; because of his hand deformities, he has a hard time using the scanner. He gets so embarrassed that he uses it anyway, rather than having to show a CM his hands, but it takes a long time, and he often has to be let in manually.

So, please don't assume that we're idiots who don't know how to use the scanner/turnstile. :(
I understand the problems you may have. I think for an observer it is easy to tell the difference between someone who is having a genuine problem and those that are just clueless.


New Member
I have more of a turnstile pet peeve than a story. Its about all those people who don't know how to line up to get into the parks, they all get in one line when the next turnstile is empty. So my kids and I get into the empty line only to get chewed out about cutting in line and/or evil stares by the dumb bunnys:hammer: who weren't smart enough to figure it out by themselves. Duh! (Okay I feel better :) .)

Pixie Duster

New Member
I do not have the energy to read through all of this... but I see this everyday. EVERYday, but I have not lost patience because I understand that it coming to a theme park when you are not used to them is VERY overwhelming, so I understand.


Active Member
Pixie Duster said:
I do not have the energy to read through all of this... but I see this everyday. EVERYday, but I have not lost patience because I understand that it coming to a theme park when you are not used to them is VERY overwhelming, so I understand.

Outstanding post :)

I wonder how many of us who have been to WDW dozens of times remember how confusing some things were on our first visit?

I see to many threads on here making fun of first time visitors :( I wonder how many times some of the "experts" on here do that in person at WDW and make first time visitors last time visitors? :(

Hopefully Cast Members with Pixie's attitude bring back first timers dispite what some other guests do to them. Again, thank you Pixie Duster and all Cast Members like you (which I have found to be 99.99% of the CM's). :wave:


Well-Known Member
mattb said:
Um...So what exactly happened?

Please explain for this slow Forumer. (What do we call ourselves? We need something a la farker for fark.com).
How about WDWMagicians?

Now watch, as I pull this Hidden Mickey out of my hat!


New Member
MouseRight said:
MY only issue with the turnstiles is the finger reader. My fingers are too big and I can't seem to get it exactly right each time I go. Also, My wife wears rings on each of her fingers and has to take them off beacuse with the rings on, the fingers don't align exactly right. :hammer:
Ugh I hate the finger reader. I have hands the size of a child. I don't hold up the line though :D My b/f had a massive gouge in his finger so his wouldn't read right, or something was defective...we'll never know.


Well-Known Member
the one gripe i have about the turnstile situation is some individuals who don't have their tickets handy when approaching the turnstile. case in point, one of my trips to Epcot...

my fiance and i were behind a family of five and i think they all had AP's (they might have been just regular tickets). however, four of them had stored their tickets in plastic holders on laynards. one of the kids was having a terrible time getting it out of the stupid thing and his dad tried to help him as they approached the turnstile. didn't really work too well, the dad's pass also was jammed inside its little plastic holder. so we had to wait while the dad (all red-faced and angry) struggled with his ticket, holding up the line. grr.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Original Poster
The Mom said:
As many of you know, I can't use the finger scanner because my joints get swollen when I'm having an arthritis flare-up, so the scanner reads them as a mismatch. I don't use the scanner, because it misreads about 75% of the time, and I have to be let in manually after it becomes obvious that the scanner won't give me a green light.

I put my pass in, and hand my driver's license to the CM. I still have CMs telling me to put my fingers in, and I have to explain that I don't do that. (Sometimes I have to go into a long explanation, but most CMs don't pry.) It still takes less time than trying to get the scanner to work, as long as I can get the CMs attention! The other day, the CM at MGM was talking to another CM, and I finally had to call her over because I needed a real person.

My son has a similar problem; because of his hand deformities, he has a hard time using the scanner. He gets so embarrassed that he uses it anyway, rather than having to show a CM his hands, but it takes a long time, and he often has to be let in manually.

So, please don't assume that we're idiots who don't know how to use the scanner/turnstile. :(
Hi Mom!
You are definitely NOT the type of person I was referring to. You come prepared. You know the finger scanners don’t work well on you (my mother has the same problem) so you have your ID ready. The people I was referring to are those that are oblivious to everyone and everything around them. I have been to a few theme parks, not a lot mind you, and Disney has by far the best and simplest entry procedure. But there are those that think of nothing but themselves and make life difficult for everyone around them. I also think that the cast members at the entrance do a great job putting up with those types and still manage to have a smile and a hello left for me.

P.S. It was great meeting you this weekend! Hope to see you again soon!

Sharon L

New Member
Becky said:
Outstanding post :)

I wonder how many of us who have been to WDW dozens of times remember how confusing some things were on our first visit?

I see to many threads on here making fun of first time visitors :( I wonder how many times some of the "experts" on here do that in person at WDW and make first time visitors last time visitors? :(

Hopefully Cast Members with Pixie's attitude bring back first timers dispite what some other guests do to them. Again, thank you Pixie Duster and all Cast Members like you (which I have found to be 99.99% of the CM's). :wave:
While I have seen people doing many goofy things at the turnstiles, I have never said anything to any of them. I would never spend my vacation that way, and I am sure the other people who have posted their stories on this thread have not said anything either.

And regarding my first visit to WDW, I don't believe I had any trouble figuring out how to enter the park. It is easy to just be aware of your surroundings and observe what other people are doing. Some people are just so stuck in their own little world that they pay no attention to what is going on around them. Those are the people that bother me most.


People who get behind my family and me probably complain about us each time too. We have annual passes and the finger reader works great on my wife, my oldest daughter and myself but never works on my two youngest (8 and 10). Every time we try to get through the finger reader rejects them and we explain to the CM that it happens every time but they will inevitably make them try a few times more before passing them through. Almost like clockwork, they'll say "kids their age shouldn't have to use the finger scan; you should stop at guest relations and get that fixed."

During our trip in January, we went to Guest Relations at MK and they "fixed" the passes so they wouldn't require a finger scan on the two youngest in my family anymore only to find out the next day at EPCOT that nothing had changed. So, we went to Guest Relations at EPCOT and they assured us that they had "fixed" the problem yet the next day we had the same problem at MGM so we gave up and just put up with the inconvenience.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain as well on this subject. I don't understand how stupid people can be (on vacation or just in general). I swear, I think that if it weren't for plastic or other life saving resourses most of these people would have followed under Darwin's Theory of Revolution and Survival of the Fitus a long time ago. I mean, how hard of a concept does KEEP YOUR ARMS/HANDS IN THE VEHICLE THE ENTIRE TIME? Or how about NO TALKING DURING THE MOVIE/PERFORMANCE? I just don't understand people who are able to grasp the English language and have the ability to read doesn't understand why they get lectured for taking pictures during a ride when there are signs everywhere that tell you not to. I mean, does the CM have to yell in the intercom twice to explain if you continue to take pictures you will be removed from the ride?!


Account Suspended
Lauriebar said:
So many people stop just after they enter and block everyone else coming in!!:fork:

This is not just a Disney thing or any other theme park thing. this is a "there are stupid people everywhere" thing.

Like when you go to the store and there is a group of people in front of you. they go throught hte check-out, pay. gather their cart adn stand there talking. I look at them and say "EXCUSE ME!! I'D LIKE TO PAY FOR MY STUFF NOW!!!"

Maybe I should do that at the parks. "EXCUSE ME!! CAN WE ENJOY THE PARK TOO?!?!?!"


At Disneyland you aren't allowed to slide your pass a CM does it for you!! It's very frustrating when they can't get it right. I have tried many times to do it myself and they won't let you.

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