True Love Conquers All - Disney Fairytale Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 2011

I wake up every morning wondering if it was a dream. It was my dream come true – I got married at the Wedding Pavilion in Walt Disney World. I married my best friend who shares my love for Walt Disney and his legacy. I am just the luckiest girl in the world!

How It All Began

My name is Shelley and like many little girls, I always dreamed of being a princess. Here’s a picture of 15 year old me donning the Bride ears back in 1996. I love this picture for so many reasons but I mainly miss the 2 floor Centorium. I like Mouse Gear but I miss my Centorium :(


When I was in my mid 20’s I became jaded towards love. One night in September 2006, I went out with some of my girlfriends for a girls’ night out. I remember telling them that I just wanted to meet a nice guy who liked Disney. Yep, those were my criteria: nice guy, likes Disney. We proceeded to our favorite bar and it was still a bit early so the bar wasn’t very full. While I was ordering drinks, a guy came up and started talking to us. The funny thing was, he was all by himself! It’s not every day that a guy has the guts to walk up to a group of girls and just start talking. At first I ignored him thinking he was just another jerk. But then he spotted my Kingdom Hearts cigarette case and matching lighter. (Kingdom Hearts is a video game series, sorry – it is the best video game series to grace God’s green earth. If you love Disney and video games, you must play this series.) I remember the face he made at me, like he couldn’t believe we were meeting. He also loved the Kingdom Hearts series and his name was Jason. I remember so much of that night because it changed my life forever. We talked about everything Disney and he told me that his favorite Disney movie was The Sword in the Stone. I found that very interesting because that is not a well-known animated classic. I told him I had a cat and that I had named her after a character in Aristocats. After a few guesses, he said “Oh I know, so you named her Duchess?” (RIP Duchess, we lost her this past June :cry: ). I couldn’t believe I had met my nice guy who liked Disney. I don’t think we ever really dated; we were always in a serious relationship from that point forward.

In 2009 we went on our very first Disney World trip together with my Mom (see the trip report here). At this time, my career was not going well and neither of us had been to Disney World since 2003. This trip changed our lives forever and both of us have made major career strides since then. I have also lost a ton of weight since then :D Let’s take a stroll down memory lane…



We went back a little over a year later in September 2010 (see the trip report here). On my 29-and-12-month birthday, Jason proposed to me while we were flying over London on Peter Pan’s Flight during Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, September 21, 2010. I loved his proposal, it was absolutely perfect!





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Now I'm getting SO excited!! I'm about to BE a princess!


Oh I wish I could look like this every day!




I was starting to get a little teary because Patricia and her assistant had left so all there was left to do was get in my dress! It was around 11AM and I was getting married in 1 hour! Jason started texting me to let me know everything was going off without a hitch and our guests had arrived. Then he called to let me know that the best men were changing into their tuxes and everyone would be at the Wedding Pavilion at 11:30AM so I could come downstairs! He sounded so excited and after we got off the phone I started crying!


Then I got into my dress!!!!



The next few minutes I will never forget as long as I live. Around 11:20AM, Jason texted me the "all clear". My sister, Trish, told me to enjoy every minute of this day because it was going to go by in a blur. I got all teary again (this would be a recurring theme) and we got ready to do the "walk of fame"!

We exited the room and my nieces held my train. People applauded as we walked by and told me how beautiful I looked. It was the most amazing feeling in the world, I felt like a movie star! When we got off the elevator and entered the lobby of the Grand Floridian it was like time stopped. Everyone stopped to look at us and people moved out of our way to let us walk by. I really wish we had thought to videotape it!

We stopped for a minute right in front of the doors and my sister, Jenn, went to make sure the limo was ready. The staff at the Grand Floridian all looked at me and smiled and wished me luck. I can't imagine how many brides they see!

The limo was ready and we were off! I really had no idea how to maneuver inside with my dress but the driver instructed me very well!


Here we go! I was a bundle of nerves (but excited nerves)!



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Everybody was excited!


My Mom and I were getting all teary so my sister, Trish, lightened the mood!


My nieces were SO excited! This was their first time in a limo! Emma told me that this was the best day of her entire life :) Mine too, sweetie!


We actually arrived at the Wedding Pavilion a few minutes early so we had to sit in the limo for a few minutes.


I was so happy at this point! The weather was beautiful, everything was going perfectly, and I was about to marry my prince! All of our hard work had paid off and this was shaping up to be the most amazing day of my entire life!


How's that for a cliffhanger? ;) Stay tuned for The Wedding Ceremony followed by The Dessert Party!


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Congratulations!! I am loving your trip report - what a great story the two of you have! I can't wait to see wedding pics. And you were at the grand opening of Star Tours?! AWESOME!! I'm totally jealous. :) We are going to WDW for our 1-year anniversary in just 65 days, and looking at all your pictures is making me giddy. Looking forward to more!

Thank you so much! This has been the best year of my, honeymoon, grand opening of star tours, and the 40th anniversary!! It's hard to imagine just 3 years ago I was unemployed during the recession for 10 long months. That's life! :hammer:


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Yay! The wedding day is here! :sohappy:

I know it's been said a million times (and will be said a million more), but you look so beautiful in these pictures...glowing a so happy! I especially love the candid one of you looking out the window at the castle and the one from above when you have the tiara in your hair.

That's really impressive that your stylists just did whatever they thought would look best. They really did a great job!

Can't wait for more!!! :)


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As I said on twitter.... I can't wait to see these pictures!!! Ahh! I'm so excited that you're in love with the photos from the cd, and am looking forward to the trip report update :)


Well-Known Member
worst. cliffhanger. ever. GRRR. :lol: I'm tearing up in the office right now just reading how excited/nervous you were! Eeek. I'm pretty sure I'll be crying for 99% of my wedding day (not 'til Oct 2013) but can't even imagine that amazing feeling in the most amazing place in the world. Congrats again! Can't wait to read the rest


you looked beautiful! cant wait to see the rest of your pics. youre so lucky you got the cinderella dress! right after i got married they came out with the concept, i was soooo mad!!!! hurry up and write more!


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Talk about a cliffhanger!!! I'm in tears over here and we haven't even gotten to the ceremony! You looked like a princess, absolutely gorgeous and your nieces are too cute! They did a wonderful job with the hair and make up! Ahh!! So excited, can't wait to read more! :sohappy:


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Yay! The wedding day is here!

I know it's been said a million times (and will be said a million more), but you look so beautiful in these pictures...glowing a so happy! I especially love the candid one of you looking out the window at the castle and the one from above when you have the tiara in your hair.

That's really impressive that your stylists just did whatever they thought would look best. They really did a great job!

Can't wait for more!!!

Thank you so much, you are so sweet :) I'm uploading the professional shots now!! They turned out so well and we're very happy!

As I said on twitter.... I can't wait to see these pictures!!! Ahh! I'm so excited that you're in love with the photos from the cd, and am looking forward to the trip report update :)

Thank you so much for your patience, the update is on its way! I have no idea how I will pick which pictures make it into the report but I'm making a Flickr stream for them too (and probably a flash slideshow for YouTube...) :sohappy:

worst. cliffhanger. ever. GRRR. :lol: I'm tearing up in the office right now just reading how excited/nervous you were! Eeek. I'm pretty sure I'll be crying for 99% of my wedding day (not 'til Oct 2013) but can't even imagine that amazing feeling in the most amazing place in the world. Congrats again! Can't wait to read the rest

Haha I think it's so funny when ppl tell me that they're tearing up over my pictures at work. I've been there!!! Thank god I work from home or ppl would've thought I was nuts when I got the picture cd :cry: (And yes, you will cry most of the day on your wedding day!)

Your hair looks beautiful and I love the dress :) Can't wait to read more... The anticipation is killing me!!! Ahhhhh!!!

Thanks Darolyn :) I'm having a hard time parting with the dress...the plan was to sell it on eBay but I have not "gotten around" to it yet :hammer:

I hope you're enjoying the WDW 40th Anniversary Map you won from!

you looked beautiful! cant wait to see the rest of your pics. youre so lucky you got the cinderella dress! right after i got married they came out with the concept, i was soooo mad!!!! hurry up and write more!

Thank you so much! Right after I bought the dress they came out with the Cinderella "Platinum" dress but luckily I like mine better. So I know the feeling!!

Talk about a cliffhanger!!! I'm in tears over here and we haven't even gotten to the ceremony! You looked like a princess, absolutely gorgeous and your nieces are too cute! They did a wonderful job with the hair and make up! Ahh!! So excited, can't wait to read more! :sohappy:

Thank you :) It was such a monumental day that it's going to span 4 entire blog posts / forum updates. I'm really going to try to get both the ceremony and reception done today. We didn't have professional photography for the dessert party but we did take some really nice family photos and Jason took a short video. Coming soon to a forum near you!!


Well-Known Member
Shelley! You are exquisite. The whole look came together perfectly, from the dress(!) to your hair and makeup. Absolutely stunning.


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Curse you cliffhangers!!

You look so so beautiful!! I almost cried when you described walking throught the lobby!! How magical!!

Aww thank you so much! I really wish we had videotaped the walk through the lobby! Later on I get to describe walking into EPCOT for our Dessert Party in our bridal attire...chills!!!

Update up next :sohappy:


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The Wedding Ceremony!

We waited in the limo for a few minutes for the all clear. Once I was able to exit the limo, I was greeted by our wedding planner, Vita, and our photographer, Ty. They were both so sweet and made me feel calm at last. I just knew everything would be perfect from that moment on (and it was!).


I felt totally overwhelmed with emotion walking across the bridge to the Wedding Pavilion on my wedding day. This was a dream come true and I wish I could bottle that feeling and unleash it whenever I'm upset!



I love this shot of our altar candle set. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge to those of you who read my planning journal!! :D


All the girls were ushered into the Bride's Vestibule which is a separate building connected to the Wedding Pavilion by a walkway. When Jason and I visited the site in May, I fell in love with this concept. I was kept completely separate from Jason so that he wouldn't see me until the doors opened for my walk down the aisle!


RevKev came over to the Bride's Vestibule to check on me and see how I was doing. He was absolutely fantastic. He gave me a few last minute notes, hugged me, and went off to the processional.


After the guys finished their processional, Vita came over to the Bride's Vestibule and ushered all of the girls to the Wedding Pavilion. I was a mess at this point, I could not stop crying!! I felt so special with all of the cast members smiling at me and I finally got to see my Dad for the first time that day. The girls lined up and I went back into the Groom's Room to wait. I started crying even more and my sister, Tricia, said "I can already hear her crying!" right before she walked down the aisle :)


When it was time, Vita came and got me from the Groom's Room. She looked at me, smiled, and said "It's time." She positioned us behind the door and then she opened it a crack to check for the all clear. I could hear the music from behind the door and when the chimes started she turned to me and said "It will be 12 chimes for 12 o'clock and then we open the doors!" My Dad was trying to make me laugh and lighten the mood but there was no stopping my tears. The music swelled and the doors opened...


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I love that Ty got a shot of Jason's face the moment he saw me, this picture had me sobbing the other day!



I kept my eyes on Jason the whole time I walked down the aisle. I couldn't look at anyone else, I just wanted to get up to him and get married already!

Obviously crying...


I love you, Daddy :)


As the ceremony began, I told myself to really listen and live in the moment. That day went by in such a blur and I'm so glad that there are 1000+ pictures, a video, and this trip report so I can remember every single detail!




"Jason, you may kiss your beautiful bride!"



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Yea!! We're MARRIED!!!


Now I'm crying tears of relief! It's over and it's time to PARTY with Mickey & Minnie!!


Jason and I went over to the Bride's Vestibule to hold for the "staged exit". Our families stopped in to say a quick congratulations before they had to line up.


I chose to use bubbles instead of rose petals for the staged exit and I'm so glad I did! These pictures are really cute!





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After that, Jason and I got in the limo and drove in a circle back to the Wedding Pavilion. Then we met our guests inside for family portraits. I'm not including them here but they are included in my Photobucket and Flickr albums. Our families left to go to the reception and Jason and I had some alone time for a short portrait session at the Wedding Pavilion.







Well hello there...


This is the one picture I wanted and I was bummed that the crane was at the castle for our entire trip. Ty reassured us that it would look fine because they can remove the crane using Photoshop. I have to say I was a bit skeptical but this came out GREAT!!


While we were standing at Picture Point, a group of people were watching us from the dock at the Polynesian. Someone shouted "DON'T DO IT!" and Jason yelled back "TOO LATE!". It was too funny!


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That is NOT all, folks! Stay tuned for the reception at the White Hall Patio Room at the Grand Floridian followed by our Illuminations Dessert Party! Plus Bridal Portrait Sessions at the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT on Day 7!

Of course you can watch the entire wedding ceremony over on my YouTube Channel!

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